You are boring to the bones for crying out loud. Do you realize that it is under Yoweri Museveni where these tribes have become an issue? Do you realize that this is exactly what Museveni and NRM wanted us to think? You are so so confused for at a certain point you claim not to fight for Museveni but at another point you back all his traps.  Look here we have been all along dealing with Uganda as Ugandans, this has been our course of action. Up and until when Museveni came to power then the political arena changed in the entire Great Lakes.
Rwanda started to be recognized as a nation not for the Rwandese but a nation of Hutus and Tutsis, Uganda went a far for now we started by having those Northerners and us the southerners, but Hoi we have even the Acholis and Langis now, in the West we have the Bakiga's and the Banyoro's, but in Buganda we have the Baganda's and the Baluli's, we keep on splitting this nation to the last fiber.
And I do not care what crap you post, but you are sowing a seed of hetrade in our society which so bad and which has plunged our nation so low that today we have Ugandans who were murdered in hundreds and we did not even burry them. We fade them to the dogs. Uganda government including Uganda population did not only fail to protect these Ugandans but refused even to give them  a final resting place. That is how your movement politics works in Uganda of today. It is a total breed of camping Ugandans and cover them with the  highest hate that man kind has ever seen.
And some of us are so sick and tired of this nonsense you are pumping here.
On all problems that Uganda has, on all  graphic pictures popping up on our screens internationally as coming from Uganda, where do you get even the time to talk about tribes in Uganda? And let me go into the bottom of the barrel where your political brain sleeps these days. Can you for a fact tell us that those people are a representation of all Acholis? And let us take it a step further, are Baganda now going to apologies for killing the Northerners? let us scoop this silliness hate that you are trying to plant and to breed into Ugandans.
There was a time when we were Ugandans, when our nationalism hovered over our tribes. But the Rehemas have brought the mustered seed in our midst that today the word Ugandan does not cross our eyes any more, and the idiots do not realize that this is the very game Museveni has used in Uganda, by starting that Uganda's problem is North Vs South then narrowing it down to Acholi's and Langi's then down to the arrow boys. Walla a genocide building. This is exactly what he did in Rwanda. And I must insist on this fact for it is idiots like Rehema who pump nothing about our nation but the act of splitting up more and more of our differences in tribes and feed on them with greater hate. Even Iddi Amin did not reach this low. And I am calling on Ugandans out there to grow up and fight this monster by this idiot.
Rehema with great patience I have swallowed your silliness in these forums and I am honestly sick and tired of your hate to Ugandans. I am tired of your digging up of our past pains and you so selectively use it for your nonsense. And let me be specific for I know how you flip everything. You talked about Luwero District, a District which went through a great turmoil. You do not accept to require Museveni to put a public enquirely to show who killed our people in Luwero. To today you do not know who killed those people. To today you are so silly that you think the people who died in Luwero district were Baganda only. To today you do not understand that Luwero is a district built on a mixture of tribes and that is how we have always been as Luwerorians. Right from the tragedy of Luwero Police Station in 1966. Which I wonder whether you even know. But you have decided to dig out the Luwero issue from the gutter and use it solely to incriminate the Acholi's. Why don't you start with Baganda who were in UNLA?
You want to talk about people's tribes let us talk about Uganda tribes, for some of us do not talk from myopia. For the record I was arrested in Uganda under Obote 2 government and I was stuck in Makindye for a good while, but I can assure you that the soldiers who were good to us were from the North, that is a fact. And if you were arrested in Uganda and put in Makindye and found Baganda and Banyankole soldiers to be good to you say so here and now. Let us go really into this tribal shit.
You are a very misinformed man (Pretending to be a woman) so mis informed that you think this tribalism crap not spill to your own tribe. Well you know what even the Bakiga did not know ever that a gun will be pointed at them. In all wars that Uganda has seen, Kabaale has been a safe haven always, and Bakiga thought that those are problems of baganda and we have nothing to do with it. Museveni changed that, and now they have the Banyoro mixture, just watch. Rehema your nonsense will knock on your door one time and you will remember these very words I have used to day.
Listen to your self Rehema and listen to your movement gospel, can you show me a village in Luwero District which has only Baganda? Where then did these Acholi's take their apology? Were Acholi's the only soldiers in UNLA? When then are other tribes going to apologies? And during all those months what was Museveni doing in Luwero district? Did he as well kill Ugandans? If so when is he and NRM going to apologies to these baganda of Luwero District? Your reasoning then start to stink so high that it reaches the high heavens.
And I am challenging Ugandans to be extremely careful with the Mukooza's of our days, who write much and say nothing. For this is a true character of Museveni who breeds on such infidels to plant massacres in our society. For now Rehema looks at a baby of two months not as a Ugandan but as an Acholi, as a Muganda, as a Nyankole. Rehema mukooza we have seen that kind of politics, and that is the politics that Obote fought so hard in Great Lakes, and that is what prevented the Rwanda massacre to until when he left power. Then there came you the smart pants and we have the skulls to show.
Rehema Mukooza your reasoning in a word is plainly stupid.
Edward Mulindwa
       The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:21 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Acholi, Lango, Teso MPs bury differences

Noc'ladumas Georges:
(where is your native name? -- I'm sick and tired of Africans with colonial names! -- Names like Noc'ladumas? Georges? which have nothing to do with Christianity for they existed before the birth of Jesus. --  Jesus never taught his subjects to change their native names to Jewish names! -- Did he?.  For Prophet Jesus taught that "your body is your temple" and not your name!):  Please add a native name to your colonial name!
Okay, let me make this clear for you since you can not add and subtract.  I'm sure you will now know which is which.  I meant Acholi's suppossed "apology" to Luweero people which never happened.  I also meant Acholi, Lango, Teso, W. Nile's supposed "burrying of their inbetween differences"
My question was: How come the Acholi refused to "apologize/burry" their differences with Luweero people, and yet they decided to "burry/apologize" for their differences with Lango, Teso, and W.Nile??  Why is Acholi discriminating against Luweero people??  And making a preference choice with Lango, Teso, and W.Nile??  They can apologize and burry differences with fellow Northerners and yet they can not do the same with some Southerners.
Doesn't that seem weird to you??  Doesn't it look like something is amis here??  Isn't that tribalism in its highest degree??  And then, we had some silly people here discuss that Ugandans are "one people".  These folks need to wake up for Ugandans have never been "one people" in practice.  The over-extension of the word "Ugandan" does not mean they are "one people".  These people still agree to an apology to selected members of the overly-extended word, "Ugandans". 
With such nonsense among our people, we need Federalism.  We need to approach our differences and work on them in a very creative, productive manner.  We need to have the Federal States of Acholi, Lango, Teso, W. Nile to seriously govern themselves and collect taxes to help with their residents.  People need to get out of these concentration camps and start living normal lives.  Mu7 needs to be voted out of the chair (No 3rd term)!
Zakoomu R.


Mates Oraca and Zakoomu(Rehema Mukooza),


 Firstly I salute your extra energy despite parallel / divergent vantage points which focal point (even cyber wise) is way out of prevalent endurances of our commonality.


What is wrong with you guys, do you not see that even at the proceeding points, you are talking of different things while looking at the same status quo?


Oracha is talking about Acoli while Zakoomu (Mukooza) is talking about Acholi, Lango, Teso MPs or what ever. WHICH IS WHICH?


I suppose you do yourselves more justice if you first resolve that difference. Perhaps there in lies also the central issue.


For example, how come or when did the “ ACHOLI, LANGO AND TESO” mysteriously vanished from the Religious leaders declaration only to transpire as “ACOLI TO APOLOGISE”? That is a very central question.


Some contrivers must have connived to alter the final deliberation.


Were the ARLPI pre conditioned by the religious leaders from Lango and Teso in some sinister black mail that criteria for continued coordination was for Acoli to apologize?


Me think some thing is very wrong with the oneness / togetherness of the so-called Religious leaders. Their fucking unity is nothing but cyber unity. If it were that Acoli, Lango and Atesot should apologize (which it self, was already bad enough and completely liberated from intelligence), where did this “Acoli to apologize” come from?


I smell an abominable fucking rat in the religious leaders!!


It is not the art and the science parts of Musseveni’s politics at work but the religious leaders are biased.


I want to know when and why did ACOLI, LANGI AND ATESOT become ACOLI?

Could some Samaritan help out so we can advance better?


Noc’l gaumoy

>From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: Re:  Acholi, Lango, Teso MPs bury differences
>Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 00:55:22 -0800 (PST)
>This is what I'm talking about.  We need an independent investigation in the Luweero massacres.  We shall all be suprised to see all of these men

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