No he tested it on him self.
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Re: Advice for Treating Prostate Cancer Revival

Is there any published scientific/medical evidence of the link between "prostate stimulation" and the incidence of prostate cancer, or lack thereof?

----Original Message Follows----
From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Re:  Advice for Treating Prostate Cancer Revival
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 00:09:05 -0800 (PST)
Male Members:
If you want to avoid getting prostate cancer, you have got to work on it.  Here is my advise from experience with great pleasure in ecstacy!
Give yourselves "Prostate Stimulations", or get a good woman now knows how to stimulate your prostates real good, now and again!  I bet it feels good, its the second best to heaven on earth!  That shit feels good!  That's what I heard!  Here are the directions to do it safe and well.
1).  Clean your anus out.
2).  Wash your hands.
3).  Use a condom on your fingures!  (recommended)
4).  Put lubrication on your two fingures.
5).  Insert your fingures slowly (not to hurt yourself) into your anus.
6).  Insert them inside your anus to a length of 2 inches.
7).  Slowly curve your figures upward, towards your male organ.
8).  Stroke slowly in the motion of upward-down, forward-bewards.
9).  At this point you should be able to feel (locate) the Prostate Gland.  It is a small notch, around that area.  If you are a normal guy, you would be able to locate it.
10). Once you spot it and you like the sensation, please go ahead and have fun.  And at the same time are saving your prostates from prostate cancer.
11). Prostate orgasms are strong and pleasurable.  You will cum, that's expected!  Hahahah, lololol!!
Prostate Stimulation has been found to be very effective towards the prevention of prostate cancer.  It has been found that men who never stimulated their prostates are the ones who get prostate cancer.  Avoid this from happening to you by following the directions I've given you.  They are very simple and easy yet pleasurable and healthy.
Zakoomu R.
J Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
Advice for Treating Prostate Cancer Revival
March 17, 2004
An estimated 30,000 men who have had surgery for prostate
cancer will relapse this year, and half of them will die.
But many of those patients can be saved, a new study says,
if doctors treat them with radiation therapy at the
earliest signs of recurrence.
In cases where prostate cancer appears to be returning
after surgery, doctors usually forgo local radiation
because they assume the disease has spread. Hormones, which
are helpful but cannot cure the disease, are typically
given instead.
But the latest study, published today in the Journal of the
American Medical Association, looked at 501 men who were
given radiation therapy in lieu of hormones and found that
about half lived at least four years without another
In roughly two-thirds of patients who do not receive the
treatment, the cancer will spread within 10 years, said Dr.
Kevin M. Slawin, an author of the study and director of the
Baylor Prostate Center at the Baylor College of Medicine in
Doctors can look for prostate cancer - the second-leading
cause of cancer deaths among men - by conducting blood
tests for rising levels of a protein called
prostate-specific antigen, or P.S.A. When levels start
climbing after surgery, it usually signals that the cancer
is returning. But many doctors either wait too long to give
the therapy or rule it out altogether, Dr. Slawin said.
"When it's rising, that's when radiation treatment should
be given," he said. "In a lot of these patients where it
was thought the disease would advance and little could be
done, we're finding that these men can actually be cured."
About 64 percent of subjects in the study whose levels of
the protein doubled within 10 months after surgery, and
whose initial prostate cancer was deemed moderately
aggressive, remained cancer-free for four years.
People who undergo radiation therapy can suffer unpleasant
side effects, including impotence, bladder dysfunction and
frequent bowel movements.
Dr. Timothy Wilson, director of the prostate cancer program
at the City of Hope medical center in Los Angeles, said
that the study's lack of a control group for comparison was
a flaw, but that he hoped the findings would lead to more
widespread use of radiation therapy.
"It adds to a small but growing body of evidence that this
is the right strategy," Dr. Wilson said. "Many of us
already know it's a good idea. Now, hopefully, it will work
its way into the medical literature and become the standard
of care."
Fewer than 20 percent of patients whose prostate cancer
returns undergo radiation therapy. Dr. Mitchell A. Anscher,
a professor of radiation oncology at Duke University
medical center, suggested that some patients would be
better off getting radiation treatment immediately after
surgery, when it is more effective and lower doses are
"People need to be aware that this is a problem we have a
potential solution for," Dr. Anscher said. "Only 13 percent
are offered radiation; the rest are offered nothing or
treated with hormones, which aren't curative."
Dr. Slawin warned that pre-emptively treating patients
after prostate surgery carried the risk of overtreating men
who might never have suffered a relapse.
"We already have a blood test that's very good at detecting
recurrences," he added.

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