What are the odds that at least 50% of these  are
'ghost' guards?

--- Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matek:
> Why would Museveni's brigade have 6,000 to 7,000
> soldiers more than a normal brigade??  And why is
> this brigade doing the army job??  It is supposed to
> stick to protecting the president alone.  
> In case, and this is only in case, if Mu7 leaves
> power in 2006, who is going to take care of this
> huge brigade??  6,000 to 7,000 soldiers will have to
> be dessolved into the Uganda Army after this
> dictator.  My take is that he is not going to leave
> power any time soon!  His empire is crumbling and
> that's why he needs all this extra protection.
> You are right to compare Mu7's PGB to Hitler's SS
> and Sadam's Republican Guards.  These dictators are
> insecure and hence a need for all these soldiers,
> just protecting one man and maybe his family.  This
> is insane and a wastage of donor and taxpayers'
> money!
> Zakoomu M.
> Museveni has 10,000 guards
> By David Kibirige
> March 24, 2004
> Gets modern weaponsENTEBBE – The presidential
> brigade is about 10,000 men strong, military experts
> say.This is about 7,000 to 6,000 soldiers more than
> a normal brigade, they add.Army spokesman Maj.
> Shaban Bantariza declined to establish the exact
> military strength of the Presidential Guard
> Brigade.He however, defended its size.“The number
> has to be big because of the formation. The
> Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) is independent of
> other divisions. They have their own artillery, tank
> and armored units. So that is why the number is
> bigger than the usual brigades,” he said.He said
> PGB soldiers have to be at every presidential lodge
> in the country.The Monitor has learnt that for the
> last five years the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB)
> has been under going restructuring. It was upgraded
> from a Presidential Protection Unit (PPU) to a
> PGB.The commander of the Reserve Force Lt. Gen.
> Salim Saleh has overseen the restructuring. Lt. Col.
> Leo Kyanda is the PGB commandant.The headq
>  uarters
>  of the PGB will be at Entebbe. Some of its soldiers
> will be stationed in every battalion.Highly placed
> sources told The Monitor that the PGB has also
> acquired sophisticated weapons. The brigade has
> anti-aircraft guns, battle cars like mamba and
> buffalo, tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers
> (APCs).The commanders of the PGB mechanized unit are
> different from those of the regular army.On the
> sophisticated weapons, Bantariza said when at a war,
> the PGB fights independently of the regular army.He
> gave an example of Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who at
> one time commanded PGB troops against the rebel
> Lord’s Resistance Army in Soroti.President
> Museveni is currently in Lira over seeing operations
> against LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony. The PGB
> soldiers are helping in the fight.
> © 2004 The Monitor Publications 
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