Talking about Salim, what about his nephew Ruhooza, where is he now? Might he also be on the same one-way path?  The last time I heard was that he had abandoned Soroti (Aloet), true? 


>From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: ugnet_: Re:  Radio Katwe-Salim Saleh
>Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:38:09 -0800 (PST)
>1st, I am not "Honey".  I am a human being.  Got that??
>About this "diet pepsi" thing.  I am not fat.  I am a normal sized, healthy looking woman.  I like to watch my sugar/carbohydrate intake.  Regular sodas are loaded with too much excess, unneeded sugars.  I ONLY drink diet sodas (pepsi is my favorite), water, and skimmed/fat-free milk.  What more do I need than a cold diet pepsi at a celebration of a death of an enemy of freedom??
>My refrigerator is loaded with cans and cans of diet pepsi, water, and a can of skimmed, fat-free milk.  Guests (I don't care if they are Africans, Americans, or whatever) have got to adopt to what I have in my house.  When one goes to Rome, he/she does what the Romans do.  That applies and falls really well into my world.
>Am I diabetic?? = NO!  Again, I am a person who maintains a good well balanced diet.  Am I on a diet?? = NO!  I do not need to be on a diet with the kind of healthy foods I eat.  It is all about eating and drinking healthy.  You better start to do the same.  I am pro-healthy eating & living and not anti-healthy living.  Let me tell you a bit of how I am living.
>I observe Kosher foods.    The meats, chicken have got to have been killed in a certain, accepted way.  They have got to be clean, free from bacteria.  The chicken must be skinless, with no visible fat on it.  The meats must have no visible fat on them either.  I do not eat pork, sausage, bacon, etc (anything that comes from pigs).  And I do not drink wine, beer, etc (anything that intoxicates my body).  My liver is too important to intoxicate it with alcohol.   I neither take drugs (anything that gets people high).  My brain is too important to intoxicate it with such things.  I am an ever sober person, in touch with nature.
>I use cholestoral-free, low saturated oils from plants (not animals) for cooking.  Olive oil is the best.  I do not use highly hydrogenated oils at all - they will clog up in your blood vessels.  I do use fish oil here and there - the best healthy oil nature has ever produced.  Those are just a few examples of how I live and what I eat.  I am who I am.  Do what I do.  Do what I want.  Live how I live.  Enjoy what I enjoy.
>You can be a true African all you to, that will not stop me from drinking my diet pepsi and water.  I drink what I want and I have no problem with it.  Maybe you have a problem with what I drink, but hey that's your problem.  Well, it does not bother me.
>I do not know about your wishing of the late Wapa to rest in peace.  I have just finished celebrating his death.  Thanks be to Allah - that one of the supporters of the enemies of my freedom is dead.  Allah is powerfull.
>Zakoomu M.
>okello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello Honey,
>I am just wondering about this diet thing! Are you that fat? Don't get me wrong, I am a true African if you know what I mean.
>Now about the late Wapa, I will just say may his soul RIP.
>Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If and only if that Radio Katwe could be right, I would be the first person to buy bottles of diet pepsi (I don't drink wine, beer, etc) to celebrate.  I would celebrate like there is no tomorrow.  I would party like its my birthday.  I would praise Allah like I've never praised him before, for Saleh's death.
>By hey, then again this is Radio Katwe which is known for passing false rumors!  Who believes such?? = Not I.  This rumor is dismissed!
>Zakoomu M.
>"Vovi Uganda e.V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Radio Katwe has it that Salem Saleh is out of the country, down and about to take a walk the path of Wapa. They say he might be in one of the hospitals in Germany. Keep watching the new vision newspaper website for breaking news, less some people end up buying bottles of whiscky to early.
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

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