For the record
I never stated that Buganda is not ready for Federalism, I stated that Buganda can not survive in a federal Uganda. Amazing how we fail to read even a simple sentence like that and understand it !!
Other parts of Uganda are quite for they know what Federalism can do to a nation like Uganda, it is a disaster.
The rest of Zakoomu's ranting tries to point out the obvious factors that I am concerned about, and he is today telling us that Buganda can survive due to the tax base she has, all I am asking for is how huge is that Buganda tax base? Has any one cared to look at that base after people who are forced today to be in Kampala due to NRM's poor policies leave Kampala? How big is that tax base? And in Buganda what will you tax to get that money?
Again these are very serious matters that we must address today before we decide to slice up this now very fragile nation. And I have read all matters regarding federalism including the entire Federalism website, and I find no where any indication as to any one bothering to show us such studies. Again Federalists must realize that with out answering these questions and we base Federalism on "we will run our own affairs" and Ssabasajja is in Mengo, we are heading for a surprise. Buganda needs Uganda more than Uganda needs Buganda. And if you have bothered to do these studies let us see the numbers that is all I am asking for. For example what is in Bulemeezi that you will tax that will make Buganda survive? The best I have heard from Mengo is Katikiro Mulwanyamuli advising Baganda girls to take their bodies abroad and sell them to white men to bring in return money to Buganda. And you are sure we will survive on that slave trade?
Like I said before, Federalists are enemies of Buganda and they are going to end up doing more damage to Buganda than good. Strange days indeed.
Edward Mulindwa
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:17 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Buganda cannot survive in a federal Uganda

Written by none other than Edward Mulindwa!  hahahahahah, this guy is so funny!  He has never taked about Busoga, Bunyoro, Tooro, Acholi, Lango, Teso, Kalamoja, Bugisu/Sebei, Kigezi, BuT only Ankole and Buganda! 
If Buganda according to Mulindwa is not ready for federal, why is it asking for it??
Why are the regions of Western, Northern, Eastern Uganda, with all their resources not forth coming on Federalism??  Mulindwa, considers them able to survive in a federal Uganda. 
For example Mulindwa accounts of Western Uganda to have a lot of educated fellows, why is the West (Ankole in particular) not holding the flag for federalism??  Is the West (Ankole) silent on federalism because they think Buganda can not survive under federalism??  This is how uncritical Mulindwa's article is.
But ofcourse I've got to give it up to Mulindwa for trying his best to open the eyes of Buganda on several issues.  Issues like; agriculture and illiteracy.  The problem however is that under Unitarism, the ministry of agriculture has no access to the National Treasury in order to boost Buganda's agriculture.  The ministry of education under Unitarism, does not have this access either. 
Those are reasons enough for Buganda to ask for Federalism.  Atleast, under federalism more than 30% of taxes collected in Buganda will stay with the Buganda federal govt.  This govt will in turn give access of money to the Buganda ministry of agriculture to boost agriculture in the kingdom.  The same will happen to the Buganda ministory of education to boost education in the kingdom.  As long as Buganda can get more than 30% access of taxes collected in her region, agriculture and education will be improved.
Unitarism is killing agriculture and education in other parts of Uganda.  Take Buganda and Ankole out of this.  Education and agriculture in Busoga is on a decline.  The industrial revolution in Busoga that was is no more.  Why??  Because under Unitarism, the ministry of agriculture and education have no access to funds to cater for these things in Uganda.  Under unitarism, it is only the ministry of defence that has access to the money in the National Treasury.
Mulindwa, needs to ask himself why is Buganda's education and agriculture declining??  What kind of governance system has Buganda been under when these declines are taking place??  It is Unitarism.  That is why Mulindwa is not making sense when he is arging for Uganda to stay in the same Unitary system that has killed Buganda's agricultural development and education systems. 
We need to have federalism for the whole nation of Uganda.  We need to start and combat these problems facing our country.  We need to have State Regional Govts with agriculture and education ministries with access to funds.  We need to see the Buganda govt be able to take care of these problem by getting more than 40% of taxes collected in Buganda.  The same should happen to other regions of Uganda.  We need to start.
Mulindwa is not making sense.  He has no point. 
Zakoomu M.

"Vovi Uganda e.V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Buganda cannot survive in a federal Uganda

I have lived in a federal country for several years now and I have seen the advantages and disadvantages of federalism.

If Uganda changed into a federal state, all provinces should be aware of what resources they have - minerals, fixed assets, human resources and so on, and use them to the optimum.

When I look at Uganda, all her resources are spread out side Buganda. For example gold is in Karamoja, food is in western and eastern Uganda, rice is from northern Uganda, west and north have tourism. The Mountains of the Moon are in western Uganda. Northern Uganda has the most fertile land Uganda has. In universities in North America today, there are more northerners and westerners than Baganda students.

Buganda has no fertile land any more; that is why trucks have to bring matooke from west and east every day. We have a great deal of illiteracy in Buganda - that is lack of human resources.

Federalism is more than having a Kingdom, it is more than running your own affairs, it is to use the resources you have to the betterment of your province. I have a problem finding resources that can maintain Buganda.

Many Baganda want federo, and I fear that in NRM’s wishing to hold on to power, Federalism will be granted. As a Muganda I wonder if we can survive. Have those Baganda agreed with western Uganda that matooke will continue to flow to Kampala than Kigali for better returns? Are we sure that Gulu will continue to pump rice down south than sending it to Sudan where it can be paid for in dollars.

The Kampala market is a giant market, but it is based on urbanisation; if most people leave, do we even have the market or even the buying power to maintain those markets? Have we even considered the numerous buildings in Buganda urban centres that were built for renting that will be empty?

These questions must be answered before we change our nation from a unitary system.
Show us the research on these and other matters before you kill Buganda.

Edward Mulindwa

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