I thought people said the guy is so heartless that he killed his girl friend in TZ. Re read his speeches, and he only talks of we have killed, or we are going to kill, or we will kill them. In his answer to Robin White, dictator M7 admitted to have killed.
In his letter of resignation from UPDF dated 21, June 2001 Lt. Col. Monde wrote: "Many revolutionaries who try to keep the revolution working according to its democratic values have ended up being killed in unexplainable circumstances, many have been sidelined and forced into destitution some have been subjected to detention, arbitrary arrest, physical and mental torutre. I will give a few examples of those revolutionaries. Those who were eliminated along the way during the bush struggle of 1980 -86 include the following; note no single case that has ever been investigated or mentioned.
* Commander Fred Rubereza Nkuranga (RIP) was assasinated in a grenade attack in Nkrumah unit in 1981 by late Kato who was later killed by his own troops to hide evidence.
* Comrade Ahmad Seguya (RIP) the first overall commander of LRA was poisoned in 1981.
* Comrade Sam Magara (RIP) the second overall commander was clandestinely assasinated by Major John Mugiha (Air force) under the orderes of President Museveni.
* Comrade Shaban Kashanku was shot dead clandestinely in 1982 by the late Dumper.
* Comrade Doctor John Bwiriza was betrayed and shot dead clandestinely.
Comrade Mugabi was assasinated in 1982 by Mucunguzi, chief of Security in Revenue Authority today.
* The killings of students at Makerere University by Bahima Police targeting Northerners deliberately in 1991 when students Okello Onyango ansd Waswa Lule made a report on deputy IGG. The report was never made public.
* Comrade Mutebi Guwedeko was assasinated in 1982 by the late Mugabi Mulachi.
* Comrade Kagwa the Giant assasinated in 1982 in Kabalega zone.
* Comrade Sam Katabarwa assasinated clandestinely in 1983.
* Comrade Captain Emmy Kyaruhanga assasinated in 1982.
* Comrade Kayira Lutakome killed by Salim Saleh and late Brig.Shef Ali. Where is the scotland yard report.
* Brig. Tadeo Kanyankole poisoned on Salim Saleh's orders.
* Lt Shalita killed on the orders of Brig. Jim Muhwezi.
Other suspects to have been poisoned are:Col. Patrict Lumumba (RIP), Major George Katabarwa, Lt. Col. Nathan Kyatuka, Lt. Col. Sserwanga Lwanga, Lt. Col. Kavuma, Lt. Col. Angello Okello, Lt. Col. Silver Odweyo former C.O. Military Police, poisoned in jail.Brigadier Smith Opon Achak was killed by Major Owura who was awarded with heading the Anti-smuggling Unit. Lt. Col. Julius Aine (RIP) died of an arranged accident. Major Okello Kollo (RIP) was shot dead. Others killed include Lt. Makako, Captain Tito Abiriga, Lt. Apollo Ntwaza, Lt. Gideon Bumpengye, and Lt. Kanyima"