Can Northern Uganda be expected to learn anything from
this story and the experience of S. Africa?

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> An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film
> Festival, THE CLEARING
> stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and
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> Illinois Tells Mormons It Regrets Expulsion
> April 8, 2004
> SALT LAKE CITY, April 7 - Illinois officials came to
> this
> predominantly Mormon city Wednesday to apologize for
> the
> expulsion of the faith's earliest members and the
> killing
> of its founder. 
> "The murder of Joseph Smith and the expulsions of
> the
> members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
> Saints
> was a time we are not proud of," Representative
> Daniel J.
> Burke of the Illinois House said in a meeting with
> Gov.
> Olene S. Walker of Utah and Mormon leaders at the
> church
> administration building. 
> The meeting was held in a room with towering
> columns,
> marble walls and gilded molding. There, Illinois's
> lieutenant governor, Pat Quinn, presented church
> leaders a
> copy of House Resolution 793, which expressed
> "official
> regret" for the violence and state-sanctioned
> condemnation
> that caused the Mormons to leave in 1846 on the trek
> that
> led them to Utah. 
> An earlier draft of the resolution asked the Mormons
> for
> their "pardon and forgiveness," but the language was
> weakened at the behest of Illinois lawmakers who
> said they
> could not ask forgiveness for acts they had not
> personally
> committed. 
> The events that led to Wednesday's meeting began in
> 1839,
> when the Mormons, having fled persecution in
> Missouri (and
> before that in New York and Ohio), founded the
> Mississippi
> River town of Nauvoo, Ill. The town prospered, but
> its
> rapid growth and strong voting power, along with
> further
> religious bias, drew outsiders' antagonism. 
> Smith was also besieged by dissension within the
> church. As
> mayor of the town, he ordered the suppression of the
> dissidents and, when violence resulted, called out
> the
> Nauvoo militia. The Illinois authorities arrested
> him and
> his brother Hyrum on charges of treason and
> conspiracy, and
> jailed them in the town of Carthage. A mob stormed
> the jail
> on June 27, 1844, and killed the brothers. Expulsion
> followed two years later. 
> The idea for the new resolution dates from a ski
> trip that
> Anne Burke, an Illinois appellate justice who is the
> sister
> of Representative Burke, took to Utah. At a dinner
> party
> there, she chatted with Governor Walker's husband,
> Myron,
> who told her his great-grandfather had been expelled
> from
> Illinois because of his religion. Justice Burke had
> never
> heard of the expulsion. 
> "I could not get over that this kind of religious
> persecution happened and this was not so long ago,"
> she
> said in an interview after Wednesday's ceremony.
> "Myron
> Walker knew his great-grandfather." 
> When Justice Burke returned home, she learned that
> Illinois
> had never issued an apology to the Mormons. She
> contacted
> her brother, who co-sponsored the resolution with
> Representative Jack D. Franks. 
> "For somebody to hear my great-grandfather's story
> and pick
> up on it in the manner she has is very meaningful to
> me,"
> Mr. Walker said. "I'm overwhelmed by a feeling of
> good will
> that has been extended by the people of Illinois." 
> Illinois is now home to 50,000 Mormons. They rebuilt
> their
> Nauvoo temple in 2002, and more than 300,000 people
> a year
> visit the town. Thomas Monson, a leader of the
> church, said
> that with this resolution, he expected even more
> tourism
> there. 
> "We are going to see an epic trend of people making
> the
> reverse trek to Nauvoo," Mr. Monson said. 
> The church's president, Gordon B. Hinckley, did not
> attend
> the ceremony; his wife of 67 years, Marjorie, died
> Tuesday
> evening. He was represented at the gathering by Mr.
> Monson
> and another church leader, James Faust. 
> "We view this resolution," Mr. Faust said, "as an
> affirmation that Nauvoo is a place of peace and an
> affirmation that Latter-day Saints will always have
> a place
> in Illinois." 
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