Did any body expect Buganda to oppose third term?


Toronto The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Njoki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ugandanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:37 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Buganda LC5s back 3rd term

"At home, if you are satisfied, you just go aside and belch, that is very
normal. We have just started eating. Those of you who are satisfied should
stealthily leave the table, go and belch," he said.

I wonder if Kyeyune was honest enough to tell the people of Entebbe for
example, during his capmaigns that he was asking them to give him votes so
he can go and "eat".

Buganda LC5s back 3rd term

By Cyprian Musoke

SEVEN district chairmen from Buganda have supported the lifting of
term limits to enable President Yoweri Museveni seek another term.

The chairmen and other local leaders declared their support for the third
at a two-day meeting at Enron Hotel in Mityana. The meeting closed

Moses Byaruhanga, President Museveni's assistant on political affairs,
over the closing ceremony.

The chairmen included Ian Kyeyune of Wakiso, Herman Ssentongo of Ssembabule,
Maj. Joseph Kakooza of Mubende, Ddamulira Kyeyune of Mukono, Hajji Kabega of
Mpigi, Vincent Ssempijja of Masaka and that of Nakasongola, Chris Bagonza.

Also present were deputy chairpersons, chief administrative officers,
speakers, deputy speakers, LC3 chairmen and sub-county chiefs in Buganda
The seven chairmen, who attended out of the 13 in the region, were prompted
their chairman, Ian Kyeyune, to speak out. He said they could no longer
to sit on the fence.

"People know that what we, Baganda, want is often what is attained. This is
central region that will take over the politics of this country at one
and what we support is often what goes. There is no excuse being in the
of the line at this time," he said.

Kyeyune urged the chairmen not to 'fight other people's wars', in apparent
reference to those who were agitating against the opening of term limits. He
said the opposition could not guarantee their jobs.

"We who are in power must strive to retain our colleagues in power. This is
politics! We are not here to joke. As leaders, we must be serious. If you
not interested in that power you are holding, you leave quietly," he told an
attentive audience.

He said in order to protect the central region, they must be part of those
are in power.

"At home, if you are satisfied, you just go aside and belch, that is very
normal. We have just started eating. Those of you who are satisfied should
stealthily leave the table, go and belch," he said.
Mukono district chairman Ddamulira Kyeyune said all chairmen resolved the
term issue at the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting at Kyankwanzi
year and that no one would divert from their resolution.

He, however, said there was need to consult their councils.
He asked the chairmen to "let those outside speak and us within to fight

He said the best option was to leave the matter to the people to decide in a
referendum, to avoid being taken to court by the opposition for having
the supreme power of the people.
"They are waiting for us to make a mistake, then they go to court," he said.

Masaka district vice-chairman said he was happy when anti-third term
were beaten in Masaka.
"In Masaka, we want the ekisanja fervently. We, as a district, resolved to
the third term," he said.

Ssembabule chairman said he moved the motion to open the term limits in the
meeting, and there was no way his people could divert from him since their
district 'started eating' when the Movement came to power.

Hajji Kabega of Mpigi district said Museveni was their resident in Kisozi
there was no way they could oppose the third term for one of them.

Mubende's Maj. Kakooza said they were bound by the resolution they made at
Kyankwanzi to support the opening of presidential term limits.


Published on: Thursday, 10th June, 2004

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