OK, now we are getting somewhere.

Per your statement, the Democratic Party (DP) offered to pay for your college education and law school. They even offered to help empower you politically.

In your infinite wisdom, you turned them down. 

What did you want them to do: just hand you a degree right there on the spot, show you to hold it the right way up, open your mouth for you and stuff food in it,  and hand you the keys to a cadillac or what?

How is Obama a 'worm', whose innocent blood is profiting off, and how?


Go Obama, go!

----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Counter point of clarity on Oboma's Speech
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:57:49 EDT
J Ssemakula wrote
Negative vibes or not, Obama is a winner! Get with the program or be left in
the dust moaning and groaning ... the 'system' this , the 'system' that!
I was approached by the democratic party when I was a mere eleven year old,
they offered to pay my way through Universtiy,  guarantee that I would get a
law degree and put me in office after graduating from Law School, even as a
eleven year old I had more integrity than worms like Obama.  I am not interested
in profiting off the blood of milliions of innocents...

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