Hahahahaa lol lol lol lol .....@ "unintentionally"
What do you mean? Are you saying that my acquisition of knowledge was a BIG MISTAKE? lol
Damn flipping right!  But too damn flipping late.
lol lol lol lol lol..I like that. "Unintentional"

Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ha ha ha ha ha lol lol lol @ "...a man gave me this knowledge."
I don't always agree with you 100% but you are right in your quoted words above.  Men unintentionally give women knowledge and growth in certain areas of their lives.  These men don't even realize it.
Zakoomu M.

Anyomokolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
kikati_2k <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
<<You are an arrogantly proud daughter of the land. Tame your anger
sis, after 4 yours there should not be a any strain of anger. as you
are now armed with a WEAPON OF MALE DESTRUCTION...knowledge!>>
Patriarchy brainwashed me for more than 25yrs, therefore rest assured that my anger will carry on for another 25 years. I am armed with the  KNOWLEDGE and knowledge is power.
By the way, a man gave me this knowledge. I am sure he wanted me to use for something. I never had the chance to ask him but I think that he would be proud to know that I making the best of it.
 Weapon of Male Destruction: Knowledge.
You got that flipping right!

kikati_2k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree with you though not completely but what are some of the
responses from the men. It would be good to read n compare what they
think as i would imagine the reponse of a man in your village
assuimng its the 'elite' or educated are the ones responding. you can
keep their identity for purposes of confidentiality.

I see you dancing ding ding because the men are angry ha ha ha

Massaging man's psyche turns Anyo on, my observation dont shoot lol.

You are an arrogantly proud daughter of the land. Tame your anger
sis, after 4 yours there should not be a any strain of anger. as you
are now armed with a WEAPON OF MALE DESTRUCTION...knowledge!

All da best in yo research.

In how languages has patraichy been translated

> I have never posted a single message to equal number of egroups and
received so many angry responses from men. It seems that the men who
read me everyday, simply ignored me because they thought that I was
wasting my time. "Culture-AConspiracyAgainstWomen" hit patriarchy
right below the belt. That is good.
> I wait to see what men will say when I tap deep into their psyche
as to why men beat their wives. I am very confident that I am the
only in the whole who knows the real answer. By the way, it takes me
a few minutes to write what I researched and investigated for four
damn long years. I am a woman who has lost the ability to do a lot
things including thinking and asking and anwering questions about why
men do what they do to women.
> I am very proud of me. I am a woman with knowledge and KNOWLEDGE IS
POWER. I want all women to have knowledge like myself.
> Anyomokolo Has Power
> Anyo
> ==========================================================================================
> mmuganzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Hi Anyo....
> Patriarchy is definately responsible for the surbodination of
> women..lol
> In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anyomokolo wrote:
> >
> >
> > Patriarchy-A Conspiracy Against Women.
> >
> > By An African Woman
> >
> > My introduction is the Gospel Truth. I would like any man of any
> status from any part of the world to challenge my introduction.
> >
> > __________________________
> >
> > Introduction:
> >
> > Patriarchy (culture and tradition and religion) is a social
> whose mission is to retard a girl's mental development by replacing
> our moral conviction with culture and tradition and religion so
> we are easy to control, use and abuse by men because men have
> fear of our vagina and each other's penis. Patriarchy's mission is
> disables a girl's mental development so that we are intellectually
> incapable of performing mental tasks to defend ourselves against
> evil. ©
> >
> > Child Mental Development.
> >
> > I have read a lot about child mental development and I shall
> translate. You don't have to read any text in order to know this
> I like to connect the dots in simple terms.
> >
> > We all know that there is something unique about a child's (under
> 13yrs old) ability to learn and retain information. The brain of a
> child younger than 13, stores whatever information it is given
> because i t does not have a choice. It is the reason we say that "if
> you teach your kids this, then that, or that they were (not) raised
> properly, or this was how my parents taught me, and bla bla…"
> >
> >
> >
> > In other words, what you learn before you turn 14yrs old, will
> determine your character as an adult, but every learnt behavior can
> also be unlearnt especially if the environment does not accommodate
> it. A brain older than 14yrs old has the ability to select what
> of information it stores. This also explains the rebellious nature
> a teenager. They rebel because their brain can select. This also
> explains why Indians like Indian food/music/cultural dances,
> like African food/music/cultural dances. These are foods, music,
> dances, they ate, heard and danced to before they turned 13 years
> old. When a person becomes an adult ( 18yrs +), the information
> in a child's subconscious, will be retrieved and will dominate
> adulthood.
> >
> > This explains why girls are taught how to be wives from infancy.
> Think about it, does it make sense to teach a 10yr old girl how to,
> one day, take care of a 25 year old man who in most cases is 10
> older? Why does culture not wait until the girl child is mature (14
> yrs old) and able to synthesize information. The answer is because
> they would be too old to brainwash. Their brain will filter all the
> garbage in culture, tradition and religion that is clearly
> disadvantageous to them as girls. Which leads to my next question,
> how would women's daily interaction with men be if we were not
> and programmed with patriarchy's systematically arranged collection
> of laws that is clearly disadvantageous to us girls/women? On e
> for sure is that we would not be so easily controlled and used and
> abused by men at such alarming rates. Nature has provided as women
> with an innate defense mechanism.
> >
> > Patriarchy, is a school where new born girls are sent to learn
> sexual and social morals. The foundation of this curriculum is to
> teach a girl that the only license for pregnancy is marriage, which
> sounds like a good thing. At this school, a girl must be able to
> define and understand words that are used to belittle, degrade and
> severely taunt a woman who deviates from these sexual and social
> norms. Girls are taught how to avoid being stigmatized and
> with these words. The core of this universal school for girls, is
> teach us that our destiny is to be a wife and as I mentioned
> culture does not offer us a any choices.
> >
&a mp;g t; > How does culture retard a girls mental development?
> >
> > How does culture retard a girls mental development so that she is
> intellectually incapable of performing mental task which makes her
> vulnerable, easy to control and be used and abused by a men?
> >
> > It is inconceivable to find any two 10 year old African girls in
> the playground talking about "I don't want to get married because
> husbands beat their wives". Or talking about what do when a husband
> beats his wife. Whereas the same 10 year old brain is being
> mercilessly overloaded with teaching about future responsibilities
> a wives. The same 10 yr old is mercilessly being brainwashed to
> about nothing but following culture and tradition. The same 10 yr
> is working around the clock, day in and out, to avoiding being
> taunted with words that are, unknown to her, coi ned t o suppress her
> mental development. In other words, this 10 year old brain, like a
> stem cell, has been programmed to think about nothing but culture
> tradition. But why isn't culture also telling/teaching these same
> year olds, the disadvantages of being a wife? I mean, the intensive
> labor like a horse 24 hrs, sexual slavery oppression and use and
> abuse, physical assault etc. The answer ! is because a 10
> > yr will retain this information and as an adult it will be
> retrieved. In other words, this would be a fully mentally
> woman that cannot be easily controlled and used and abused by a
> This would be a woman with knowledge. This would be a woman who has
> choice; she would be intellectually capable of performing mental
> and defending herself; she would be interacting with men at the
> >
> > Given the knowledge that I have acquired about a men's psyche,
> patriarchy, culture, tradition and religion, I can safely say that
> women are indeed extremely stupid compared to men. I used to be one
> those women. By stupid I mean completely severely incapable of
> thinking beyond what they have been taught as culture and
> Girls whose moral convictions have been replaced by culture,
> tradition and religion are intellectually decapitated. Women in
> societies where patriarchy dominates are at the bottom of
> intellectual hierarchy compared to their male age mates whose
> development and innate (archaic) beliefs have not been replaced. If
> it has been replaced, then it serves to disproportionately widen
> gap of mental and intellectual development bet ween boys and girls.
> is the reason all men in these cultures, treat their wives like
> brainless creatures. The level of social, emotional, sexual,
> and psychological torture these women experience every day! as
> > is a gender catastrophe. These women don't live; they breathe and
> walk on two legs. Because they are emotionally and mentally
> paralyzed and culture offers them no alternative, men assume that
> they are happy with the status quo.
> >
> > Why Is This Culture A Conspiracy Against Women?
> >
> > As an African woman who was born and raised in a patriarchal
> culture, I have never heard of any words that are used to belittle,
> degrade, humiliate and taunt a husband who beats his wife, neglect
> his wife, abandons his wife, mentally, psychologically, and/or
> children and cheats on his wife. There is no par t of patriarchy
> tries to mold boy's behavior so that they are less violent towards
> their wives. Would I be wrong to say that marriage is a cult where
> women are brainwashed and drafted to be used and abused by men? For
> so many generations, patriarchy has failed to coin a single word to
> taunt a wife beater. There is no culture and tradition that
> intimidates or at least stigmatizes a husbands who beats his wife.
> Not only is this an ideology that is socially accepted , but at an
> individual level, men do not condemn each other's ruthlessness
> towards women to each other. Which means that they understand each
> other. They know what individual interests they gain! by beating,
> > mistreating and abusing women or a wife.
> >
> > Why do men beat their wives? If you have not heard it from me, a
> woman with in depth knowledge of men's psyche, then you haven't
> the truth. Trust me on this one!
> >
> > To be continue….
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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