Simon Nume
I told the federalists just before they booted me out of Fednet that be very careful for you will hurt Buganda more than you can imagine, this is Museveni and some of us know him better than cheap suckers who claim to fight for Buganda. Good Luck to the Kasangwawo's the kijomanyi's and Kibuuka's.
Uganda's politics is a very complicated affair and if you are dealing with a shrewd man like Museveni, make sure you leave in the strength to run back. The man screwed you right from Nairobi talks, why can't you ever learn people?
Yea I am anti Buganda my you know what. And when things go bad they hide, where is Doctor Kigongo? Yea the man who loves Buganda dearly !!
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Nume
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: - NOT Joined Up Thinking

Some of us have been fretting for sometime that matters will get out of hand unlesss something or someone checks M7.
This latest proposal is a classical example of M7's upside down and not joined up thinking. 
    If the Kabaka is not allowed to participate in politics, HOW can politicians have
    power to sack him ? 
    By not being allowed to participate in politics (which is every  
    other Ugandan's right)  - the Kabaka's human rights are curtailed, he therefore must
    have something in return for surrendering his rights. That right is to be a hereditary
    Kabaka chosen in the norms and traditions of the Baganda. There is no way the
    Kabaka would surrender his rights in exchange for nothing. He will either remain
    with his cultural rights, or end up right in the middle of politics.
   It is inconceivable that M7's thinking is joined up anymore. If parliament were to
   sack the Kabaka, would it then have the job of appointing the new Kabaka and validate
   him among the Baganda ? Would they expect the Baganda to take this lying down?
  The word is that Kampala has been blitzed today with documents warning the Baganda
  to be careful and (fearful) as this might be a reapeat of 1966.!! 
 This again is upside down thinking, and  I fear that that what is going to happen will be
  worse than 1966.  Unlike then, Buganda now has the capacity and organisation to take
 on all comers. While M7 was robbing everything in sight to give to his Nyakiga's,  Buganda has been organising in anticipation of this event.  The short term advantage may go to M7 but in the long term he will certainly lose.
If other parts of Uganda also chose to resist the Nyakiga's, Uganda will soon look like Somalia.  When all the fuss has died down, it will be far more difficult to put the pieces back together and call it Uganda.
The only advantage being that by then, at least everybody will agree about where Kampala is.
Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Govt wants MPs to remove kings
By Richard Mutumba, Emma Mutaizibwa & Gerald Walulya

Sept 22, 2004 - Monitor

  • Parliament to unseat cultural leaders
  • MPs to decide on third term
  • Presidential, parliamentary polls on same day
  • Govt accepts regional governments
  • Dual citizenship recommended
  • IGG and Human Rights offices separate

PARLIAMENT — The government has recommended that Parliament unseat traditional leaders who violate the Constitution under a proposed new governmental reorganisation.

NONE ABOVE THE LAW: Justice Minister Janat Mukwaya leaves Parliament yesterday (Photo by John Nsimbe ).

“The President can be impeached, MPs can be recalled and LCs too have their share,” Justice Minister Janat Mukwaya said yesterday while presenting the Cabinet White Paper on the Constitutional Review Commission report yesterday.
“The only people above the law are traditional leaders. In the wisdom of government, these people should also be brought under the law.”

She added: “The traditional or cultural leader is subject to the Constitution and if he violates the Constitution, he will be removed from office by Parliament.”

MPs reacted with shock when Ms Mukwaya made the recommendation. Murmurs and laughter rippled through the chambers and the public gallery, both filled to capacity.

It was, perhaps, the most controversial of several recommendations the minister presented for handling what several MPs called a historical debate about changing the structure of government.

Other recommendations in the Cabinet paper included:

  • Acceptance of the principle of dual citizenship
  • Handling the change from the Movement political system to multiparty political system by an amendment under Article 74.
  • Allowing the matter of limiting the number of terms the President could serve to be decided by Parliament.
  • Conducting presidential, parliamentary and districts LC5 elections the same day by secret ballot with all adults allowed to vote.
  • Retaining, separating and allowing the independent existence of the Uganda Human Rights Commission, the Inspectorate of Government and the Electoral Commission.
  • Letting the Public Service Commission appoint and discipline the CAO.
    Despite strong reaction in the Chambers to the recommendations, there was little debate about them. House leaders instead urged MPs to read, study and talk over the ideas with their constituents. Mukwaya said the White Paper would go up on the ministry's website, though the number of paper copies she could make would be limited by her budget.

The Cabinet recommendation about recalling or removing traditional and cultural leaders seems likely to touch off a bitter dispute between government and Buganda kingdom officials.

The Mengo establishment already has been involved in protracted talks with the government on federo which recently hit a deadlock. Mengo also lost out in the proposed composition of the Lukiiko.

Mengo wanted to retain the current composition of the Lukiiko, which is comprised of the Kabaka nominees, Bataka appointees and Saza chiefs, but Cabinet recommended creating regional governments.

“The general principle is that a regional government must be managed democratically in areas where there is no traditional or cultural leader as well as, in areas where there is a traditional or cultural leader,” Mukwaya said.
She said in areas with no traditional or cultural leader, one political and administrative regional council would be appointed. In areas with such leaders, there would be either two regional councils, one political and administrative and the other cultural, or, one political and administrative council in which cultural interests are represented.

The White Paper makes no mention of Mengo's bargain for the 9,000 square miles and the return of the capital city, Kampala to Buganda.

Mengo Local Government Minister, Mr. Arthur Bagunywa responded angrily to the Cabinet proposals. “I view that as a move by the State to amass unnecessary powers. The Kingdom leadership would sit soon to discuss the contents,” he added.

Mengo at the height of the federo talks threatened to withdraw its support from the government. The political undercurrents between the government and Mengo are reminiscent of President Milton Obote 1 abolition of kingdoms in 1967, after he clashed with Kabaka Muteesa II.

Muteesa wanted to retain political authority, a move Obote interpreted as a ploy by the Kabaka to overthrow him.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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