Dictator Museveni must quit power come 2006. He better not forget this.  Let's avoid flooding Ugandan blood in Rwakitura streets and beyond.  We fought dictator Amin, we'll fight dictator Museveni too.



>From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: [Ugnet] Museveni Meets Key 2006 Campaign Team - Monitor 8/10/2004
>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 17:29:08 -0700 (PDT)
>Museveni meets key ’06 campaign team
>By Andrew M. Mwenda
>Oct 8, 2004 - Monitor
>KAMPALA — President Yoweri Museveni has held a closed door meeting with a key campaign strategy team in what is seen as a start of the race for the 2006 presidency.
>Sources in State House told The Monitor the President did this during a meeting with his political aides on Thursday last week.
>A source who attended the meeting told The Monitor President Museveni told his staff that the Movement Secretariat is “dead” and the National Resistance Movement Organization (NRMO) is “infiltrated by agent provocateurs” so he would not trust them with his re-election campaign.
>Byaruhanga (above) and Fox Odoi
>Sources said the President asked his aides to bring together all his mobilizers and volunteer groups to begin grass-root mobilization for his candidature in the 2006 presidential campaigns.
>Among the strategies proposed by the President, sources said, is that all his mobilisers should speak with one voice. According to the source, the President told his political aides that they should first develop a common position on any major issue, and that should be the view all should defend in the media, especially radio talk-shows.
>“The President wants this team to agree to use one language, not one going to FM radio stations saying this and another saying a different thing,” the source said.
>Mr Moses Byaruhanga, the Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs and Mr Fox Odoi, the President’s Legal Aide, attended the Thursday meeting but were not available for a comment. Mr Onapito Ekomoloit’s cell-phone was switched off.
>The President’s Thursday meeting has generated anxiety within the NRMO some of whose members were unhappy with this development.
>A source at NRMO who declined to be named told The Monitor that since the political party was launched, Museveni, who is the chairman of its interim executive committee has not called any meeting to discuss party matters.
>“The first time we met is when we elected the interim executive committee,” the source said bitterly. The second meeting of the NRMO was the first meeting of the interim executive committee but many of us were locked out of it when we are elected members.”
>An NRMO insider told The Monitor that President Museveni personally selected people to attend the meeting, and many interim executive committee members were bitter when they were blocked from entering at the gate.
>“We are not surprised that he told his political aides that the NRMO is infiltrated,” one interim executive committee member told The Monitor, “if he does not want the party, why can’t he resign the post of chairman?” he asked.
>A sample of a T-shirts promoting a third term for Museveni is on display in Parliament. The imprint M.M.M.3 stands for Movement, Museveni and Me. They are priced at Shs25,000 each (photo by J Nsimbe)
>Another senior interim executive committee member who attended the meeting said Museveni refused discussion of party issues and instead discussed government programmes. “The President said the government would construct the road to Bundibugyo, and another to Kisoro,” the source said. “He said the government would take electricity to West Nile and water to every major town. As you can see all these are government programmes.”
>The source said many members of the interim executive committee wanted the President to discuss the program of the party, its campaign strategies, its manifesto, registration of its members, opening of branches from district up to village level and election of office holders.
>“After the information we got on the Thursday meeting at State House,” another NRMO member said, “It is clear the President does not want the NRMO to function as an institution.”
>Meanwhile, other sources told The Monitor that about five weeks ago, President Museveni called a meeting of the NRM political high command. However, when the meeting started, the President gave them a long lecture on the importance of the East African Community and later gave them publications on the subject to read.
>“It was clear that the President changed the purpose of the meeting because of the composition of those who came to the meeting,” the source in the political high command said. “There are members in the political high command whom he does not trust.”
>The source said the President “seemed” to have called the meeting to discuss his campaign strategy for 2006 but changed his mind because he does not trust some of the members of the political high command.
>The political high command includes Amanya Mushega, Kahinda Otafiire, Bidandi Ssali, Moses Kigongo, Ruhakana Rugunda, Amama Mbabazi, Eriya Kategaya etc.
>Matters were not helped, sources said, when the second meeting was called, some of the political high command members were told that the attendance was by invitation. “Effectively,” an embittered member of the political high command confided in The Monitor, “the President is afraid of his own political party and his own colleagues. He has a closed and very narrow circle of people he trusts.”
>© 2004 The Monitor Publications
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