The Great Lakes would be a peaceful and prosperous region if it were not for dictator Museveni of Uganda.


>From: Matek Opoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Ugnet] Rwanda speaks on PRA training bases
>Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 17:43:21 -0800 (PST)
>“That is total rubbish,” Lt. Gen. Charles Kayonga, the chief of staff of the Rwanda Defence Forces, said yesterday. “It is not possible that Rwanda can train and arm the so-called PRA. That is a negative media campaign by the Uganda government.”
>I think I would agree  with Mr. Kayonga, purely on logical grounds. How can Rwanda "train rebels" in Rwanda  with out providing them with ARMS in Rwanda ?.... Instead Rwanda, according to NRM logic, sends the "rebels" all the way to Northern Uganda, Koboko to be specific, The "rebels" are then sent weapons later!!  this does not and cannot make any sense would think that if Rwanda were to train the "rebels' as Museveni's Regime claims, Rwanda would ARM the rebels  there there and then while they are still in the "training Camps"  right.  This is all Museveni's crap to arrest wananchi of Koboko and charge them with dubious  allegations!!  Mbhu they are Terrorist.! Kaguta seems to get very paranoid by the minute...West Nile watch out for Museveni... he wants to create another rebels Movement in West ..and then later use it  as justification to wipe out the Lugwara and Kakwa citizens..even as he has wiped out the Acholi!!
>Rwanda speaks on PRA training bases
>By Frank Nyakairu
>Nov 28, 2004
>KAMPALA — The Rwandan military has dismissed as rubbish allegations that it is training Ugandan rebels to wage war against the Museveni government.
>The latest accusations over the anti-Museveni People’s Redemption Army (PRA) rebels have since led to the two countries expelling each other’s diplomatic officials.
>“That is total rubbish,” Lt. Gen. Charles Kayonga, the chief of staff of the Rwanda Defence Forces, said yesterday. “It is not possible that Rwanda can train and arm the so-called PRA. That is a negative media campaign by the Uganda government.”
>Kayonga was responding to claims by Uganda’s Chief of Military Intelligence James Mugira that Rwanda has been training PRA recruits at bases in that country such as Kabuga.
>Lt. Col. Mugira’s claims on Thursday followed the arrest earlier in the week of 10 suspected members of the PRA, a group government says is based in the DR Congo.
>Most of the suspects, arrested in Koboko, are accused of bankrolling and buying arms for the rebel group.
>To claims that the PRA is headed by UPDF deserter, Col. Edison Muzoora, Kayonga said, “That colonel is not known to me. He has never been here for anything like that.”
>The PRA suspects include exiled former presidential candidate Kizza Besigye’s brother Joseph Musasizi.
>Military intelligence also claims that Besigye, who lives in exile in South Africa, is PRA’s political head, an allegation he has denied.
>Kayonga said that Rwanda was unhappy because the “Ugandan authorities have chosen to go against the agreed mechanisms and address issues through the media”.
>He added: “If we have any allegations against Uganda, we shall address them through the Joint Permanent Commission.”
>“We are not addressing our differences in the media,” said Ugandan military spokesman Shaban Bantariza. “It’s the captives who reported their Rwanda connections to the media.”
>Movement spokesman Ofwono Opondo also said the matter would go to the verification commission.
>The claims and counterclaims have since cost diplomatic officials on either side their jobs.
>Uganda moved first, expelling the administrative attaché at the Rwandan embassy in Kampala, Mr James Wizeye, prompting Rwanda to retaliate by ordering the country’s First Secretary in Kigali, Mr Joseph Cliff Birungi, to pack up his bags within hours. Both diplomats have arrived in their home countries.
>Opondo, however, wondered why the Rwandese did not expel someone at the level of administrative attaché as is normally the case in diplomacy, and instead went for someone of a higher rank.
>“That is strange,” he said, before suggesting that it could point to Kigali’s guilt.
>Uganda’s ambassador to Rwanda, Mr Adonia Ayebare, who is in Kampala on what he claimed was annual leave, said: “This is unfortunate but it is not that bad. It is being handled through the established mechanisms.”
>Chilly relations between Uganda and Rwanda go back to when their forces clashed in Kisangani on three occasions starting in 1999 at the height of a civil war there that took on a regional character. Up to six countries got involved.
>© 2004 The Monitor Publications
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