American, British and South African mercenaries who are now based in Eriterea are contracted to airlift Rwandese troops and ordinance to Darfur in a secret programme in which even members of the US Congress are denied freedom for information.

At the same time Eriterea also is the source of weapons for the black rebels in Darfur.

Meanwhile Rwandese SS mercenaries are are raining havoc on innocent Congolese.

When I cautioned that we carefully examine Obasanjo's role in this saga, some fellows took me for an imbecile - to insult and question the integrity of  the 'dear beloved' Mzee Obasanjo.   

Now, there apparently is a pedophile ring under the cover of the UN in DRC.

"Ha!! Ekuba omunaku tekya"!!


   To Defend the UN /pedophilia scandal among the peace-keeping troops in the Congo 

    Le Monde Editorial

    Friday 10 December 2004

    The American campaign against the UN on account of the scandal surrounding the defective management of the Oil for Food Program in Iraq seems to have produced the opposite effect: a rallying around the United Nations. Wednesday December 8, its Secretary General Kofi Annan received a standing ovation from the General Assembly, an enclosure little accustomed to this type of demonstration. It testified to the anxiety of member states in the face of the escalation of attacks against Mr. Annan. And yet, only a year and a half ago, he was considered by a part of the world, notably including the Arab world, as "America's man."

    Did the American government feel itself to be uselessly isolated? Thursday, it conveyed its support for the Secretary General in its turn, through a declaration, also carefully orchestrated, by resigning US Ambassador John Danforth. "The United States is not trying to push Kofi Annan to resign." Ambiguities that President Bush's statements during his recent visit to Canada may have aroused are apparently lifted.

    At a time when it needs the UN to help organize elections in Iraq, the White House has distanced itself from the twenty conservative congressmen who have demanded Mr. Annan's departure (one of them even recommending prison...).

    Washington is right to wait for the first results, promised for January, of the independent inquiry ordered by Kofi Annan and directed by a man above any trace of suspicion, former American Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

    The UN has already experienced other campaigns of this sort. Under Ronald Reagan, part of the Republican right demanded, as now, the UN's departure from New York and threatened to cut its revenues. This time, the organization has to answer accusations of corruption. Even if it is confirmed that there was nothing illegal about the $2500/month compensation that Kofi Annan's son received - up until February 2004 - from a company under UN contract, the impact on the UN's image will not fade away quickly.

    The Iraqi issue coming on top of a pedophilia scandal among the peace-keeping troops in the Congo and several dark internal matters creates a picture of an institution in crisis. If you believe the British Ambassador, the UN's reputation has not been "this bad since 1945."

    This damage is alarming. To confront the perils of the twenty-first century, the world needs a strong and re-legitimized UN. Terrorism, nuclear proliferation, the number of criminal states, but also the fights against misery and AIDS, problems of water and development will only find solutions in the unity of nations.

    The 101 propositions for reform advanced December 2 by the Committee of "wise men" further important proposals that partially take into account American positions. These must be discussed to reform and revitalize the UN.

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