(Continued from part 4)
Parliament was instructed by the RPF/RPA to use all
types of fabricated reasons to pass a vote of no
confidence in the President. But many Rwandese knew
that you had wished to get rid of the President for
many months and finally when it happened, some of us
were not so surprised. We were more surprised by the
lies and the viciousness of your apostles !

However, even after you completed the coup d'état
against the President, you remained with a
Constitutional obstacle for you to be able to take
over the Presidency without appearing to have violated
the Constitution are in conflict.

While it is this true that the RPF declaration
prevails in the hierarchy of laws of Rwanda, this is
only correct when two parts of the Constitution are in
conflict. In this case however there was no conflict.

The RPF declaration established the post of Vice
Presidency but is silent on its powers and
responsibilities as well as on possibilities and
modalities of succession to the Presidency.

On the other hand Arusha peace agreement is clear
about the replacement of the President and provides
for the Speaker of National Assembly as the successor.

What is appalling however is that the International
Community , political parties in the Country, the
Media and the civil Society groups all remained
silent, when the intimidated Constitutional Court
declared Major General Paul KAGAME the rightful
successor to H.E. President Pasteur BIZIMUNGU.

Thanks to all the manipulations, you now appear set as
the incumbent President, to finally push your way
through the coming election as the sole presidential

come the year 2003.

However, it should be clear to clear to all that what
the RPF/RPA you lead has actually done is to a carry
gradual and peace full coup d'état against H.E.
President Pasteur BIZIMUNGU and to violate the

Sham elections.

Your Excellency, you are making Rwandese and the
International community to believe that you have
finally opened up the way for democratization. But you
and me very well know this is yet an an other wild
goose chase for our people.

You and your team have planned, and you are executing
sham elections aimed at bringing to Office members of
the RPF/Clique around you, and come the year 2003, the
sham elections must give you, and come the year 2003,
the sham elections musty give you an election
landslide presidential mandate.

The sham Electoral Commission has not as yet come up
with guidelines on the elections to come. Neither has
the Parliament passed any electoral laws and yet your
Government has gone ahead to fabricate electoral
procedures and constituencies deliberately demarcated
to favor the RPF/RPA supported candidates.

You have barred all political forces in the Country
from campaigning and yet your RPF/RPA has launched a
clandestine national compaign program that is now
several months old. Candidates in all communes have
been identified, compaign resources are being supplied
and rival candidates are being intimidated.

The RPF/RPA is busy intimidating and /or bringing
candidates so as to make them join the RPF/RPA camp or
to simply keep away. This applies to most Communal
Leaders who are members of other political parties.

The RPA has been brought in to give full support to
the RPF/RPA candidates countrywide. The RPA Army Hqs,
Brigade and Battalion Commanders as well as
Intelligence Officers, have all been briefed and
facilitated to ensure RPF/RPA victory at any cost.


Dictatorial Leadership Style


You will no doubt he existing power vacuum in the
RPF/RPA, to gradually and unfairly strengthened your
position by distancing those you were not sure of and
dividing others by crating artificial conflicts.

In the process you developed your own personal style
of leadership ; a dictatorial type of leadership, in
many ways akin to the rule of Rwanda's pre-colonial
despotic kings.

You surround your self with and only trust your
childhood friends, former classmates

those who have ever served under you or in any case
those who have served under you or in any case those
willing to bringing you information about others
however biased the information may be .

You coerce, intimidate and even physically assault
those who work with you. Extreme out of anger ; some
times even on national radio and television are common
occurrences in your day to day running of state

In military circles such moods are some times
accompanied by physical assault of those close to you.
Indeed senior army officers, military assistants and
escort have often become victims of your moods by for
example being slapped, punched, whipped or at least
insulted and threatened in the process of executing
their duties or even in meetings. You remember one
senior officer recently escaped to Brussels after such
treatment in an Army Council meeting.

You believe you know and understand every thing much
better than all other people and consequently you
assume you do not be advised by any body. You do not
entertain debate and those around you do not dare
venture into raising controversial matters.

Your word irreversible. You kill and save at will !

You entertain meetings only to monitor tendencies and
people's inclinations with a view to assessing how to
enforce your positions. You take all the important
decisions in the RPF/RPA Government. Any body else's
initiative, which indeed is a very rare occurrence,
must carefully be sold to you to have it approved.

The entire Rwandese Community is aware of this kind of
leadership style and this is why none dares cross your
way even in words.

Those close to you what they know for sure you would
like to hear. Those in your company only dare laugh
when it is your pleasure and who they raised
provocative questions.

This being the case, there is no simple program,
policy or major activity that has been carried out in
the RPF/RPA and in the respective Governments of
National Reconciliation without either your personal
initiative or direct approval. I therefore give you
credit for good that the RPF/RPA has achieved and hold
you responsible for its omissions and wrong actions.

What went wrong ?

While there is not doubt that the RPF/RPA struggle in
Rwanda and in the war in DRC were justified, and
despite apparent military victories, there is
overwhelming evidence to the effect that in the
conduct of the armed struggle against the Juvenal

HABYALIMANA's regime and the war to stop genocide, the
management of State Affairs in Kigali, the conduct of
the on going war in the DRC, there has been continuous
failure to evolve a correct political line, a correct
organizational line and a correct military line.

Over the years the RPA has militarily been guided by
trial and error and as situations change there is no
serious efficient to adopt a military line that is in
harmony with situation ; that ensures the harmony
between our aims and available resources ; that avoids
militarism and adventurism.

In particular, our experiences in late 1990, 1991, and
early 1992, are clear illustrations of this point. The
RPF/RPA wars in the DRC have continued to follow the
same pattern, thereby proving that the RPF/RPA has not
up to day not appreciated the necessity to adopt
scientific and tested approaches to war.

As a consequence the RPF/RPA has always paid dearly in
human life (4) You of course let no body know your
death and casualty rates. But these rates we know any
way and may be you should endeavor to know, the amount
of bitterness among your senior officers whenever
there is talk about those who «perished» and those who

You will remember that despite the RPF/RPA political
program ; which is progressive and patriotic ; which
supports the right and condemns the wrong , which
aspires to work with and for the masses, the RPF/RPA
leadership had by the end of 1990, totally given up
the necessity to follow a broad, patriotic,
nationalistic, progressive and anti-sectarian
political line.

The weakest link in this connection is the sectarian
character of the RPF/RPA leadership, which is based on
the assumption that all Tutsi must be allies, all
Hutus must not be trusted and other nationalities in
the region are politically and militarily

inferior. In the DRC for example, we developed the
naïve belief that all Congolese are politically
useless and born cowards. We have consequently refused
to empower the Congolese people so as to transform
them into self-sustaining political and military

4 . When time comes, this shall be discussed in amore
detailed form and giving specific example

We naively think we can substitute them in their own
liberation struggle. Or may be as some quarters have
always suggested, the RPF/RPA has a hidden agenda for
the DRC.

The RPF/RPA organizational line; the ability to
maintain the equilibrium between various military,
political, economic and other forces and factors,
whether at home or in the DRC, whether in the
military, in Government or else where has and remains
most haphazard.

The internal and inter-institutional contradictions
and problems highlighted earlier, serve as clear
illustrations of the RPF/RPA failure to evolve a
correct organizational line over the years. The
instability characteristic of the RPF/RPA
organizational plane.

Lack of political education and political work.

It is unbelievable that with the RPF political program
by the side, and with flesh NRM/NRA experience, the
presence of intellectuals among its ranks not


that the RPA leadership could have failed to
appreciate the necessity to adopt a correct
military line, a correct organizational line as the
sine qua non for waging a successful liberation

However to the RPA insiders, this was and is no
surprise. The culture of study whether of political
matters, military strategy and tactics, organizational
problems and opportunities was never given a platform.

In particular political education was slowly stifled
and political work in the armed forces was reduced to
welfare issues, while political work among the
population was the exception rather the general rule.

This is how you destroyed political education and
marginalized political work in the RPF/RPA is dead. On
the contrary, people joke about your intelligence
service to effect that you will soon have an operative
for every citizen.

The fact that you personally believe in mechanical
discipline rather than conscious discipline was no
justification for you to marginalize political
education and political education and political work
both in the armed forces and among the population.

Indeed the RPF/RPA survives, thanks to much weakens
enemies !


What ever has been described above has evidence. If
you or anybody else in your regime wishes to challenge
any one of these facts, it shall be ready to provide
names, numbers, dates and places.

All of us who were in the RPF/RPA know the above as
facts. Some NGOs and UN Agencies witnessed and some of
these atrocities.

Even the RPF/RPA Hutu members could not be shielded
from these realities irrespective of how much those
concerned tried to hide evidevence. (5) In any case
there are survivors of these killings who could give
evidence if they were given security guarantees.

Here above-mentioned tendencies and practices were at
some stage or another raised and discussed in
appropriate fora. Those who raise the issues were
considered as negative elements and treated as

It is regrettable that paving the way to the
Presidency should have n ccitated the destabilization
of Institutions of Governance and t.. se of all types
of dirty stricks even within the RPF/RPA. In popular
it is a shame that attempts should have been made by
RPF/RPA elements to unfairly tarnish the image of H.E.
President Pasteur


These Rwandese what matters is not whether the next
President is Tutsi or a Hutu, or whether he/she shall
be from this party or that other party, but rather
whether the next President shall have an appropriate
program and the capacity to champion the implentation
of such a program.


You have turned the RPF/RPA into monolithic
institutions serving individual elements at the
detriment of the people of Rwanda and neighbors. The
RPF/RPA has narrowed down rather than buriened out. It
has finally turned out to be an RPF/RPA clique raser
than a mass organization. It has ended up top heavy
rather true grassroots based.

The RPF/RPA should not only apologize to the people of
Uganda and the DRC for having made the initial
military attack on the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces
in Kisangani, but individuals resensible should be
tried for crimres against humanity.

The RPF/RPA leadership should be investigated for
having illegally appropriated DRC's wealth. The same
leadership must declare and account for what ever
funds that have been siphoned out of the DRC.

The RPF/RPA leaders must account to families for all
RPA soldiers who have died and got buried in the DRC
since the RPA entered Congo. The remains of these late
comrades should be brought back home and given
appropriate burial.

Rwandese soldiers cannot continue to be sacrificed in
the DRC, so as to enrich individuals in the RPF/RPA
leadership. Rwanda must support fully the Lusaka Cease
Fire Agreement so that our soldiers can come back home
and ensure our national defense and territorial
integrity from within our boarders.

The RPF/RPA did not over come the genocide forces and
gallantly taken over state power as alwas been
claimed, rather the RPF/RPA in the process, become
overwhelmed by the situation ; the genocide,
state-power and abandoned properties to the extent of
having made fundamental errors even at that very early
stage of the struggle. To date, the RPF/RPA leadership
has not even appreciated such errors.

The RPA has not defeated the Ex-Far and Interahamwe
Milicians as is often claimed because these forces
have only been pushed away and the fighting continues
close to our boarder and may in fact as pointed out
earlier, spill over into Rwanda if regional security
issues continue to be mishandled.

Your Government is politically bankrupt ; it has no
direction and its leadership has totally betrayed the
people of Rwanda by failing to implement the RPF/RPA
political Program and the Programs of the respective
Governments of National Reconciliation.



You and your Government must make immediate
arrangements to hand over State

Power to popularly elected Government.

The struggle continue

Major Alphonse FURUMA




Major Alphonse FURUMA (Biographie)

Names : Alphonse Furuma (Major)

1953 : Born in Commune Kinyami Byumba

Prefecture, Republic of Rwanda

1962-1969 : Primary Education,

Juru Primary school, Nakivaralen Ankole,


1969-1972 : Secondary Education,

Kitabi Seminary, Bushenyi ;Uganda

: Higher Education,

St. Peter's College Tororo, Uganda.

1975-1978 : University Education (B.A. Econs & Rural
Econ), Makerer University,

Kampla Uganda.

1979-1983 : Economic Teacher/Examiner,

Kenya national Examination Council.

: Member of Rwandese Alliance for National Unity,
Kenya . (Commissioner).

: Post Graduate Education,

Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

1983-1987 : Institutor, NRA School of Political


1987-1987 : Founder Member, RPF School of Political
Education, Uganda

1987- 1998 : Commandant ; NRA 5th Division School of
Political Education, Lira, Uganda.

1989-1990 : Division Political commissar, NRA 4th

1990-Oct. : Officer's Basic course,

Bombo Uganda.

: RPF/RPA, Aemed Struggle,

Political Commissar & Administrator,

: RPF, Commissioner for Inspectorate

"From the time Arusha Peace Agreement was being
negotiated up to as late as 1996 you carried out a
deliberate policy of using all means possible to
reduce the Hutu Population in the Umutara, Kibungo and
Bugesera regions.

These areas were deliberately resettled by old
caseload returnees from Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi
respectively. Families of many top RPF/RPA leaders are
among those who were resettled in this manner.

Certainly all Rwandese deserve to be settled but your
Government could have carried out these resettlements
without violating the spirit of the Arusha Peace
Agreement and without having to terrorize, displace or
kill fellow Rwandese.

Having signed the Arusha Peace Agreement, the RPF/RPA,
supposedly to maintain the Hutu-Tutsi power sharing
equation, found it convenient to liquidate the only
few Hutu

fighters who had been previously recruited from the
demilitarized zone. You remember, these criminal
operations were code-named " fanyiya ". Some of those
who survived could give evidence if given certain

When the RPF/RPA launched the Offensive to stop
genocide, every Hutu was assumed to be a killer. For
moths and from one boarder to another, Hutus were
chased and massacred on sight.

Where it was not possible to kill, there was no
opportunity lost to arrest, torture and detain a Hutu
at the slightest provocation. There was thus every
raison for every reason for even the moderate Hutus to
find it safer to flee the country with the killers.

Indeed some of the bodies, whish continued to float in
the Akagera River towards the end and shortly after
the genocide, included those of Hutus massacred by
some RPF/RPA elements." (Major Alphonse FURUMA, Open
Letter to H.E.Paul Kagame,

Also RPF CHAIRMAN, and Chairman RPA Command, Kigali,
Rwanda, 23/01/2001)
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