Comrade Roy,

Thank you for the extremely good news about our Dear Congressperson Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga, regaining her seat. It was dark nights for us all seeing how the agents of worldwide apartheid, plunder and genocide had pushed her out.

I must admit that maybe being 'far' here in Toronto, in a different country, I had missed this very good news. It is a pleasant suprise that at least in her district votes were counted.

I remember seeing Senator John Kerry visiting in Black churches. The only condition and commitment our people were asking of him was for him to ensure that their votes got counted.

It was depressing to see him rush to have ours to be the first of promises he was to break.

May the grace and guiding hand of our forefathers always be with  Congressperson Cynthia McKinney. 

Mitayo Potosi

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