Mmmm ... No wonder they turn to Ugandan former presidents!!!


>From: Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Ugnet] Japan's virgin wives turn to sex volunteers (From SA's Mail& Guardian)
>Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 21:03:55 -0500
>Japan's virgin wives turn to sex volunteers
>/04 April 2005 10:16/
>Like many Japanese women, Junko waited until her early 30s to get
>married. When she and her fiancé, an employee of a well-known firm,
>decided to tie the knot, she set her sights on making a home,
>putting away some money and starting a family.
>Fifteen years later, Junko and her husband are childless. It is not
>that they cannot have children; it is just that they have never had
>The sexless marriage is one of several reasons why experts fear
>Japan is on the verge of a demographic disaster.
>In 2003, Japan's birth-rate hit a record low of 1,29 -- the average
>number of times a woman gives birth during her lifetime -- one of
>the lowest rates in the world, according to the cabinet office. The
>population will peak next year at about 128 million, then decline to
>just over 100 million by 2050.
>The 200 women a year who seek help at a clinic in the Tokyo suburbs
>have not had sex with their husbands in up to 20 years, and some
>never, according to Kim Myong-gan, who runs the clinic.
>"The women who come to see me love their husbands and aren't looking
>for a divorce," he told the Guardian. "The problem is that their
>husbands lose interest in sex or don't want sex from the start. Many
>men think of their wives as substitute mothers, not as women with
>emotional and sexual needs."
>Kim's short-term solution is unconventional. After an initial 20 000
>yen (about R1 165) counselling session, he produces photographs of
>45 men, mostly professionals in their 40s, with whom the women are
>invited to go on dates and then, in almost all cases, arrange
>regular assignations in hotel rooms.
>Kim dismissed charges that his service was little more than a male
>prostitution ring. "The men volunteer and pay half the hotel and
>restaurant bills, so legally there is absolutely nothing wrong with
>it," he said.
>He had rescued hundreds of women from despair, he said, but his "sex
>volunteers" would do nothing to cure the malaise that afflicts the
>institution of marriage in Japan.
>The number of married couples is in rapid decline. In 2000, almost
>70% of men and 54% of women between 25 and 29 were unmarried. That
>bodes ill for the birth-rate, as conservative Japanese society
>frowns upon having children outside marriage.
>A survey of 600 women found that 26% had not had sex with their
>husbands in the past year.
>"We are sort of room-mates rather than a married couple," one
>31-year-old man, who had not had sex with his wife for two years,
>told the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
>The government has introduced several measures to lift the
>birth-rate. Fathers will be encouraged to take more than the 47% of
>annual paid leave they currently use, and their employers will be
>told to provide more opportunities for them to stay at home with
>their children.
>Local authorities, meanwhile, are devising novel ways to increase
>fertility. In the town of Yamatsuri, women will receive 1-million
>yen if they have a third child, and in Ishikawa prefecture families
>with three children will get discounts at shops and restaurants.
>The absence of children in so many homes is having an impact. Fun
>parks are closing and there are signs that the "exam hell" teenagers
>go through to secure places at top schools and universities is less
>of an ordeal because the competition is less fierce.
>The divorce rate has nearly doubled in the past 10 years, with more
>women blaming their sexually inactive, as opposed to sexually
>errant, husbands for break-ups.
>"The men love their companies; they live for work," Kim said. "Men
>don't even think it is a problem if they don't have sex with their
>wives. They have pornography and the sex industry to take care of
>their needs, but their wives have nowhere to go. They just suffer in
>silence." -- Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005
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