Thugs Attempt to Burn FDC Boss's Home


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Robert Muhereza

The police are investigating a case in which unknown people attempted to burn the home of the District Treasurer for the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Mr Charles Kagabo, with petrol on Thursday night.

The home is on Kigongi Road in Kabale town.

The District Police Commander, Mr Martin Amoru, told The Monitor on Friday that Kagabo had reported the case to the police.

He said inquiries had started, but no suspect had been arrested. "This is intimidation and harassment we have been talking about. I heard some unknown people walking around my house at around midnight and after a while the whole house was smelling petrol. I made an alarm and I think it scared them away," Kagabo said on Friday.

He said he suspected some government agents were behind the plot to kill him or intimidate him to abandon FDC. "I cannot defect to the Movement just because of intimidation. I support FDC and I will continue supporting it," he said.

In November last year, Kagabo reported a case to Kabale Police Station in which unknown people scattered 10 bullets in his compound probably with an intention to frame him.

The police said they were still investigating the case. No suspect has ever been arrested.

The district councillor for Southern Division and FDC District Mobiliser, Mr Isaiah Kanyamahane, said they had registered several cases of political persecution which he said they suspected the government was using to sabotage their mobilisation.

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"The government fears to lose power. That is why they have seriously embarked on terrorising us the leaders and our supporters countrywide," Kagabo said.

Several FDC members in various districts especially in western Uganda have accused the government of intimidation.

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