Without exaggerated enthusiasm I must concur this subsequent UPC’s series-production of shock therapy bewilders.

Even this time around, I am not into the right or wrong. That is a matter for the UPC. My beef (I suppose the same applies to all us peripherals) is otherwise, “WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME” (rd. the good and bad).

For, at the end of the day, their "right or wrong" affects you and I too. That is where the concept of “good or bad” evaluation comes in even for non-partials. Political parties make their right or wrong moves to consolidate endeavours in policy architecture. In the event they happen to usurp governance, the impact of their right or wrong acts comes pouring on us all.

In that light, we are all in the shit together, be we party members or not. That applies to decisions made by all political parties (Movement, DP, UPC, FDC etceteras). Hence, it is always important to watch out for the "good or bad" impacts of internal "right or wrong" moves.

I must confess I cannot help getting impressed by the UPC’s awakening. With majestic perfection and bloodthirsty daggers, the party Gabriells-up at 9˝ count to rise up and dagger out Deadwoods from within. They had otherwise become stumbling blocks in the resolution of the havoc in Northern Uganda. And, they would definitely be liabilities, come election.

This time around, it is the apostles of illicit paramour with the FDC heeling for cover. Right or wrong, from a non-partial peripheral commonality perspective, it is GOOD.

Some believers have pronounced desire to copy the Kenyan legacy. I find that analogue hazardous and indeed treacherous. Our political customs / cultures speaks against it. Whilst our Eastern neighbours have groomed political history of convergence, Uganda excelled in political schisms for schismism hallmarked by the various state coups and intrigue agglomerations. It is odd to see the UPC amalgamate with the very elements that up-rooted it.

At this stage, our political parties should concern themselves more with their own respective ideological profiles.



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