Is Musamizi on the payroll or wishing to be on the payroll of the dictator Museveni, soon-to-be life-presidente?  Go ahead!

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry this was addressed to Musamize and not Ssenyonjo
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Ssemakula: NRM USA PRESS RELEASE

Why are you scared of Obote a man who is not even in power for even this long? Just curious.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: musamize
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Ssemakula: NRM USA PRESS RELEASE

Mr. Mulindwa,


Are you man enough to face the fact that Obote was a criminal president, both on Obote I and Obote II?


Are you man enough to face the fact that Uganda's current misery is directly due to Obote's greed for absolute power, life presidency, and his fear of truly democratic elections?


Are you man enough to acknowledge that Obote ordered lorries to scout Kampala and its environs -- areas not known to harbor guerillas or "bandits" as he preferred to call them --, in the 1980s, to pick up civilians at random to be killed in army barracks and elsewhere?


Or is it better for UPC to believe that Obote's beatification and sainthood are just round the corner?


Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I wonder how many Ugandans and especialy Baganda think the same way as Musamize. But you see the good thing worth Uganda, such thinkers are getting old by the day, for today if you put an election in Uganda, and a free election in Uganda I wonder if KY can win it.
But that is me.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: musamize
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Ssemakula: NRM USA PRESS RELEASE

Mr. Lupa-Lasaga:
No, not in this life-time, or the next, not ever, not even in death! So help me God.
UPC is party of murderers led by a criminal president, (Obote). UPC is Buganda's sworn enemy. Uganda is in the mess it is today because of UPC,s blinding hatred of Buganda, whipped up by that monster and mass murderer, Obote, whose quest for absolute and non-ending power misled so many for so long ...
UPC's only idea, and very reason to exist at all,  is the destruction of the Kingdom of Buganda.
Who does not know what UPC's idea of  a "Good Muganda" is?
Calling James Ssemakula a "UPC stalwart" is like calling Ben Gurion, or any Jew, a Nazi.

Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"James Ssemakula ?a U.P.C stalwart, who labored to discourage the Uganda
American community in California from attending the NRM event."

Sseruganda Ssemakula, I must have missed the news of your crossing over
to "the party of ideas."

> From: "
> To: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 10:43 AM
> Subject: Re: Fw: [Ugnet] NRM USA PRESS RELEASE
> You have got to be kidding me.......... :D
> holla back,
> Judy
> these people didn't even begin to arrive until way after 8:00..... I
> can't imagine what time this thing actually got started... I left well
> after 8:00 probably closer to promptly @ 7??????? i
> don't think so....
> ---------- Original Message -------------
> Date : Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:16:03 -0654
> From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: Fw: [Ugnet] NRM USA PRESS RELEASE
>> JULY 17TH 2005
>> NRM USA launched its California branch over the weekend on Saturday
>> July 16th. The NRM event was an overwhelming success. By 4.00 p.m.
>> enthusiastic delegates had began to arrive, each one proudly signing
>> in at the reception desk with their names. The occasion was hosted by
>> NRM USA at ABLE International in North Hollywood located in the heart
>> of the entertainment capital of the world.
>> The NRM function organizers deliberately designed it to attract
>> potential partners of Development for Uganda who delivered keynotes
>> on the importance of being org anized in order to create an
>> environment that can breed development. It was graced by a notable
>> number of invited dignitaries including Her Excellency Ambassador
>> Sempala, Congress Woman Diane Watson and Kenya?s General Council to
>> California Ms. Nyambura Kamau. The event officially started promptly
>> after dinner at 7.00 p.m. with a prayer led by Grace Lubwama, after
>> which both the Ugandan and American National anthems were sang by Ms
>> Rachael Kiwanuka, daughter to the renowned Ugandan singer and
>> entrepreneur, Halima Namakula. She was followed by Mr. Robert
>> Ssebugwawo,
> whose poetry has appeared in international media, who recited a
> composition in praise of the wise leadership of President Museve ni,
> after which the delightful Halima Namakula led the delegates in
> singing ?Kiboonge Kyanini? in a true Movement tradition.
>> The NRM USA national executive was represented by the Secretary
>> General Mr. Allan Katatumba, National Executive Secretary for
>> Mobilization Mr. Kenneth Kanyike and Executive Committee Member, Mr.
>> Edriss Kironde who is also the chairman of the NRM Colorado chapter
>> all of whom spoke with passion for the Movement in their addresses to
>> the delegates and the newly elected chapter members. They reiterated
>> the need for a voice for the Movement in the Diaspora, especially in
>> light of the incessant distortions being propagated by members of the
>> opposition, mainly ?FDC? which was dubbed a ?Forum for Disgruntled
>> Candidates?. The audience was reminded by the NRM Mobilization
>> Secretary, Mr. Kanyike that NRM was waging a ?New Strugg
> le? just like the one waged by the founders in the bushes of Luweero. > ?The war in the Diaspo ra is intended to resist the negative
> distortions propagated by certain sections of the media and numerous
> disgruntled and corrupt individuals, whose aims are to derail Uganda
> from the path of development?, he said. Mr. Kanyike in his speech also
> highlighted the history of the National Resistance Movement USA and
> detailed their achievements so far.
>> Mr. Katatumba stressed the need for partnerships with other Africans
>> and people of African decent in the war against neo-colonialism,
>> backwardness and poverty.
>> In her address to the delegates, Congresswoman Diane Watson, who is
>> also on the US Foreign Relations Committee, said she was glad to see
>> a nation on the move, and acknowledged that Uganda had indeed come a
>> long way from ?the Uganda of Idi Amin? ? a notion that is shared by
>> the NRM. She w as encouraged to see Ugandans believing that they can
>> achieve the desired transformation. She pledged to continue to be
>> Uganda and Africa?s advocate on AGOA. She said that her office doors
>> are open to help in any way to help add value to Uganda?s journey
>> towards Democracy. She also emphasized that it was key for all
>> Ugandans to work together on creating an environment that will breed
>> peaceful coexistence and empower 20the citizens to utilize their own
>> resources to develop their nation, rather than depend on handouts.
>> Ambassador Sempala highlighted Uganda?s History and stressed the need
>> for Ugandans everywhere to participate in the processes of
>> democratizing Uganda. Madam Sempala stressed the need for Ugandans
>> everywhere in the Diaspora to actively articulate Uganda?s progress
>> and also encourage investors to partne r with Uganda to improve her
>> capacity to achieve the vision of transformation. She noted that
>> Uganda in the next phase of development is looking to begin adding
>> value to her products with a view of leveraging these in the
>> processes of development rather than depending on foreign AID that
>> has proved useless in terms of creating any meaningful sustainable
>> means of development for Uganda. She was thankful for NRM USA for
>> having invited her to
> attend the launching of it?s NRM chapter in California, and said that
> the embassy doors were open to any other organ ized groups of
> Ugandan?s who have positive ideas that are geared to helping Uganda
> achieve the level of transformation it seeks.
>> The ceremony was also addressed by the Chairman of the Africa
>> American Chamber of commerce; Mr. Al Washington, who unequivocally
>&a mp;a mp;g t; declared his readiness to work with NRM USA California chapter to
>> help add value to Uganda?s products, especially coffee, so that
>> African products they can compete on the American market. He was
>> delighted to see the birth of NRM California branch and was eager to
>> explore avenues through which he can work with them on the transfer
>> of knowledge and technology to assist with Uganda?s development.
>> Ms Rena Weinberg, the President of ABLE International, the
>> organization that hosted the event was elated that Ugandans in the
>> Diaspora were actively engaged in the affaires of their home country.
>> She stressed that it was through participation that solutions to
>> social evils can be found. She said that her organization, who?s
>> mission is to rid the world of its most devastating social
>> ills?drugs, crime, illiteracy an d immora lity was ready to help in any
>> way that Uganda would like, in achieving its vision of transformation.
>> The newly elected members of the California NRM Chapter are:
>> [01] Chairman; David Kabukuru
>> [02] Vice Chairman, Business Development; Colin Kakiza
>> [03] Vice Chairman, Political Development; Charles Lwanga
>> [04] General Secretary, Anne Nakyanzi
>> [05] Secretary for Research, Robert Ssebugwawo
>> [06] Secretary for Youth and Gender; Judith B. Walker
>> [07] Secretary for Mobilization; Herbert Bagoro
>> [08] Secretary for Entertainment and Welfare; Hajj Moses Musoke
>> [09] Secretary for Finance; Rehema Sinan Kalyowa
>> [10] Secretary for Information; Sherlock Katiti
>> [11] Chief Advisor; Abbey Walusimbi
>> Committee Members:
>> Halima Namakula
>> Alex Binyenda
> > Ruth Nakitende Sserunjoji
>> Mr. Abbey Walusimbi, President of United African Federation USA
>> played a very instrumental role in helping to make the whole occasion
>> a success and his efforts to unite and organize not only Ugandans but
>> all Africans in California were commended by the National Secretary
>> for Mobilization, Mr. Kenneth Kanyike on behalf of NRM USA.
>> On another note, events in California also saw members of the Ugandan
>> opposition groups engage in their usual activities of disruption.
>> Weeks after learning that NRM would be in California to launch its
>> chapter, a band of opposition party supporters lured a section of the
>> Ugandan community to a picnic with an ad that read in part, ?Men come
>> and be in the company of a bevy of the most gorgeous women in
>> California. Ladies, don't miss this opportu nity to come strut your
>> stuff, the guys are ready to be wowed!? The futile attempt to disrupt
>> the NRM event was led by Musa Bagenda ? K.Y., Damiano Kigoye ? D.P.,
>> Baker Mayambala ? F.D.C, Ochan Otim ?U.C.O.C, James Ssemakula ?a U.P.C s
> talwart, who labored to discourage the Uganda American community in
> California from attending the NRM event. Going by a report from a
> group of youths that had earlier attended the ?picnic? one could
> discern that ?opposition organizers had an agenda to make money off of
> the few unsuspecting members who turned up at their event. The youths
> expressed surprise at having to spend their hard earned dollars buying
> a few pieces of roasted meat and alcohol under the scotching
> California heat. They openly expressed their regret for having fallen
> into the well-laid trap disgui sed as a ?picnic?.
>> Beyond size, California is also a world technological and economic
>> leader. California is an example of what the future has in store for
>> the rest of the nation. It has been the birthplace of many of the
>> world's most significant technological innovations, social trends,
>> and is a model of economic innovation and prosperity. As this new
>> century begins, there are few economies better suited to this new
>> "information age" than California's. California possesses a vibrant
>> and diverse industrial tapestry. Historically, the state's remoteness
>> from the industrial states of the East and Midwest caused it, from
>> the beginning, to develop a fairly complex economy, rather than one
>> devoted to a few specialized industries. Over
> time, new industries were introduced that, rather than di splacing
> established industries, were simply added to the existing base, which
> heightened its complexity. This pattern of adding rather than
> displacing industries gives California its rich economic texture in
> which long-established industries, such as agriculture and mineral
> extraction, thrive alongside emerging industries, such as
> biotechnology, telecommunications and the Internet. Thus, from its
> frontier beginnings, California has become the largest and most
> diverse economy in the nation. With all inviting us to reach out to
> them, leaving their doors open, California will be pivotal for the NRM
> USA to meet our objectives.
>> Maasogalaba, DDamba-Kanyike
>> Secretary for Mobilization.

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