Indeed there is confusion here.  Plenty of it.  I am sorry for my lack of clarity !!

How can I have accused you of looking for enemies among Langis, Etesots, ..... ?

Instead of dwelling on this issue allow me, in good spirit, to move on 

From: ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes aclearstatement-again!]
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 20:56:19 -0500 (EST)

No, it did not clarify anything; and I am positive I am even more confuse now.
But let me ask you this: How am I exactly looking for the suppose "enemies" among the Langis, Etesots, et al?
I will love to hear that.
As for Nansikombi, I think you should too have realised that Ocii Oruk is NOT Noc'l.; including the variants in our views. Very simple.
Ocii Oruk

Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In this case, your neighbors are all the other tribespersons many of whom are suffering, though not to the same degree like our people in Acholi, Lango, Teso etc....
Some have  wondered as to what really goes on in the minds of 'Westerners' , Banyoro, Batoro, etc.... concerning the plidght of fellow Ugandans.
Is it possible that all are in solidarity with the rest for a better Uganda except that their opinion/vote was rigged for a different outcome?  May be !!
Let us seek and work for the unity. There is no other option !!
I hope that clarifies things, brother Ocii.
At times Nansikombi has been unfairly insulted. I try to extend support  in such cases: i.e.  to Sofia Anyomokolo (sorry bad spelling ? ) when she also was under a barrage of insults. 
And if Nansikombi tells us that the spelling of her name is: "Joicye". Please, don't disrespect her by telling her othewise!!
And why do you say she is confused ? And who is not ?    
From: ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes aclearstatement-again!]
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 20:36:49 -0500 (EST)

Who might those "enemies" from my "neighbours" I look for be?
The Nansikombi is plainly confused. That is my first assessment of her. I won't react therefore for now.
 < /DIV>
But she will need MUST pay attention.
Ocii Oruk

Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings to you my dear sister Nansikombi,
Ocii is a Ugandan and is frustrated like a lot of other Ugandans.
He however makes the mistake of looking for the enemy from among his neighbours, allies and compatriots.
Narrow tribal sentiment has been a bane of our public affairs for too long. That, partly, is why we are paying this incalculable cost in tears and blood.
It is always a pleasure to hear from you dear friend, and take care.
Mitayo Potosi
I'm thinking of  a God very different from the God of the Christian and the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins."   Philosopher  Antony Flew 1922 - .

From: Joicye nansikombi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes a clearstatement-again!]
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 12:03:20 -0800 (PST)

Dear Coffin Noc'l: Ocii Oruk:
I call you coffin because you are an empty coffin box.   I do not think you are a human  person.You have no feelings at all, and you are a dead wood.  I do not think you are from Uganda for that matter or from Northern/Eastern Uganda.  You are definitely A Rwandie under the name Occi Oruk.
I will ask you one Question: 20 Years of Museveni what have you achieved for the Nation other than killing/Steaing Uganda Money which you are enjoying wrig ht now
as you write these stupid e-mails.  Please, leave Ugandans alone.
I come from Luwero I know what your government did to our place.  So it might not be now, tomorrow, but I have faith in God it will come to an end.
Your Museveni Fa mily Tree one day will come to and end.  Mr. Ocii Enjoy the bloody money.OK.  We do not like to see your agly name on any of internate.  Please, be
decent while enjoying your blood money.  It might not be you but what I know God will pay back to you or our children.  That is exactly what you Rwandies/Ugandans tortured the Hutus in 1940s Before you ran to Uganda where we gave you all the kindly
help/assistance, educating your children who have come to kill and eat our children
in our motherland.  No tribe has accepted the Government.  They are forcing us.
as for Kiggundu Muganda munnange, he ate too much money th at His big head and nose could not even think of taking care of elections.
Juses.  Help us Ugandans.
Disturbted Ugandan.
"How / why should we protest vo te where all the other tribes do not? "
You mean you have no idea the suffering in Acholi? The deaths, the IDP, the rapes, the hopelessness, alcoholism, etc? The fights due to frustrations in IDP?
Laduma you are deluding yourself too much! You simply cannot vote for someone who has declared his philosophy against you and expect to be sitting up there on the table and eating. Either way you are under the heavy boot!
See, we have always failed because we read nothing; always we read nothing! At the end of the day, all we want and look for is eating!, like you seem to want,
Mu7 claims the FDC is "hon-nobbing" with terrorists to quote Matek. A whooping 37% percent of Ugandans voted for the FDC. Are all thes e Ugandans terrorists, if this is not just plain trumped-up charges?!
I am very sure all Ugandans want genuine and responsible politics.
Sometime it is hard to reply you.
Ocii Oruk

Okuto del Coli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I agree with you. And, for Acoli it is catastrophe!! We are not where th e talks will be. Where decision of implementation will be made. Where the executive power will be.
I hear protest voting!
How / why should we protest vote where all the other tribes do not? We should protest where all Ugandan (majority) are protesting AND, eat where every body else is eating. Why should we shoulder the burden of Uganda’s political dilemma to the detriment of a whole tribe?
Even more so, why should we do it at a time when we are TWENTY YEARS BEHIND the rest of Ugandan tribes who are already on the verge of voting according to personal conviction?!?!?!?
Ed and Ed, have you realised the hypocrisy of the “West” and FDC?! They are talking about intimidation. INTIMIDATION is what happened in Acoli. The RESULT SHOWS CLEARLY THAT THE ACOLI FELL FOR LRA THREAT . It is known that the LRA threatened voters. But no on e is talking about that “reciprocal” intimidation.
Uganda is fantastic!!

--- On Mon 02/27, Edward Mulindwa < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Edward Mulindwa [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:41:05 -0500
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes a clear statement-again!]

This is going to be the worst parliament in Uganda history. And my heart goes to the wasted million votes.


The Mu lindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
From: ocii
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Re: [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes a clear statement-again!]


"Very soon Kizza Bwesigye will be back in Prison.....Mark my word on that one.!!"

I wrote: "Of course to answer you briefly, if the NRM messed after this election, then oppositions will have all the reasons to employ various means."

That Matek, meaning after Besigye is put in jail on trumped-up charges.

Ma tek you can never have a better opposition than that with close to 40% votes.

P.S: I am not a politician of course.

Matek Opoko wrote:
Ladit Ocii!

You are definately not a politician; that comes out rather clearly. Very soon Kizza Bwesigye will be back in Prison.....Mark my word on that one.!! Even as we speak the latest is that Museveni is now accusing some opposition forces of quote : " hob-nobing" (whatever that means)with terrorist!!!!

ocii wrote:


Those are answers you are looking for, that makes the FDC the best and formidable opposition to the NRM.

If Besigye did all that are level against him, why did not the NRM charge him way back before 2001? Why was he allowed to c ompaign against Mu7 then to the conclussive end of the compaign? Why is it that only after he, Besigye, returned from exile that he is now being charged with all these crimes he supposedly com mitted several years back, way before 2001 moreover, NOT when he was in exile, or even when he was put under house arrest before fleeing?

Matek, there is no skulls when it comes to FDC. I think this would be the best way to detour the political waters of Uganda. I could be entirely wrong. But just my opinion.

Of course to answer you briefly, if the NRM messed after this election, then oppositions will have all the reasons to employ various means. But my instinct tells me th e NRM are going to be a lot careful now since Mu7 has got at max, 5 years to go, which isn't much looking back in 2001.

Ocii Oruk

Matek Opoko wrote:

What if Museveni NRM/O dec ides to arrest Bwesigye Kizza with all the FDC leaders tommorrow? What, if anything, are you going to do about it? Indeed, if I might remind you , Kizza Bwesigye has a charge of treason against the state of Uganda pending over his head in the courts of Uganda. Ugandans still await the court decision which will either convict and acquit Bwesigye of this very serious charge!!and who knows what will happen if Bwesifgye is found guilty or ac quited? what will be the NRM/O response? are we yet to see the Black Mamba unleashed once again to deal with Bwesigye and other FDC leaders?


ocii wrote:

T he FDC is the beginning of the fall of the NRM. Keep the Party leadership i ntact and Ugandans should continue supporting it; there are no skulls to show.

How un-strategic can anyone get to not support the FDC? In politics, those who agitate for change, should not just do so for the sake. There is a Luwero foundation for UPC, any fool can see through, confirning the 20years wait, and definitely more to.

I believe the FDC is a ver y strategic as well as very good opposition Party to the NRM.

Ocii Oruk

< I>Edward Mulindwa wrote:

But how w ill he function into that FDC party where by most of its leaders have not been elected? And I am still getting the names but all I see is the professor only elected, most of his leadership was not. It even makes me wonder how he can make this party grow when his people were thrown out. What I see him doing is dumping FDC as Museveni dumped UPM. You see some of us saw that party and we failed to see its journey. Politics is about patience, Lo oting is about getting what you want and today. For when you look at these elections Besigye has not said he will try next time, his is to be got and today. BBC has said today that Besigye is going to fight the results of this election, then the commentator continued that he (Besigye) is going to have an uphill battle, for the elections have been declared mainly free and fair by the observers. Now remember Museveni after he lost as a leader of UPM he went straight to the bush for he could not wait for the next time.

It takes real Political partys like UPC to w ait 20 years and come back to politics, for most of partys y ou see today popping up are only means to achieve the goal. Personally I would love to see him in Parliament and leading a strong opposition but on statement coming from him I do not think so. He is going to talk to Baganda and he will take them to the bush and the cycle begins all over again.


The Mu lindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Origi nal Message -----
From: ocii
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 5:16 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] Re: [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes a clear statem ent -again!]

I t hink Dr. Besigye should remain put in the leadership of the FDC. The next five years is going to be critia l; the more Ugandans agitate for change, and stiffle in everyway and every year of the five years Mu7's efforts and dreams to deliver whatever he intends to in the third term, the sooner many will see Ugandan pol itical dilemma is still nowhere solved or resolved, as long as Mu7 keeps claiming "they kill ed us"!; and "the only way to resolve the war in the North is to defeat them"!

I feel the word "defeat" is going to be a very expensive word to be uttered carelessly towards the end of thi s Mu7's third term.

To Kiggundu: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda"??

Are many of the Network's members just "friends" of Uganda or Ugandans?

Ocii Oruk

Edw ard Mulindwa wrote:

I think he is intelligent enough to move on, is he going to stay with that party to next election? I do not think he is that stupid.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Kironde
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] Re: [Ugnet] [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes a clear statement - again!]

The Acolis are smart people, they see a weakling in Dr Besigye, he can easily be discarded in a heart beat and they know it. FDC leaders were rejected in their homestead in Western Uganda. It is time either Eas tern Uganda or Northern Uganda dismount Dr Besigye from the FDC leaders hip since he is proven a perenial loser.

Edward Mulindwa wrote:
And that is where I find it hard to understand why Acoli would vote FDC,
what difference do they see between Besigye and Museve ni? That is the
education I need.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ochan Otim"
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 3:01 PM
Subject: [Ugnet] [Fwd: [AcoliForum] Acoli makes a clear statement - again!]

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Acoli makes a clear statement - again!
From: "Ochan Otim"
Date: Fri, February 24, 2006 10:07 am

Dear Members:

Here a re the known results from Acoli as of this morning.

A part from a minor glitch in Lamwo north of Kitgum (Uganda/Sudan border)
where allegation is r ipe that Mrs. Garang and her SPLA had a hand in
intimidating voters to retain Hilary Onek (NRM) in parliament, Acoli
appears to be on track to dismantling Museveni's oppressive machinery in
Acoliland. Consider that:

Betty Aol (FDC and new Women MP) has defeated State Security Minister
Betty Akech (NRM) who is rumored to be on drip in a Gulu ho spital at this

Penyto (FDC and new Gulu Municipality) is taking over from retiring
Norbert Mao (DP) who ran for LCV-Gulu [results pending].

Michael Ochula (FDC) Kilak MP retains his seat

Odonga Otto (FDC) Aruu retains his seat

Reagan Okumu (FDC) Aswa MP retains his seat

Prof. O g enga Latigo (FDC) Agago MP retains his seat

Too-lit Simon (FDC and new Omoro MP) beating unpredictable/flip-flopper
Oulanya (UPC)

Okello Okello (UPC and new Chua MP) beating Okello Oryem (NRM)[this is

8 out of 9 bundled protest votes, not bad.

1. Not e tha t all the four MPs (Okumu, Ocula, Ogenga Latigo, Odonga Otto)< BR>who were physically beaten by Museveni's agents in Acoli not once, but
three times, retained their seats.
2. Additionally, few days to the election date, any voter in Gulu who
challenged claims made by Security Minister Betty Akech got a free ride to
jail. Had it not been for pro-people leaders like Reagan Okumu who went
behind the Minister and released the voters, many of them would still be
in jail.
3. Livingstone Okello Okello is the one man Museveni did everything
within his power to make sure he never got elected. I am glad the
opposite happened.
4. ; ; It is also alleged that many IDP camp dwellers did not vote because
their names did not appear in the official voters' reg ister in their
current places of abode. Reason: (i) a very deceptive registration
exercise took place in some camps a few months early purportedly to link
the camp dwellers with their original hom es. This exercise, they were
told, would make it easier to expe dite their return home when the time
comes. Now, it turns out that the camp dwellers were lied to by their own
government. The said registration was for the purpose of voting; the camp
dwellers were to privy to this fact. Implicitl y, the election was rigged
way before the first vote was cast! (ii) Even voters with voter's cards
did not fare well. Many did not vote because their names were not on the
register. A question: doesn't it appear odd that in Unyama IDP camp only
a total of 244 votes were counted (235 votes for Besigy e and 9 for
Museveni) when there is more than 300 peoples in this c amp? 'Me' smell a
rat here!

Los Angeles celebra nts, count me in for this evening.

Ochan Otim

Will you find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda
carnage at: please!
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