"Kony" should raid Nakabirwa's village (where ever that is) and send her people to the camps as well....we can then state that Nakabirwa's people are "enjoy camp life"
Uganda: IDPs Prefer Camps, Says Nankabirwa

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Apollo Mubiru
Internally displaced persons (IDPS) have developed a tendency of enjoying camp life, Parliament heard yesterday.
State minister for defence Ruth Nankabirwa said as a result, the government was finding it hard to convince IDPs in Teso and some parts of northern Uganda to go home.
Flanked by defence minister Dr. Crispus Kiyonga, Nankabirwa told the parliamentary defence committee chaired by Rose Namayanja (Nakaseke) that the Government could not penalise those who wanted to stay because going home was voluntary.
But Kumi MP Patrick Amuriat demanded that the minister retracts her statement.
He said camps in Teso were created due to Karimojong cattle rustlers and the Lord's Resistance Army rebel incursions.
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"It is not true that those people want to stay there (camps). It is wrong to submit here that there are people in Teso who enjoy camp life. The minister should withdraw her statement," charged Amuriat.
But a stern Nankabirwa said, "why are there people in Teso camps in areas that are free from LRA incursions and cattle rustling? Do we need to say all have left the camps when nobody has left?"
Nankabirwa and other staff had appeared to respond to issues raised by MPs on the ministry's budget and policy statement.

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