Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: UNAA Convention Boat Sinks - Amidst Double Dealing and Greed (Who is fooling who?)

Shocking News
Fellow Ugandans I want you to hear the shocking news about the coming convention in New York. The voices in Uganda have made us learn that Mr. Wanda and his team in Uganda have turned the convention into a scam machine. Ugandans are registering for the membership fee 50,000.00 Ugandan shillings a person. That is about $ 30.00 with my limited knowledge about the constitution of UNAA I want some clarification about this membership fee being charged.
NRM State Minister, and State House official, working in conjunction with the Wanda and the NRMO leadership in New York are charging Ugandan citizens $ 100.00 a head as retainer fee. Mr. Wanda is collecting $ 600.00 for accommodation that could as well be the problem why we can not find rooms at the hotel because Mr. Wanda has the rooms for a scam. We all know that no one can guarantee American visas to any Ugandan.
Desperate Ugandans who want to come to the US are paying money hoping that these crooks will get visas for them. If most people do not get their visas will Wanda be ready to reimburse people’s money? There is a catch that some people can’t see, the parent body of the convention is UNAA, and if Mr. Wanda’s customers decide to sue the scamist, UNAA can not distance itself from financial liabilities of the ripped off people.
My understanding was that Thalma Byenkya was responsible for the invitation, then why do we have the Wanda mafia group sending invitations and collecting money. Something smells funny, but before this is all over it will be a UNAA issue. I would like to caution UNAA not to be blindly led into what could end up with legal wrangling.
Hotel policy is clear if people are not able to show up they have 24 hours not to be charged for no show. Those who will not receive their visas will be entitled to their refunds, including $ 160.00 for their registration fee. The question is who will be responsible for their retainer fee?
Extracting money under false pretense is a crime and these are tough times in the US. We do not want to put UNAA in a position where the US government starts to questions the objectives of people raising funds under the auspices of our organization. A quick attention will save the organization's reputation and the victims of Mr. Wanda and his henchmen.
By the way: Madam Sara Gayaza Serubula, the answer to your question below is Ed K.
Stay tuned I will bring all the names of the officials involved in the scam in the next writing.     
Rose Tumusiime

Sara Serubula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Before I hit the Del button,
Who is spying on Ugandans now??????

Rose Tumusiime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ugandan brothers and sister do not be shocked, by the temporary legal maneuvers, by the usual character Mr. Edward Wanda. In this country we have no BLACK MAMBAS the system works, the laws that take people to jail are the same laws that takes them out. Mr. Wanda acting on behalf of the organization without the membership’s consent may cause some problems for him to prevail all the way through.
My two cents worthy is; right away file an injunction to stop the boat company from dealing with either side before there is a response from the appeal. In the appeal make sure that all the facts are presented including the concept a free market. We are not in monopoly market. We are entitled to compete we should not be held hostage by Wanda because he failed to advertise his boat. This issue is about competition, a concept embraced by the American way of life.
Last part is to let everyone know that there is no need for panic. Wanda can not be trusted with our money. Soon there are legal fights coming over money with all those they are scamming in Uganda. The fight is going to be nasty, it is better to start it now, before it is too late. I know that the majority of the Ugandans are on the right side and it is not Wanda’s side. It is our money and Wanda can not decide who we pay that money to.
The cheer leaders; Twaha Bukenya and the elite lady of Gayaza, Sara Serubula, please enjoy your honeymoon. I will bring your profiles out soon. Remember that you are under our microscopic eyeview.
Let this be a lesson to the future convention organizers. These are lessons learned. San Francisco please do not bring the FDC, NRM, DP, JEMMA, UPC and CP politics in UNAA, keeping it UNAA will keep us harmonious. It is all the above +++ that makes UNAA.       
Rose Tumusiime

Ekuba omunaku tekya! Some information just came to my attention and I thought some of you may be interested to know, as you may be directly affected. With only days left to the commencement of the convention, and as if the organizers don’t have enough problems, now comes the report that UAAGNY is embroiled in a bitter legal log jam - and there will likely be no boat cruise on the Hudson.
Trouble seems to have started when a Mr Nasser Kagiri of New York who had earlier been attending UAAGNY organising committee meetings, decided to orgarnise an alternate "fun" boat alongside UAAGNY's official "Spirit of New Jersey" boat.

Apparently Mr Kagiri rented his "fun" boat from the same boat company as the UAAGNY’s organising committee. UAAGNY leadership was enraged when they realised that Kagiri's "fun" boat was fully booked and theirs had a 90 percent vacancy. Perhaps in panic, they came to what can only be called a stupid and na
Vve decision to sue both Mr Kagiri and the boat company.
Admittedly am not a lawyer, but any straight thinking lay person knows that when you rent a car, bus or a boat the rental company does not give you an exclusive right as to who will be your passengers. Nothing in the rental agreement prohibits the rental company from renting to other individuals, on the same day or in the same city.
Nevertheless, Edward Wanda the UAAGNY leader is his foolhardy and greedy haste, fumed, spat and decided to sue Nasser Kagiri as well as the boat company. In doing so, Wanda sued as chairman of UAAGNY, without informing some directors of UAAGNY. Hearing is set for today August 15. Who will be the victor, and was this necessary? I guess it is obvious!
In an ironic and comic twist, when the boat company learnt that it is being sued by Wanda and Co, it decided to cancel BOTH the UNAA-NY boat booking as well as Nasser Kagiri's booking, until the two "business men" can work out their problems !
Now this is too much for me, I am inclined to follow Rose Tumusiime's advice and boycott the shambles that is this year's UNAA convention. These guys are just low level greedy shafters who should never be allowed near organising a convention again.

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