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  Uganda: Oyo Demands Anger Mumbere

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                The Monitor (Kampala)
  November 17, 2006
Posted to the web November 16, 2006
  Michael Karugaba
  Mr Charles Wesley Mumbere Irema-ngoma of Rwenzururu Kingdom has reacted 
angrily over alleged claims by Tooro king Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru IV that 
Queen Elizabeth National Park and Lake Katwe salt Lake belong to his kingdom.
  In November 8 e-mail to the chairman of the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu 
Recognition Council, Mr Costa Bwambale, Mumbere said the move by the Toro 
kingdom is a provocation to the Bakonjo.
  "I here by authorise the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu to prepare and release a 
strong statement warning and blasting the royal leadership of Tooro kingdom 
against unnecessary, stupid and bogus claims over our natural resources," reads 
the e-mail in part.
  Mumbere's outburst follows an article in the Orumuri newspaper of November 6 
to 12, which quoted an unnamed source in Toro kingdom saying Oyo had written to 
the government demanding to re-possess the two natural resources currently 
under Mumbere's territory.
  The paper said the kingdom was in negotiations on how to repossess resources 
and that President Yoweri Museveni has already received Oyo's demand.
  However, it quoted a State House source, who alleged that the President had 
rejected the demand for fear of raising another war between the Batooro and 
  Past battles
  The two tribes fought a 20-year (1962 to 1982) bloody war when the Bakonzo/ 
Bamba rose against Tooo kingdom accusing them of oppression.
  Former President Idi Amin later granted the two tribes; the Bakonzo and Bamba 
separate districts of Kasese and Bundibugyo (then Busongora and Rwenzori 
respectively) in 1974.
  "Since March 13, 1962 Tooro kingdom is no longer our ruler," Mumbere added.
  Mumbere warned Tooro kingdom against taking advantage of the government's 
delay to recognise his kingdom to provoke them.
  "Tooro regents should stop putting those things in the minds of their king," 
he added.
  "Batooro should know that such claims can spark off serous fights between the 
Bakonzo and Batooro," he said.
  Mumbere vowed never to allow the Tooro administration to rule the Bakonzo or 
any part of their land again. "We can reconcile with them but they will never 
take anything belonging to us," he wrote.
  Bwambale could not be reached for comment but the kingdom's spokesperson 
Godfrey Kabyanga confirmed that he had received the e-mail.
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  He was, however, reluctant to discuss the details with this reporter and 
referred him to Bwambale.
  Daily Monitor has learnt that the Recognition Council is yet to meet early 
this week to discuss the e-mail and come up with a harmonised position.
  Efforts to get a comment from Tooro kingdom officials were futile.

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