"But some party members claim that forces which brought Miria to the party 
presidency, were using her as a "safety valve" to ward off the democratic 
forces that were taking root within the party."
  Who are these so called "democratic forces" within the UPC?  What is their 
agenda? Maria, the Party President ,is doing a good job in challenging   the 
many policies of the NRM Military dictatorship which has over the 20 years 
destroyed our country .
  Those who are giving Maria a hard time must be forewarned that the people of 
Uganda are tired of this politics of manipulation which many have used to 
destroy the UPC.. this time around we are watching you with a hawks eyes. 
  Uganda: I'm Here to Stay - Miria

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                The Monitor (Kampala)
  November 23, 2006
Posted to the web November 22, 2006
  Joseph Miti
  UGANDA Peoples Congress President Miria Kalule Obote yesterday said she is 
not planning to step down soon.
  Miria was addressing journalists at Uganda House.
  "I am aware of a clique plotting to overthrow me and they claim that I should 
step down but this will not happen," she said. "Those who want me to step down 
should think of other things because I am here to stay."
                        Relevant Links            East Africa 
  There has been unrest within UPC, with some members accusing the party leader 
of being weak. She has also faced trouble over the control of her former 
husband's property, Milton Obote Foundation (MOF)
  But some party members claim that forces which brought Miria to the party 
presidency, were using her as a "safety valve" to ward off the democratic 
forces that were taking root within the party.
  Miria criticised the government for its attack on the Forum for Democratic 
Change whose rally police dispersed last Saturday. She said the brutal breaking 
up of the FDC rally, which was organised to launch the sale of party membership 
cards, showed lack of constitutionalism and democracy in the country.

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