The rebels , rightly so one might argue,  must demand that the the UPDF 
completely withdraw form Southern Sudan. In fact  Political observers believe 
that the UPDF should withdraw  way beyond Karuma fall towards Kampala... in 
order to give the "rebels" reassurance and convidence to  assemble in the so 
called  "dessignated areas" in owiny Kii Bul..Assembing in Owiny Kii Bul , for 
the rebels, would be a disaster.. the UPDfusing helicopter gunship will simply 
mow down the "rebels" in some sort of grand massacre.  These so called "rebels" 
are acholi sons and daughters massacring them , as Museveni would like to do, 
and is planing to do is therefore totally unacceptable. Museveni should 
withdraw his so called UPDF army way beyond Karuma ( towards Kampala), 
otherwise no "rebel' should as much as show their face in Owiny kii Bul..
  Uganda: LRA Rebels Shun Owiny-Ki-Bul

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                The Monitor (Kampala)
  November 25, 2006
Posted to the web November 27, 2006
  Grace Matsiko

  The Lord's Resistance Army rebels have shunned Owiny-ki-Bul, the area in 
South Sudan where they were supposed to assemble by November 8, the Cessation 
of Hostilities Monitoring Team has reported.
  The committee comprising the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA), the LRA 
and the UPDF said the LRA's actions were in violation of the ceasefire 
agreement signed between the government and the rebels in Juba on November 1.
  LRA defence
  But the LRA defence, according to the committee's report, is that they cannot 
assemble in Owiny-ki-Bul until the UPDF pulls out of the vast territory between 
Nimule, on the Ugandan border and Juba.
  "We visited Palutaka and Tibika and found that the UPDF had withdrawn. This 
has been confirmed but the LRA have not reached the assembly point," Maj. Gen. 
Wilson Deng, the head of the monitoring team, said on Thursday.
  Deng on Thursday flew on a UN helicopter to Palutaka, Tibika and 
Owiny-ki-Bul, in company of UPDF's Col. Tumusiime Nyakaitana, Lt. Col. Charles 
Okori, the LRA's Ray Achama and Maj. Dennis Okiror.
  He said the LRA must assemble in Owiny-ki-Bul now that the UPDF has withdrawn 
from the nearest points in Palutaka and Tibika.
  But the LRA delegation said the area is not safe enough for their fighters 
unless the UPDF withdraws fully from the eastern bank of River Nile.
  According to Deng, the committee will present their findings of their fact 
finding mission to Owiny-ki-Bul, Palutaka and Tibika to the chief mediator 
between the government and the rebels Dr Riek Machar.
  After consulting the South Sudan government and Khartoum, President Yoweri 
Museveni last week ordered the withdrawal of the UPDF from Tibika and Palutaka 
in South Sudan in an effort to build confidence among the rebels to assemble at 
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  But the rebels seem to have snubbed the President's gesture. It remains to be 
seen if Kony and Otti will meet the December 1 deadline to assemble at 
Ri-Kwangba, the second assembly point.
  This month the government and the rebels renewed an agreement, which gives 
the rebels two areas of assembly in South Sudan.
  The rebels missed a deadline to assemble in September, accusing the Ugandan 
army of besieging Owiny-ki-Bul.

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