Balaalo                          attacked , flee Buliisa district               
    KABINDI & GEORGE MUZOORA                                                    
                         FRESH clashes broke out in Buliisa District on 
Saturday                            evening between Bagungu and Balaalo leaving 
several                            people injured, and with Minister Henry 
Kajura fleeing                            for his life. 
                           A large herd of cattle also disappeared in the 
confusion                            and several huts were torched.
                           The clashes begun moments after a meeting of the 
Bagungu                            cultivators called to discuss the eviction 
from Buliisa                            of pastoralists commonly called Balaalo 
was ‘invaded’                            by a herd of cattle. 
       VICTIM: Ms Bwororoza nurses                                her wounds 
after she was assaulted last week. Courtesy                                
  An unidentified Mugungu woman drove the herd to the                           
 venue of the meeting in Kataleeba Village, Bugoigo Parish                      
      in Buliisa Sub-county claiming that she found the cattle                  
          grazing in her shamba. The woman claimed that the cattle,             
               owned by one of the Balaalo, had been left to graze              
              in her shamba intentionally. 
                         “I have brought these cows to you as evidence          
                  to see for yourselves…this is what we are always              
              complaining about. Will I eat these cows?” she                    
        said angrily. 
                         While she was still talking, the owner of the herd     
                       Geoffrey Friday arrived to defend himself but his 
presence                            only provoked fury from the Bagungu at the 
meeting.                            They pounced on Mr Friday beating him to 
near death.                            They also accused him of beating Buliisa 
MP Steven Biraahwa                            during initial skirmishes on June 
                         On that day Mr Biraahwa was part of a group of Bagungu 
                           that clashed with the Balaalo contesting the 
latter’s                            claim of ownership of about 40 square miles 
of land                            in Waiga and Bugana areas of Buliisa. 
                         Armed with pangas and spears, the Bagungu invaded the  
                          disputed land setting off a bloody fight that left 
dozens                            injured including the MP. 
                           Second Deputy Prime Minister Henry Kajura attended 
the                            Saturday meeting, which was called by Bunyoro 
Kingdom                            Prime Minister Emmanuel Kiiza in Kataleeba, 
some 30                            kilometres from Buliisa District 
                          Mr Kajura, who also is the minister of public 
service,                            and Mr Kiiza jumped into their cars and 
sped off immediately                            the atmosphere got charged. 
                           Moments earlier, Mr Kajura had told the meeting that 
                           he was visiting to understand everything about the 
Buliisa                            quarrel both as a Munyoro and a government 
                           The Bagungu, who are essentially Banyoro, and 
Balaalo,                            several of whom are Ugandan Banyarwanda, 
are embroiled                            in a bitter contest over land, with 
the latter facing                            imminent eviction from the western 
Uganda district to                            Kyankwanzi in Kiboga District of 
central Uganda. 
                         The Saturday fight was the third such encounter 
between                            the two groups.
                           The “indigenous” Bagungu want to cultivate           
                 cotton on the land they say is rightfully theirs while         
                   the pastoralists say they bought the same land for grazing   
                         and have engaged a Kampala lawyer to fight their case  
                          in the courts. The High Court has since temporarily   
                         blocked their eviction.
                          It is still not clear whether the transfer will 
eventually                            take place as the Buganda Kingdom, of 
which Kiboga is                            a part, has said it will not accept 
Balaalo on its land.                            
                           However, Gen David Tinyefuza, the co-ordinator of 
intelligence                            services and the government’s 
points-man on the                            pastoralist issue, says Kyankwanzi 
land is government                            land and the Balaalo from Buliisa 
will be resettled                            there. 
                         In the Saturday clashes, police intervened and rescued 
                           Mr Friday but the enraged Bagungu continued to comb  
                          the villages of Kicooke and Kataleeba searching and   
                         beating up any Mulaalo they found. 
                         They also burnt to ashes a motorcycle – UDF 301A       
                     – belonging to a Mulaalo, one Kananga. Several             
               grass-thatched huts were set ablaze and cattle injured.          
                           Buliisa RDC Kato Hussein Matanda said that the 
Balaalo                            had reported several of their kinsmen and 
cattle missing.                          
                          “We have deployed police and the situation has        
                    calmed down,” he said. “Whoever was responsible             
               for the mess will be dealt with.” 
                           It was not clear by press time whether any arrests 
had                            been made yesterday. 
                           Among those reported missing by yesterday evening 
were                            Mr Wilson Tuutu, Mr Wilson Musasizi, and Mr 
Geoffrey                            Rwebishaka.
                          Many leaders of the pastoralist community have fled   
                         Buliisa and pitched camp some 112km east in 
neighbouring                            Masindi District.
                           Their leader, Ms Grace Bororoza, said that they fear 
                           for their lives because the security situation in 
Buliisa                            District has not improved since May. 
                         Commenting on the planned relocation, Ms Bororoza said 
                           the Balaalo would not leave Buliisa until they are 
compensated                            for the money used to buy land in the 
                           Ms Bororoza said she paid Shs15 million for some 300 
                           acres of land, which the Bagungu now want to drive 
her                            off. 
                         “I have evidence,” she said. “Even                     
       the Bagungu know this. Why would anyone just throw his                   
         or her money and then is pushed off? This is unfair.

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