*Comrade Ocii, you write:*
*"Africans are going to continue dying in large numbers until when they wake
*Very true.  But it seems more and more Africans are going off to doze !!*
*In Uganda, back in the 1960's, there was a smaller number of idiots  i.e.
Sir Edward Muteesa, Abu Mayanja etc....  *
*Now idiots, crooks, and all manner of shit .... Kawanga-Ssemogerere,
Karooli Ssemogerere, Norbert Mao, etc... are all over the place. *
*It is even worse in West Africa. *
*In spite of Obote's shortcomings, at least he made sure the youths were
growing up with some ideological perspective. *
*Today, the new generation displays an idiocy that scares the wits out of
anybody that cares !! *
*Senseless tribal chauvinism is the order of the day !! *
*Many are even looking to the offspring of the European slave master for
salvation !! *
*Onyango Obbo recently wrote to me saying that he still believes that giving
away Uganda Commercial Bank was the right thing to do !! *
*He could even still be an admirer of running dog Kagame !!  Who knows ? *
*The daily papers from Uganda now have front page articles that insult our
memory of Kwame Nkrumah !! ( I once complained to Anne Mugisha on her such
authorship and her reply was  'Tough luck'  for my being incensed by her
bashing of that greatest of Africa's giants, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah).*
*It is well and good, Comrade Ocii,  that the Chinese as allies is a ready
made solution we still have. *
*But in the final analysis it is only we who can ever be our liberators.*
*One gets so depressed it is a wonder some of us are still sane !!*
*Mitayo Potosi*
On 12/12/07, ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *There is of course needs to know exactly who is who, but this Nkunda's
> victories cannot be a cause for alarm! The west has been in the DRC for
> years without any challenge. The government of DRC is still struggling to
> establish itself. The situation I am sure is going to change as DRC troops
> learn the hard way and adjust acordingly. With China looming and putting her
> feet in the continent generally and DRC specifically, like in Sudan, I
> seriously don't see the Nkundas continuing for long, as long as the
> population are mobilized for war, just like Mao mobilized the Chinese
> population for war by the turn of the 20th century, that saw them freeing
> themselves. *
> **
> *Wars must be faught in Africa; not just mere wars, but serious wars, if
> there must be realised some very positve results. With China rising, western
> powers and influence in Africa is going to wane whether one likes it or not.
> So, Nkunda's so called victories are nothing to loose sleep over. Africans
> are going to continue dying in large numbers until when they wake up. And it
> is those deaths that are going to wake them up, to be able to deal
> decisively with agents of their deaths like the Nkundas!*
> **
> *Just watch.*
> Ocii
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   DRC rebel general calls for talks with govt   Kinshasa, Democratic
> Republic of Congo     *12 December 2007 02:33*
> <http://ad.za.doubleclick.net/click;h=v8/3627/0/0/%2a/g;120857138;0-0;0;18267266;5725-220/240;21921750/21939640/1;;~fdr=163376490;0-0;0;16450589;5725-220/240;23812014/23829867/1;;~sscs=%3fhttp://www.outsurance.co.za/default.asp?ID=153&cr=395213236_220x240&source=accel&cid=14>
> Rebel general Laurent Nkunda on Wednesday called for talks with the
> Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government after his troops secured some
> military victories that left them facing off with United Nations
> peacekeepers in the eastern Nord-Kivu province.
> "We need to negotiate. We call for the opening of discussions with the
> government," rebel spokesperson Rene Abandi said.
> "This war has been imposed on us from the beginning," he said. "We believe
> that the solution to the problem is political and not military, even though
> the situation on the ground is currently in our favour."
> Over the past two days, Nkunda's fighters have taken back all the
> positions they held three months ago, when fighting started with the
> Congolese army forces (FARDC) in troubled eastern DRC.
> Late on Tuesday, the rebels closed in on the town of Sake, about 30km
> north-west of the UN-defended provincial capital of Goma.
> The UN mission to the DR Congo, Monuc, has reinforced its troops in the
> region and has vowed not to lose Sake to Nkunda's forces if they move on the
> town.
> Early on Wednesday, a Monuc spokesperson said the area around Sake was
> calm after some sporadic gun fire overnight.
> "The situation is unchanged in Sake. Monuc is controlling the town," said
> Major Prem Tiwari, the UN mission's military spokesperson in Nord-Kivu
> province.
> "We have reinforced our positions. We won't let this town fall into the
> hands of Nkunda's troops."
> Since the end of August the government's 20 000-strong force in Nord-Kivu
> has been involved in skirmishes with about 4 000 troops loyal to Nkunda as
> it attempts to force the rebel militia to demobilise and hand in their arms.
> Less than a week ago the government described its capture of the town of
> Mushake as a "great victory" in the fight against Nkunda, who claims to be
> defending Tutsis against Hutu rebels from neighbouring Rwanda.
> The rebel general has rejected demands by Kinshasa and the UN to disarm,
> and by Washington to surrender and go into exile. President Joseph Kabila
> has ordered the army to disarm the rebel fighters by year's end.
> When asked if the rebels intend to attack Goma or other cities: Abandi
> said: "That will depend on the situation, whether they want to continue to
> pound us or not."
> "It is not the first time that we have won a military victory against
> FARDC, which is always in the end saved by Monuc. This situation cannot last
> forever," he said. -- AFP
> *Mitayo de Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>  *Slaughter in DRC*
> Brothers and sisters,
> As you may be aware, the Pentagon is behind warlord Laurent Nkunda.
> He is protecting the mines where the slave-master is feverishly digging
> for tantalum, Niobium, and all manner of strategic minerals in Eastern
> Congo.
> In fact, even the so-called United Nations not only pays a fee to Nkunda
> whenever UN planes land on airstrips in that area, but UN medical personnel
> have been treating Nkunda's fighters who get injured while fighting the DRC
> army.
> As you know, recently Kabila deployed troops and 'drove' Nkunda's Tutsi
> forces from near the mines that produce these strategic minerals.
> When the DRC forces arrived at Nkunda's HQs they found that every human
> being in that small town had 'fled'.
> It was a big trap.
> As we speak, the DRC army in Eastern Congo has been wiped in the last day
> or two.
> Of course behind Nkunda is Bechtel, *Harliburton*, the Pentagon etc....
> The West has been killing us by using their Ugandan and Rwandese mercenary
> armies.
> A few days ago in Addis Ababa, Kabila to refused to turn up for a meeting
> with Museveni and Condoleezza Rice. Now Museveni, Kagame and the West are
> teaching him a lesson by wiping out his army !!
> There may not be much we can do but it is important that we find out what
> the extent of the slaughter that Museveni, Kagame etc.... are perpetrating
> on our Congolese neighbours right now as we speak.
> Sad indeed !!
> Mitayo Potosi
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