*When we leave Uganda to come and live in the West, it becomes a safety
valve for the evil imperialist forces fronted by Museveni.*
*Like one comrade said on this forum; to get the monkey off our back we will
have to wage the greatest of our fight.  *
*All of us !! **Not just peasant Acholis, but all of us, Baganda, Basoga,
Batooro etc....*
*Our land in Acholi, Buganda etc.... is just being stolen left and right. *
*We have to light the fire under the feet of these vile Madvanis, Agha
Khans, etc... and the running dogs among us.  *
*Either we die with honour while fighting this naked design to exterminate
us or they will just finish us off like chicken ...*
*The choice is stark clear. *
*To just sojourn here in the West is a betrayal to the ordinary folks and
our motherland !!*
*This nonsense of ' Museveni meeting Acholi elders, to get land for
investors has gone on for far too long !!*
*Mitayo Potosi*

Museveni to meet Acholi leaders over land

Samuel O. Egadu


PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni will today meet with Acholi leaders in Amuru over
the  proposed allocation of 40,000 hectares of land in Amuru District to
Madhavani Group of companies for sugarcane growing, a presidential assistant
in charge of the north said yesterday.

Mr Museveni will also address a public rally at Keckiceke Primary School
near Amuru District headquarters. The President will address residents on
the need to offer land to investors and his 14-point programme to
rehabilitate and industrialise the north. The region has lagged behind as a
result of the two decade insurgency by the Lord Resistance Army rebels.

The Amuru LC5, Mr Anthony Atube Omach and Amuru RDC Edwin Komakech both
confirmed the President's visit to the district.
The President, in October, met with Amuru leaders over the need to offer
land to investors.
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