*Brother Edward,*
*I admire your clarity !!   Not only on this issue of Kenya.*
*And you have such a thick skin to take all the insults from the likes of
"  Africare- NewPublications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* *ARJP Management."

*What is astounding is the blindness of most of our people !!*
*Kibaki's First Govt started off by going after the corrupt Justices of the
High Court. *
*More than half were fired for corruption. *
*The new High Court of seven has only two Kikuyus, yet for this Kibaki is
called tribalist !!  *
*The Chief of Defence Staff is a Kamba. It is only his deputy that is
Kikuyu. The Naval commander is a Taita. !! *
*Kibaki had to retire some Kalenjin Officers who had become untouchables and
were not even saluting their Senior Officers !!*
*His next Kibaki move was the Telecommunications Billion Dollar corruption
deals that Moi had cooked up with the British. *
*This is when the British mother-fuckers wired Anti-Corruption Permanent
Secretary, John Githongo, with a radio transmitter to bug Kibaki's
discussions on these British corrupt deals. He was going to go after all of
these thugs - including Moi. Those who don't believe this should ask Kenya's
Nobel Prize winner, Wangari Maathai. No need to go to the Dr Ssentamus or
the Desmond Tutus of this world !!.*
*At this same time Oginga disrupted this clean-up against corruption with
drive to be Prime Minister at all costs.  How an elected President could
have just given away to Oginga executive power and the mandate of the people
eludes me !!*
*When Githongo was found with the transmitter the British spirited him to
Canada where he is now in exile and co-ordinating regime change with Oginga.
The man committed treason and now masquerades as a saviour !! Can you
imagine the insult ?*
*For the first time the British no longer have a monopoly on Kenya Govt
contracts in Defence, roads etc... and they are steaming mad with Kibaki .*
*This caused so much anguish to them that their Ambassador, Clay, lashed
out saying Kibaki "vomits on his shoes" !!  Remember ? *
*After a long long time farmers are now paid cash when they take their
produce to the marketing Boards (milk, maize pyrethrum, coffee etc.....) *
*Is it not Kalenjin farmers who have reaped all this financial gain due to
Kibaki's resolve, ingenuity and commitment ?*
*How then can they turn around to condemn Kibaki ? *
*Simply because the man is a Kikuyu ? *
*Is it a crime to be a Kikuyu or a Muganda for that matter ? *
*The Kalenjins were in power for 24 years under Moi. How can they turn
around and say that Kikuyus have been in power for too long ? In all that
time why didn't they sort out the land in Eldoret and the Rift Valley ?*
* *
*Revenue collection under Kibaki is so efficient that he finances
all Kenya's recurrent expenditure. When the so-called British
"donors" ordered Kibaki to cut medical services (doctors, nurses etc....)
and teachers in schools he told them to get lost. They are scared of us
getting free. They would starve !!*
*Financing by "donors" is over 50% for m7 and over 90% for Kagame. *
*When all Africans leaders including South Africa and Nigeria were kneeling
to the British to accept an under-sea telecommunications cable deal around
Africa, it is Kibaki who stood up for Africa by laying a fibre glass
connection to the world through the United Arab Emirates. You are talking
about trillions of dollars this Kibaki stand has saved Africa. The British
are petrified by this and they don't like him one bit !!*
*Now they are even using Kofi Annan to effect regime change. I am happy
Kibaki's boys are smart enough to have bugged Kofi's bedroom. *
*Cyril Ramaphosa also is just a running dog for the Anglo-Saxon-Zionist
entity, the Oppenheimer conglomerate, in the mineral resources of South
Africa. We are just being delusional if we think we are the constituency
that he represents !!*
*Our own FDC, including Besigye, Sam Akaki in London and Muniini here in
Toronto, got excited and threw their support behind this traitor Odinga. It
serves them right that now Oginga prefers ( has been ordered by the British
) to demand that talks be mediated under Museveni in Kampala. How does
Besigye now spin this ?*
*Ugandans have to wake up and forget these myopic and hopeless Sam Akaki,
Besigye, Muniini etc....*
*Bob Marley asked: "For how long will they kill our prophets when we stand
aside and look?"*
*My analysis is that today Kibaki is the best/most committed leader on the
African continent. The British are castrating his balls and we just stand
aside and look !!*
*If he had not allowed the FBI to arrest whomever they wish in Kenya even
the Americans would already have signed off on to this regime change.*
*Forget the British propagandistic nonsense that the Americans already want
him out !!*
*We are in hard times. *
*But let us never forget m7's words that  "If we are stupid our fate is only
slavery" . or Steve Biko's call: "Black man, you are on your own !! "*
*Mitayo Potosi*
On 2/14/08, Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Africans
> Now that the  Americans have sent in Condoleezza Rice one wonders who is
> representing the British government, for as we stated before it is the
> British government holding the Kenyan government hostage. And as I stated
> before this is not about the elections but the Americans and British to
> secure their investment when the British do not like Mwai Kibaki yet the
> Americans like him. And as by what I see, the British ambassador in Kenya
> has started to open up his mouth. So you tell me what election in Africa
> ever pushed a secretary of state to fly in.
> Well come to Kenya the last Western colony on Africa.
> EM
> Toronto
>  The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* James Ololo Mamboleo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Kenya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; Mwana Nchigroup<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Kenya
> Onlinegroup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; Africa Opedgroups<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Kenya
> Pyla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; Siasa siasaKenya<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:29 PM
> *Subject:* [Mwananchi] Condoliza Rice is Heading to Kenya... Keep focused,
> don't let them cheat again.
> Ben,
> Condoleeza is a great negotiator, but like Cyril
> Ramaphosa said, in order to negotiate a lasting
> settlement, both parties must be willing.
> But I know one thing, we said a resounding NO on
> December 27th and if someone tries to cheat again, he
> or she will not eat the cake and have it.
> -James
> -------------------------------------------
> --- "Ben R. Sendeyo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wanainchi
> > CNN just announced that President Bush is sending
> > Condoliza Wali to Kenya to join in with the efforts
> > to sort out political peace talks in Kenya.
> > It is great to see powerfull women, Grace
> > Machel-Mandela, Sally Kosgei, Martha Karua, and
> > Condoliza Rice get together and negotiate peace for
> > Kenya. We have always held the notion that if women
> > were in charge this world would be a peacefull place
> > than it really is.
> > Sendeyo
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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