Hello Mitayo,
You are on the money. Even Alan Greenspan today admitted, under 
congressional questioning, that he now sees the light that relying solely on 
the mechanics of the free hand of the market is not the cure-all on economic 
matters. If he had said that, even six months ago, the neo-cons would have 
lambasted him as a turn-coat.
The case of Uganda is one of the sad stories of this wild, Wild West economic 
philosophy imposed by the IMF/World Bank. The quick fire sales of parastatal 
bodies, the crumbling infrastructures, the messed-up delivery of healthcare, 
etc are all tied to this mindset. 
Kenya may have lucked out when the IMF/World Bank refused to deal with it under 
the Moi era. You can see the result when sane people took over. The airport and 
the roads usually are telltale signs of how a country is doing. Passing through 
Kenya in the 90s as compared to today tells one a story of two different 
Where does Uganda go from here?  
First, that man in state house no longer has anything he can give to Uganda . 
We need a completely new set of people who are smart enough to design a genuine 
pro-people game plan. The alternative is a dire future which will be compounded 
by the so-called development partners tightening their belts and throwing less 
in the state bowl.
Keep the spirit, bro.


--- On Thu, 10/23/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] Powell on African Failure
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" <ugandanet@kym.net>
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:54 PM

Comrade Odiya,

I glanced briefly at your website and saw at the bottom:

Friedmantism Spawned the NSSF Saga
Note that I have no formal training in the discipline of Economics. Spreading 
numeracy is what puts food on my dinner table. 

Still, I am very intrigued.
The Chicago School (Economics) is joined at the hip with some neo-cons who hail 
from Mathematics.

( That is how i.e. Iraqi Mathematician Ahmed Chalabi got prominence/notoriety 
in the invasion of Iraq project.) 

Milton Friedman was at the University of Chicago. 

(The coup and the assassination of Chile's Salvador Allende were cooked up by 
these guys together with the CIA at the Univ of Chicago).

When the Soviet Union collapsed both the Soviet and American High Energy 
Physicists run out of work. Funding  for nuclear weapons research ceased.

So where did these number crunchers all go? 

They went into Finance.  They went to Wall Street.

We now see the whole Financial superstructure of the West crumble like a 
pyramid of cards. 

We are told how difficult it is to untangle the derivatives and debt-swap 
derivatives that are at the core of the rot.

Occasionally it is mentioned that it is Physicists in Merry-Lynch, Lyman 
Bros.,  AIG etc... that cooked up these financial instruments. 

Nobody so far is telling how Nuclear Scientists ended up in the Finance sector.

Yo may be familiar with a branch of Mathematics known as  "Non Linear Dynamic 
Systems".  Lay people call it "Chaos Theory". 

This Mathematical methodology revolutionised not only understanding of Nuclear 
explosions but also weather systems, exploration of oil fields, minerals 

Scientists who solve these equations boast that the pleasure they derive is the 
equivalent of sitting at the right hand of God at his banquet table !! 

The point is that whole-sale, this mathematical/Scientific methodology was 
imported into Economics, stock and barrel.

Maybe you remember Reagan's Chief of Staff, Prof John Sununu. 

He is an expert in Non linear Dynamic Systems( i.e. Fluid Mechanics). Everybody 
says he is the most brilliant Scientist that has ever graced the halls of the 
White House. 


He is a pointer to the incestuous relationship that developed between 
Mathematical Physicists, the Milton Friedman Economists, politicians and the 

Any informed person has to understand this very big link between these 
Scientists and the melt-down of the Economy that we are seeing today. 

Imagine our own Tumusiime Mutebiles sitting down at the World Bank/IMF with 
these Mathematical giants, to chart the direction of Uganda's economy !!  

Our poor Uganda never stood a chance. 

Basing on such equations, they were instructed to give away Uganda Commercial 
Bank for free, and Mutebile/Suruma just nodded heads. 
Ditto Dairy Corp for one dollar, Cement Corp. Electricity sector, etc.... 

One day Ugandans are going to find out that Mutebile/Suruma/Mbabazi/Museveni,  
were utterly ignorant  rather than thieves they appear to be .

This is a brief look at another angle to this issue. 

What do you think Brother Odiya?

Mitayo Potosi
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 8:26 AM, Hello! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Typical "principled" Afrikan consumed with self-importance  and dwelling on 
non-issues instead of tackling the task at hand. Have a nice day.

 --- On Thu, 10/23/08, Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" 
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 2:19 AM

The least I deserve is to have a name of who I am supposed to respond to, some 
times I get offended by Kiro kitwalomunaku's.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Hello! 
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:25 PM

Oli otya Mwami Mulindwa, 

Long time since I last read from you. Let me see if I get you right. You 
postulate that joining hands with an adversary is unprincipled. From that you 
conclude that that is the bane of Africa , which has led to our failures. I 
hope you mean that for the individual as well as for the collective—tribe, 
religion, political affiliation, etc. 
Mwattu osoma eky'okuddamu ekyange: 
Is Endorsing/Embracing Adversaries Unprincipled? 


--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Mitayo Potosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda" <ugandanet@kym.net>
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 10:28 AM

Now you sound like Pat Buchanan !!

On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

African friends
General Colin Powel has on this day explained very candidly the failure of 
Africa. He has decided to go out of his way to demonstrate why after so very 
many years after independence we are still failing to build our continent. And 
when you look at all facts given at a table Africa fails because we do not have 
principles. Our failure to have principles has absolutely nothing to do with 
race gender education or economical stand, we are simply a bunch of creatures 
that do not know what to state today or tomorrow. Thus when you find a Mr. 
Tsivangirai today in London singing all bad things against Robert mutable don't 
join him for the day that very same Tsivangirai will be in pictures with Robert 
Mugabe, as Raila Odinga is with Mwai Kibaki as Kiiza besigye will be with 
Yoweri Museveni. 
What Colin Powel has one today has only two options {a} It has clearly sent out 
a very chilling message to every white voter in America that teh only weapon he 
or she has in defence of this racism is a vote, for this campaign and election 
has today been clearly defined by teh Obama campaign that it is a campaign 
about race. But {b} it has shown how the Obama campaign is not a serious 
campaign for if it was a serious campaign, Powell should hvae endorsed Obama 
two to three weeks ago to create a time for the campaign to defend the 
reactions of the population, today it si late they can not respond to those 
critcisms. When you look closely at a Wellesley street
In the very many years I have followed the politics of North America, there is 
no single very high member in an administration that has decided to endorse a 
leader of an opposition party, until when it has reached  point that the 
candidate is black. Collin  Powell is the first to do such. And let me be very 
clear, Powell has a right to support any leader he wants, but if he decides to 
support a Democrat, Powell should have taken a stand a week or two and 
denounced being a Republican, then ad only then would have he decided to make 
this stand. Let me add too that Powell made this decision way back, for the 
Communication group knew about it 15 days ago but we refused to post it for we 
did not take Powell to be this stupid. We refused to take the alert seriously. 
And then you wonder. Why is Powell supporting Obama when shy have two different 
policies? Obama voted against teh Iraqi war yt Powell sold it to teh UN, is 
Powell going to stand to shake the
 hands of a campaigning candidate when he will not  support the war? And what 
will happen to the families of the deceased soldiers in all the wars Powell 
supported and commanded? These are people that went to the war for they trusted 
him as a good commander and with principles. How will they feel that their 
leader is resigning?
Last night I watched a program on Cisco Channel where we group of British were 
working in the wildlife of Kenya. And it was so interesting that all Africans 
had to do in that picture is to dance, those that were hired to go and help to 
arrest a Giraffe would do it but as soon as they had wrestled her down the 
camera went on and they saw us a British Doctor working with them and talking 
Luanda. Why can't we run the wild game  but run the entire game? It is because 
we are not trusted. May God help us that Obama gets elected, which I do not 
belive, for if he fails to be elected, you will not want being an American in a 
blue van.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ben Fokum 
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' ; Illinois Cameroonians ; Africanvision Africanvison ; 
Mwananchi Mwananchi 
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 10:17 AM
Subject: [Mwananchi] Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for president

Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for president

By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated 
Press Writer – 15 mins ago

 AP – Former Secretary of State Colin Powell leaves federal court in 
Washington, Friday, Oct. 10, 2008, 

WASHINGTON – Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has endorsed Democrat 
Barack Obama for president, describing the Illinois senator as a 
"transformational figure."
Powell says both Obama and Republican John McCain are qualified to be commander 
in chief. But, in an interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," he said Obama 
is better suited to handle the nation's economic problems as well as help 
improve it's standing in the world.
Powell expressed disappointment in the negative tone of McCain's campaign, as 
well as in his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as the Republican vice 
presidential nominee. Powell says he does not believe Palin is ready to take 
over as president, if necessary._______________________________________________
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