*Dear Brother Onyango-Obbo,

Please thank you very much for this article on Uganda's oil !!
For a time, I have been frustrated with your articles !!  Not this one.
Thank you.

Remember our differences are not personal. We all are struggling for the
best for our country.

As you mention, here is mercenary Tony Buckingham who together with Tiny
Rowland collaborated with the British State and took us through the
meat-grinder that was Luweero, to take over our country.
* *
Now Buckingham and Linda Chalker are walking away with US $ 1.5 billion. A
good investment in Museveni and the NRM out-fit.

Meanwhile our people are starving as you have seen in Teso etc...
I have seen Makerere Univ Professors who can hardly afford secondary school
fees for their children.

And peasants all over the country are in un-imaginable poverty.*
Look. The whole world is being looted under the "privatization" slogan.
Meanwhile here, Canada does not allow any non-Canadian to own more than 10%
of a Bank. A non-Canadian cannot own more than 20% of a TV, Newspaper or a
Radio.  They also make sure that the strategic Energy Sector is State owned
(Ontario Hydro, Quebec Hydro, Manitoba Hydro etc...).

They make sure who-ever wants University Education has access to funding.
Their Universities would be empty if they run them like we do at Makerere.

Both the USA and Canada subsidize their postal services to operate side by
side with FedEX and UPS.

Both the Canadian and British States run 100% of the Health Sector.   And on
and on

So. Again on our oil, let us ask Elly Karuhanga, Bunyenyezi, etc.... why
they sold us to these former soldiers of apartheid South Africa and the
British SAS.

How many millions is Karuhanga's cut from the US $ 1.5 billion.

They may kill some of us just for asking.  But surely many of you will
survive !!

The struggle for our country is not going to be a cakewalk !!

So Charles, we are in this for your children and mine.

Greetings to all,

Mitayo Potosi
Now he is walking away with US $ 1.5 billion.

Meanwhile our people are starving as you have seen in Teso etc... I have
seen Makerere Univ Proffessors who can hardly afford to pay secondary school
fees for their children.

Peasants all over the country are in un-imaginable poverty.

 that it i fo

 *EAR TO THE GROUND* | Charles Onyango


  Why Uganda’s oil is like prostitutes and gamblers
I was quite tickled that Mr Tony Buckingham, the shrewd ex-mercenary  and
chief of  Heritage Oil, is set to make £80million  (Shs240 billion) from
selling its lucrative oil fields in Uganda.

Buckingham has done a deal to flog his company’s oil fields in western
Uganda to Eni of Italy for a cool $1.5 billion.

This story reminded me of what they said about the many Gold Rushes in
America; that the people who made the most money from it were not the miners
who went to mine, but the people who went to mine the miners.

One way to  best understand this is to look at an industry that is very much
on display every night near places like Speke Hotel – prostitution. Contrary
to popular belief, the people who make the most money from prostitution are
not the prostitutes.

First, the policemen they have to bribe so they can leave them alone, make
more than the prostitutes. A prostitute might do business with, say, five
men in a night. Let us, for purposes of example, say each of the men pay
Prostitute X  Shs20,000; that is Shs100,000. Maybe she pays the policeman
Shs15,000 to turn a blind eye.

However, the difference is that while she has only five customers a night,
the policeman has about 20 prostitutes around town bribing him a night. So
he goes home with Shs300,000 a night, but Prostitute X, who is the one who
sells the primary service, goes home with Shs85,000. But she won’t be so
lucky. She has other payments to make; Shs5,000 to the street boy who keeps
a lookout for her, and if she has a pimp, she pays  him Shs15,000. Therefore
she takes home Shs65,000 only.

It is the same with Heritage. It’s making $1.5b not from selling the fields,
but from selling its discovery. It is up to Eni (and Uganda) to try and make
money from the oil, and they face uncertainties that Heritage no longer

Someone will have to sell (and service) the heavy equipment for drilling
oil; to put money to finance the drilling; to sell insurance, name it. All
these fellows will get paid BEFORE Uganda earns a dollar from selling a
barrel of oil. And in the end, they will earn the most money because they
will not be paying the heavy environmental price that comes with the oil

The real secret in making money in natural resources, therefore, is to play
in the transferrable part of the business. An oil well is not movable.
However, money earned from lending to oil companies and financing
infrastructure is highly movable. Heritage Oil can now take its money to
Shanghai, China, and invest in the booming property market there. Our oil
wells, meanwhile, will remain in Bunyoro.
Others have been there before us. I like these subversive websites that like
bringing awkward facts to lights. One of the more user-friendly ones as far
as natural resources, especially gold, is concerned is ozkids.com.

It tells us that when gold was found in California in 1848, thousands rushed
to look for fortune. As they still do more than 250 years in places like DR
Congo and Sierra Leone, the miners of that time searched for flakes of gold,
by sifting soil at the bottom of streams with a shallow pan. After a few
years, the gold was harder to find, and heavy machines moved in. The miners
got their horses and on to the next big find.

Most miners stayed poor (how little things change), because only a few of
them found large amounts of gold. “The people who most often made money on
the gold fields were the merchants who sold supplies to the miners,”
ozkids.com reports. Well after the gold mines of the time have been
forgotten, Levi Straus is still very much in business selling what it sold
to miners then – jeans.

Far far away in Australia, at about the same time gold was found. The miners
flocked in their thousands to the fields hoping to make it big.

It was hell for the miners. They had to pay for a licence before they could
dig. It was backbreaking work and they were not becoming rich. They rioted

However, there were groups of  people who were making it very big. These
were, again, the fellows who came to mine the miners: The merchants who sold
food and equipment to the diggers found business  profitable, many grew very

If there is anything in this, Heritage has taught us a valuable lesson in
the key to making money in oil, and the secret to prosperity. It is a rule
that works almost everywhere else: If you want to make money from a casino,
don’t be the gambler. Be the casino owner.

If you want to win an election (in places like Uganda), don’t vote. Count
the votes.

If you want to be very powerful and make a fortune from the presidency, you
don’t have to be president. The only thing you need is to know el
Presidente. Teach your children this ancient lesson.

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