*Bashir is going to win. Surprisingly he has been the best manager for their
oil wealth.   Nigeria, Angola, Uganda etc.... should learn how to manage oil
wealth from Sudan's President Bashir.

( Hate-mongers among us, the likes of Vukoni, are going to eat theirs hearts
out ).

 It feels nice for once to have a competent African leader.
Sudan’s Growth Buoys a Leader Reviled Elsewhere
April 14, 201

      - Yahoo! 
      - Permalink<http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/world/africa/15sudan.html#>


TABGA, Sudan — From the highway, this farming village looks like yet another
poor, mud-walled settlement baking in the stupefying heat.
  Enlarge This 
Jehad Nga for The New York Times

A Sudanese voter in Tabga waited to be registered on Monday before casting
her ballot. People in Tabga enjoy the fruits of Sudan's economic growth.

   - Times Topics: Omar Hassan

  The houses are low-slung and built from dun-colored bricks, and during the
hot hours of the day, the only earthly creatures brave enough to step
outside are fly-covered donkeys.

But inside the homes, children watch satellite TV. They also have
electricity, water, ceiling fans, DVD players and even air-conditioners — a
small miracle here — wedged into the mud walls.

In the span of a generation, which neatly coincides with the 21 years
President Omar Hassan
been in charge, the people of Tabga, like millions of other Sudanese
certain areas, have become living proof of an economic transformation.

According to the International Monetary
gross domestic product has nearly
Mr. Bashir took power. Much of that growth has happened in the past
decade or so since Sudan began exporting oil, propelling the nation’s
“longest and strongest growth episode since independence” in 1956, a
recent World

As Sudan continues voting this week in the first multiparty election in
decades, it is precisely the fruits of this expansion — more schools, more
roads, more hospitals, more opportunity — that explain why so many voters
are eager to re-elect Mr. Bashir, who is suspected of war crimes and is
often perceived as a villain in the West.

“Why would we vote for change?” asked Kamal Yusuf, one of Tabga’s elders,
sitting on a couch in his brother’s spacious mud house, sipping a cool Pepsi
(with ice). “Our lives are so much better than they used to be.”

Plenty of African countries have experienced similar economic growth in
recent decades. But without hesitation, many Sudanese attribute the
modernity, prosperity and change unfolding around them to the hard work of
one man: Mr. Bashir, who has governed with a tight fist since 1989.

The fact that Mr. Bashir, an army general who seized power in a military
coup, has been charged by the International Criminal
crimes against humanity for what prosecutors say was “an essential
role” in the bloodshed in Darfur does not seem to bother many people in
areas that have benefited from the economic boom. Nor do Mr. Bashir’s
frequent xenophobic diatribes or his history of cozying up to terrorists,
including Osama bin
which has resulted in stiff sanctions.

It is not that Sudanese particularly enjoy his combativeness with the West,
which may play well in other parts of the Muslim world. They just do not
seem to think it is relevant.

“Things here are flourishing,” said Safi Eldin, a sesame exporter.

In other words: it’s the economy, stupid.

Of course, Mr. Bashir remains a highly polarizing figure in some parts of
Sudan, like Darfur in the west, and in the semiautonomous south, which
fought a long war against him.

But here in the agricultural heartland of central Sudan and in Khartoum, the
capital, the vast majority of people interviewed said they would vote for
him. Many recalled with a grimace the late 1980s, when Sudan was plagued by
triple-digit inflation, bread lines and disastrous economic policies — and
governed by some of the same opposition politicians who contested these
elections until they recently dropped out.

“Those other guys had their chance,” said Ibrahim al-Mahi, a teacher.

Wednesday was Day 4 in the voting process, and turnout continued to be
steady in the north and a bit problematic in the south. Earlier in the week,
Sudanese election officials were hit by numerous complaints of missing
ballots and incomplete voters lists, so they extended the election to five
days of voting from three to give everyone in this sprawling country of
nearly one million square miles a chance to vote.

Most analysts expect Mr. Bashir to win handily, though the election will not
be the legitimizing moment that Mr. Bashir, clearly agitated by the
International Criminal Court indictment, seemed to be seeking when he
campaigned so aggressively. The leading opposition figures and many election
observers have complained that he manipulated state news media, the election
rules and even the printing of ballots to ensure he would not lose.

The truth is, though, Mr. Bashir probably could have won without rigging.

For years, Sudan’s political opposition has been disorganized and
poisonously divided, while the party in power, the National Congress Party,
has been unified and professional. It was no surprise that Mr. Bashir
campaigned relentlessly, flying all around Sudan the past several weeks and
spending millions of dollars on slick posters and billboards, ubiquitous on
Khartoum’s arrow-straight thoroughfares.

Rare are pictures of him decked out in his military uniform or like an
Islamic sheik, images he has projected before. Most posters today show him
standing in front of icons of industry: a dam, a factory, a road, a

“For the sake of development and prosperity,” one poster said.

In 1999, in the middle of Mr. Bashir’s years in power, Sudan began pumping
oil, and much of the growth flows from

But Sudan has not squandered this opportunity. Corruption is not a crippling
problem here, as it is in neighboring Kenya, or in the Democratic Republic
of Congo and Nigeria, two African nations blessed with staggering amounts of
resources but suffering from the so-called resource curse. World Bank
executives say Sudan has some of the sharpest economic policy makers on the
continent, who have invested wisely in infrastructure, education and the
country’s agriculture industry.

Of course, wealth here is not evenly shared. Mr. Bashir’s Sudan is a
thoroughly militarized place, and the president’s troops are among the
biggest beneficiaries of the boom, constantly getting new weapons, trucks,
hospitals and other perks.

There are also large sections of the country, especially in southern Sudan
and Darfur, that remain desperately poor and where the well-worn images of
stick-thin children are still true. Around 40 percent of Sudan’s 40 million
people live below the poverty line.

That said, the newfound prosperity is not confined to the office towers
rising from the banks of the Nile in downtown Khartoum. The village of Tabga
is a three-hour drive from the capital, in a paper-flat rural area dominated
by Arab tribes.

Sudan has long been controlled by northern Arabs like Mr. Bashir, but it was
not until the past 10 or 15 years, when Mr. Bashir solidified his authority,
that people here said they tasted something resembling the good life.

Mr. Yusuf, one of the village’s elders, recalled how 20 years ago he used to
drink dirty water from canals, walk miles to the nearest hospital and live
off porridge.

But those days are over.

Tabga, population 800, has its own health clinic, water tower and
electricity meters.

“And my kids,” Mr. Yusuf said proudly, “are going to college.”
     A version of this article appeared in print on April 15, 2010, on page
A4 of the New York edition.
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