Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Playing by the Numbers 

• I think chance is more a fundamental conception than causality; for whether 
in a concrete case, a cause-effect relation holds or not can only be judged by 
applying the laws of chance to the observation.
                      Max Born
• Manche menschen andern sich nie. (Some people will never change)
  Die felten Jahre sind vorbei! (Your days of plenty are numbered)
                    Film, The Edukators 

Probabilities are everywhere and, yet for some evolutionary primordial reasons, 
aided by medieval theology or juju imperatives, we rarely take heed of them in 
our survival enterprises. Why is that? Modern education doesn’t seem to help 
either. Most of us can’t see sense beyond the classical Newtonian physics and 
Euclidian geometry of our education, literally and figuratively.
In Uganda we can holler and bend out of shape but let us be clear about the 
objective: Is it about getting rid of the quarter century ignominious Museveni 
rule? Or is it about indulging in our fancy of one form or another? Either way, 
Moses will have to go to the Mountain by the numbers—the Mountain will not come 
to Moses—prayer or no prayer; juju incantations or no juju incantations. Once 
the objective is clear, we can then work on improving the chances of our 
candidate in the probability distribution scale, and not act crazy after the 

To read more click on title or Odiyatalks below.
Just Be
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