Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is the Idea of a Uganda? http://odiyatalks

 Before one sets out to do anything, one has to have an idea or a concept—even 
in something as mundane as eating or having sex. 

Richard Dawkins coined the word “meme,” as a unit of information that comes to 
mind and can get replicated in other minds. Infected with a meme, an individual 
or a population then behaves in a particular manner. A meme can infiltrate a 
mind subtly and unconsciously or purposely by an agent.
Judging from his staying power and the arithmetic of his followings, it seems 
the Musevenian model—a meme of benevolent military dictatorship—is a viable 
idea for Uganda. This is amidst the cacophony of tribal memes and a recent 
history of bloodshed and instability. However, should stability and some 
measures of economic growth be bought with dictatorship? Is the idea of 
absolute power in the hands of a single person not fraught with abuse of power 
and the dangers of the creation of a dynasty? 

In a neighborhood where a neighbor enacts a law against farting, can we rise 
above ourselves and define an idea that can propel to greatness, or should we 
just muddle along? 

Just Be--Soko.
A Frienship where we can't share why we passionately disagree is not friendship 
worth having--Epstein
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