Gaddafi loyalists capture 17 'foreign mercenaries'
19-Sep-2011 | Reuters
One month after Gaddafi was driven from power, his loyalists are beating
back the interim council's forces

Fugitive ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's loyalists claim they have
captured 17 'mercenaries'.

The claim by Gaddafi spokesman Moussa Ibrahim could not be verified but
comes at a time when the new authorities are facing stark reversals on the
battlefield and in the political arena. Failed attempts to seize the town of
Bani Walid and Gaddafi's home city of Sirte have sent National Transitional
Council fighters fleeing in disarray.

The NTC, still based in the eastern city of Benghazi, has faced questions
about whether it can unify a country deeply divided on tribal and local
lines. A long-promised attempt to set up a more inclusive interim government
fell apart overnight.

"A group was captured in Bani Walid consisting of 17 mercenaries.

"They are technical experts and they include consultative officers," Gaddafi
spokesman Ibrahim said Syria-based Arrai television, which has backed the
ousted leader.

"Most of them are French, one of them is from an Asian country that has not
been identified, two English people and one Qatari."

The French foreign ministry said it had no information about the report. The
British foreign ministry said it was aware of media reports about the
capture of mercenaries but was not able to substantiate them. Qatari
officials were not immediately available for comment.

NATO, which is staging air strikes on Gaddafi loyalist positions, says it
has no troops on the ground in Libya. However, Western nations have sent
special forces in the past, and media have reported that private security
firms have aided anti-Gaddafi forces in training, targeting and with


The interim government's attempts to seize Bani Walid, 150km southeast of
Tripoli have become a debacle, with forces repeatedly surging into the town
only to be driven out by its pro-Gaddafi defenders.

On Monday, NTC forces were unable to approach the northern gate to attack
the town because of heavy gunfire from Gaddafi loyalists.

Fighters said on Sunday that they had planned for tanks and pickup trucks
with anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers to lead an attack, but foot
soldiers had instead piled in first, only to be driven out.

"There is a lack of organization so far. Infantry men are running in all
directions," said Zakaria Tuham, a senior fighter with a Tripoli-based unit.

Some fighters openly disobeyed orders. In one incident, an officer from Bani
Walid was heckled by troops from Tripoli after he tried to order them to
stop randomly shooting in the air as they celebrated seizing a mortar from
Gaddafi forces.

NTC forces and NATO warplanes also attacked Sirte, Gaddafi's birthplace.
Fighters launched rockets from the city's southern entrance and traded fire
with Gaddafi loyalists holed up in a conference center.

"The situation is very dangerous. There are so many snipers and all the
types of weapons you can imagine," said fighter Mohamed Abdullah as rockets
whooshed through the air and black smoke rose above the city.

As in many episodes during Libya's conflict, the front lines at Sirte and
Bani Walid have moved back and forth, with shows of bravado crumbling in the
reality of battle.
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