Ssemuwemba hosts Ugandans and he has the nerve to insult other tribes
i.e. the Langi.

Funny enough even some people one would think are decent Ugandans have
hailed this tribalistic and insulting UAH outfit.

And Gook Akanga, Okello, etc... sees nothing wrong with this, can you imagine?

I refuse to belong to a Mengo-Buganda-centrict UAH that insults  those
of different ethnicity.

Uganda's problem are less Museveni but the stupid so-called educated class.

If Ssemuwemba wants to show us thugs he has his uncle Sulemani
Kiggundu right there!!


On 10/28/12, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <> wrote:
> Abbey Ssemuwemba
> So let us see. Museveni was in TZ where he tried to throw Iddi Amin out of
> power by attacking Uganda in Mutukula, he tried to assassinate Amin in
> Nsambya Police barracks and in the process killed Amin’s body guard, I
> think
> the kid’s name was Musa. While in Tanzania he killed several people that he
> set up by sending them letters to Uganda to be picked up by SRB. Among
> those
> he killed while in TZ is Muhozi’s own mother. He came to Uganda after the
> fall of Amin and created FRONASA an organization that murdered more
> Ugandans
> than any one can imagine, from the Dr Barlow’s to the murders of The
> Doctor’s village to the Odong Nayendas to you name it. When he lost in the
> elections he decided to create the Luwero war in which he created mass
> graves in our district. In his entire life Museveni has never been elected
> into a single constituency. When we had No Lule No Work in Kampala, a Land
> Rover driven by Museveni came to the City Square and he shot into the
> people
> killing them to a point that Katikiro Kavuma died a man on one leg for he
> was among those Museveni shot at city square. We did not loose more people
> for Oyite Ojoke showed up on a second land Rover and instructed him to stop
> shooting in the masses, some of us are alive today thanks to Oyite Ojoke.
> And today you are preaching Museveni as a man that had an opportunity in
> 1986 to change Uganda. Do you have any record on Museveni doing a
> democratic
> thing to leading you that conclusion,  and I need only one to show you that
> he has ever cared about Uganda being a democratic society sir?
> And I am looking for only one to support your hypothesis.
> EM
> On the 49th
>            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Abbey Semuwemba
> Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 8:26 PM
> To:
> Cc:; Kale Kayihura; Prof. Gilbert Bukenya; beti
> kamya
> Subject: {UAH} Dr.Kipenji:Politics of sleep: Why Generation 1986 needs
> another sedating pill
> Dr. Kipenji,
> I wonder what exactly is going on in president Museveni's head when he
> reads
> all this. Honestly, he had a big opportunity in 1986 to change Uganda for
> the better. What happened in between, it's something that leaves a lot of
> us
> scratching our heads. The problem is that i cannot see things turning
> around
> very soon, and he does not want to give anybody a chance to lead our
> country, which is a shame.
> Even the 'politics of sleep' is nolonger selling at all. Just the other
> day,
> Mr.Gilbert Bukenya was lamenting about the night murders in his
> constituency, Kakiiri. Beti Nambooze was lamenting about the same; a day
> before Iddil day- some group of robbers again used ladder and jumped inside
> the fence of my home to steal car spare parts, and they did; the
> headmistress of progress Kajjansi( Lweza) suffered the same fate the same
> day. There is a gang that has been breaking into people's shops around
> Entebbe road areas for the last 2-6 months, but the police has done nothing
> to stop it. Now, i understand the same gang is robbing people's homes
> undetered by anything.
> For the last 3-4 days, there has not been electricity in most parts
> surrounding Kampala yet i understand a new dam was opened up  in Bujagala
> recently. I have also read somewhere in the papers that the government is
> inviting companies to bid for the construction of another dam at Karuma
> falls. But, who is benefiting from all these projects when load shedding
> cannot go away, even around Kampala city?
> The so called UPE and USE is totally a mess as you have seen from the
> pictures posted everyday on this forum. The schools are too ill equiped to
> teach even a bird how to sing. Private schools have taken over to save the
> day!
> The roads are so bad almost everywhere in Uganda such that it will require
> someone really committed to give them a new facelift.
> Generally, everything is just a mess and i cannot see president Museveni
> fixing it, yet he doesnt wanna go and he is growing older every day. Where
> we go from here, i dont know since Mr.Muhoozi is also in the process of
> packing his suitcases to get a permanent residence at State house in the
> near future.
> Bizibu munange
> Abbey
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Owor Kipenji <>
> wrote:
> Commentary
> Politics of sleep: Why Generation 1986 needs another sedating pill
> In Summary
> Unless another sedating pill is manufactured for these youth, they seem to
> have become immune to the ‘at least we sleep’ drugs. NRM/A needs to realise
> that the sleep politics era is gone-it is time for social justice.
> Being a generation ’86 descendant, I expect so many ‘historicals’, the
> generation which saw the ‘old dark days’ to decry this article as hogwash
> from a young man who ‘never saw what we went through’.
> Generation ’86 has grown up accustomed to these habitual speechifying
> stories of the liberation from the ‘old dark days.’ We have been taught
> that
> this country could not have been if it was not for the NRM/NRA of the 27
> brave men that finally ended the ‘brutal rule of the past rulers’. We have
> been told repeatedly to appreciate them by voting them back to national
> offices in every election.
> This mystification of the liberation struggle has taken on higher tones and
> is now clad in the disgusting skin of ‘you owe us for saving you’. Every
> day
> we are reminded (both current and future generations) of the perpetual debt
> we owe to all those that took part in the liberation struggle.
> Akin to other liberation movements elsewhere in Africa, the NRM/NRA also
> governs mainly using the ‘war liberation psychosis.’ Even when seriously
> challenged on matters of accountability, the NRM/NRA stalwarts always seek
> refuge in war-time/liberation rhetoric to circumvent public scrutiny.
> It is humane for one to hold onto that over which he or she has a
> comparative advantage over others, especially if the circumstances are such
> that there is competition and hearts to win over. Using the advantage
> negatively to sweep under the cover legitimate concerns and demands is,
> however, a different issue altogether and dishonest at that.
> The trump card of NRM/NRA as the liberation party is an insurance policy of
> [perceived] legitimacy from the people. The talk of ‘you owe us; we fought’
> has to continue being pumped into the people’s heads. This is an inherited
> legacy of the liberation struggle when everyone was expected to support the
> war, which ushered in and institutionalised conformity and unquestioning
> support.
> Today, elders tell generation ’86 that ‘at least we can sleep.’
> Continuously, Ugandans have developed and taken on this character of
> ‘sleep’
> with blind and unquestioning loyalty, some for survival as allegiance to
> the
> high table can only be guaranteed when you parrot the party position, the
> absurdity of their position notwithstanding. Others have been made to
> believe that government services are privileges that the government can
> take
> away as and when it wishes and not a right, as long as ‘you sleep’!
> Ugandans have been reduced to the minimum agenda kind of life- punctuated
> by
> the sleep they get, which was not available in the past regimes. The
> regime continues to thrive on the threshold of the past regimes that have
> since been decried as the worst ever in the country of Uganda.
> After 26 years in power, the ruling party, which by the way is still locked
> up in liberation movement-militarism mentality, looks backwards, citing
> mistakes of the past regimes as beyond redemption and using them to justify
> what they call their ‘fair record’. They do not strive to be clean, they
> compare their dirtiness with that of their predecessors and take solace in
> the fact that at least they are not so dirty like the past ‘swine’. They
> survive on the fact that the people they lead have gone through so much
> suffering and would not want to go back to the ‘bad old days’.
> But the political terrain is changing. There is a new generation with
> little
> or almost no close association with the liberation stories. This generation
> ’86 wants more from life than sleep! It is seeking prosperity, wants a halt
> on the continued looting in their country, want fairness, equality, access
> to justice.
> Unless another sedating pill is manufactured for these youth, they seem to
> have become immune to the ‘at least we sleep’ drugs. NRM/A needs to realise
> that the sleep politics era is gone-it is time for social justice.
> Mr Nkuubi is a concerned citizen.
> --
> --
> Abbey Kibirige  Semuwemba
> Stalk my blog at:
> Follow me on Twitter:!/semuwemba
> <>
> Join me on Facebook:
> "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort
> and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
> "
> ~ Martin Luther King Jr. ~
> --
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