Ian Carter


Sorry tot take long to respond to you on this important matter. This bill is a 
very terrible bill for it stops a government to do the very job it was created 
for and for the very first time Obama by signing it has directly gone after the 
un informed that voted him to second term. Hear me out. 


There are services that you can ever leave to a private sector for private 
sector is about money and not about services, if you for example allow private 
sector to test the quality of water it will never test it to the level you 
require for they want to make money as fast as they so can, so you hand that to 
government that will test water in a huge metropolis as it checks it in the 
small rural area. Post and telecommunication, if you abandon that to a private 
sector the areas that are not busy will not be served for it is not financially 
viable they will be left out and those in rich area  that can manage to pay for 
the phone will get to use the service. A good example is cell phone service, as 
they have started to be opened to private sector, Toronto becomes a good 
example, there are cheap services out there but you take that cell when you 
know that you will not be connected in many  parts when you get out of a city 
like Toronto. And actually not leaving the city, there are suburbs like 
Woodbridge that refused a tower to be built in their area under the NIMBY {Not 
in my back yard}} status, so as the suburb grown many places in wood bridge do 
not get cell service,  some houses do not get service if you live in a basement 
or a lower level apartment, you need to get a service from a larger provider 
who has a tower strong enough to send from a next tower to reach you. Such 
issues can only be solved by a government going in and installing a tower for 
it is the only power full solution to NIMBY. Air craft inspection if done by a 
private sector a manager will instruct the pilot to go another trip to Europe 
although the air craft has a crack in its body, for he is about profit, a  
government inspector will refuse it to run unless the crack is fixed.


What Obama’s bill does is to cut out these inspectors slowly across the board, 
and since all non-thinkers that elected him use these services, a rich man will 
not die on a plane with a crack for jets are fully inspected, it is going to be 
the poor people bundled up 700 together in one cooped up airbus on The Atlantic 
when that crack will get worse. A rich man will have a Callaghan water purifier 
in a New York condo, when the poor one in The Bronx drinks directly out of a 
pipe of an un tested water. And the list of these anomalies is all over the 


But you have used a very good example of “they are using the same idea that 
half of Europe has used“ Yes that is true, but the moment the austerity started 
in Europe, meat inspectors were cut out, and although you now have a complaint 
about Horse meat, you have not yet started on the dead cats you eat, you have 
not started on all road kills that end up in your meat supply let alone dead 
animals of all kinds due to disease. The problem of meat contamination in 
Europe is way larger than you care to believe and very rightly so because when 
you think about it this man that is taxed highly is being asked to inspect his 
own meat and to sell it to public consumption. Why doesn’t he mix the 10 cows 
with a truck of road kills to feed the rest of society and make some serious 
money? If you buy a hot dog do you really know if half of it is a road kill? 
And who will exactly tell you? The seller that wants to make money? You get  
the service you pay for and what you pay is to eat an inspected meat so grow up 
and simply eat the dead cats. Animal feed has to be changed a month or so 
before harvest,  so that the chemicals get cut down in the meat, but that 
change of food is very expensive, when you look at jurisdictions without 
inspectors, that change is not done and the chemicals end up on your table for 
you are a poor community, results is 5 year old girls getting periods. And you 
think what markets sell it? Yes The Bronx.


“I still don’t see why it bothers you since you live in Canada” No it actually 
affects me for Air Canada flies into and through United States, will our air 
crafts be inspected before they take off? What kind of fuel will they put in? A 
fuel with 1/4 tank water or inspected fuel? Our food supplies is inspected on 
both sides, the Listeria problem we had from a British Columbia plant was 
detected by American inspectors, for it gets inspected here and then in United 
States. We pulled it off the market for Americans found it, and now Mr. Obama 
needs them out. It simply amazes me how people fail to release how these 
countries are intertwined, so the question you live in Canada is very 
irrelevant. Our airlines read the weather radar many times from United States, 
these are the people the bill is targeting, how will we be sure on how to fly? 
There are emergency landings that we exchange, there are places in Canada that 
use American fire fighters, in fact in places like in Manitoba and Quebec 
provinces, there are fire fighters that fight fires in American cities where it 
is cost effective for Canada to stop the fire than Americans building fire 
stations. Some of these town have a boarder only marked by a line you will 
never even see, so the question of you live in Canada make me laugh. The power 
I use in my building comes off a grid that runs from Quebec through Ontario to 
down United States many states then back, a very reason it is called a grid, if 
the Americans fire or lay off the inspectors we will shut down here. The last 
major black out we had the fault was in an America computer. And you will not 
see  these effects fast enough for it is going to bite slowly till when you 
will get 500 poor people dead in one incident they you realize that Obama went 
after those that reelected him sir. 


You have a situation where you do not know what will be hit when where or how, 
just stay tuned with your will hand written.  Geez !!!!!!


On the 49th


           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: zims...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:zims...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of ian 
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:00 PM
To: zims...@yahoogroups.com
EVER SIGN {And as Canadians as usual we need to take measures to self protect 
from this stupidity}



I fail to see why it is stupid, they are using the same idea that half of 
europe has used and I still dont see why it bothers you since you live in 
Canada thats what its aboot


From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca>
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com; uganda...@yahoogroups.com; G_NET 
<ugandanet@kym.net>; mwanan...@yahoogroups.com; 
panafricanistfo...@yahoogroups.com; zims...@yahoogroups.com; 
camnetwo...@yahoogroups.com; congokin-trib...@yahoogroupes.fr; 
rwanda...@yahoogroups.com; rwanda-...@yahoogroups.com; 
rwanda_revolut...@yahoogroups.com; great-la...@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, 3 March 2013, 7:49
SIGN {And as Canadians as usual we need to take measures to self protect from 
this stupidity}


Obama signs sequester bill

Published time: March 02, 2013 05:39

Austerity has hit the United States as President Barack Obama signed into law a 
directive ushering in significant cuts to federal agencies' budgets and 
triggering the sequester that has been debated in Washington during the last 
several weeks.

In the White House on Friday, President Obama inked his name to the order, and 
with it signed off on automatic budget cuts that the country's political class 
say will save the United States over $1 trillion over the course of the next 
decade. In doing so, though, $85 billion will be erased from this year’s budget 
and a number of government departments will see their funding slashed 

Through the sequester deal, roughly half of all cuts will be imposed on the 
Pentagon, drastically reducing funding for America’s defense. While uniformed 
personnel are protected from the directive, civilian employees and contractors 
across the world will be faced with layoffs and furloughs. The Department of 
Defense has already published a plan explaining who exactly will be impacted, 
and at its worst it could mean roughly $500 billion dollars cut from the 
Pentagon during the next decade.

The second half of all cuts triggered by the sequester will be implemented on 
domestic non-military spending. While crucially important programs like Social 
Security are exempt from the changes, practically all federal departments and 
agencies will face some degree of slashed funding. The Departments of 
Education, Agriculture and dozens of other agencies will see serious changes 
during the coming days, weeks, months and years. Many have already announced 
that the order will bring dire consequences. The Department of Transportation, 
for example, has warned that budget cuts might affect its ability to control 
air traffic; cuts to the Department of Homeland Security will mean longer lines 
at international borders and airports due to personnel layoffs. Rollbacks on 
education are expected to cause as many as 40,000 jobs to disappear nationwide, 
and more than half of a million women and children across the US will no longer 
have access to food aid due to reductions in the Women, Infants and Children 

With the sequester deal essentially effecting each sector and every US resident 
alike, lawmakers in Washington have hoped to find another solution for solving 
the country’s ever-increasing economic woes. During an address from the White 
House Friday morning, though, Obama blamed Congress for not being able to 
prevent the cuts.

“What I can’t do is force Congress to do the right thing,” said the president. 
“The American people may have the capacity to do that, but in the absence of a 
decision on the part of the speaker of the House and others . . . we are going 
to have these cuts in place.”

The Obama administration has come under fire as of late for blaming the 
sequester deal on House Republicans. “The sequester is not something that I've 
proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed,” the president said last 
year. By some reports, though, the budget cuts were brought to the table by 
White House officials during the president’s first term in office. A bipartisan 
commission chaired by former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyoming) and former Clinton 
White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles offered a way to cut America’s 
ever-growing deficit. Under this proposal, Congress and the president would 
have to both raise taxes and cut spending across the board. Knowing that 
neither party was willing to agree on these measures, lawmakers and Obama 
agreed on a law that would trigger automatic cuts beginning March 1, 2013, 
unless a deal could not otherwise be reached. Back then, it was seen as a sword 
of Damocles that would prompt action from either party.

“Nobody who ‘agreed’ to sequestration actually wanted it to happen,” reports 
Molly Ball of The Atlantic. “The supercommittee was supposed to forge the deal 
that Obama and House Speaker John Boehner could not in their July 2011 
debt-ceiling talks. It was this hypothetical future deficit reduction that got 
Republicans, grudgingly, to agree to raise the debt limit,” she says.

As time passed, though, the lawmakers that agreed to make the sequester an 
option stopped searching for other solutions. A failure to find a compromise 
between lawmakers on the Hill left the spending cuts scheduled for March 1 
inevitable, and as the clock wound down on Friday the only option left was to 
slash the budget.

“In the end, nobody could agree, and nobody took the deadline very seriously 
anyway,” adds Ball.

While the sequester officially starts today following President Obama’s 
signature on the directive, most government agencies won’t feel the pinch until 
later in the year. Many departments have already published their plans for 
handling the crisis, including outlines of how spending will be conducted 
during the coming months. But with funds drying up quickly and a further deal 
reversing the sequestering uncertain, the impact of the cuts are likely to only 
increase over time.


           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"



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