*Who is Eddie Cross?*

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca>wrote:

> Mitayo Potosi****
> ** **
> Now you are a white racist. Just on record that you get informed, Mr.
> Eddie Cross is a white MP of Zimbabwe.      There you go !!!!!!!****
> ** **
> EM
> On the 49th****
> ** **
> ** **
>            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> ****
> ** **
> *From:* zims...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:zims...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *EG Cross
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:28 AM
> *To:* mwanan...@yahoogroups.com; Zimsite
> *Subject:* [zimsite] RE: [Mwananchi] FW: [Ugnet] SUSAN RICE YOU GOT MAIL
> DARLING !!!!****
> ** **
>   ****
> This is absolute nonsense – Susan Rice is one of the most outstanding
> members of the Obama administration. Tough, principled and completely
> dedicated. Who writes this sort of rubbish? White racists? No people of
> colour who should know better and who should be celebrating that at last
> there are no limits to what people of colour can aspire to in the new world
> we live in after centuries of racism and ostracism.****
>  ****
> Eddie Cross****
>  ****
> *From:* mwanan...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:mwanan...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Herrn Edward Mulindwa
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:45 AM
> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> *Cc:* mwanan...@yahoogroups.com; camnetwo...@yahoogroups.com;
> zims...@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* [Mwananchi] FW: [Ugnet] SUSAN RICE YOU GOT MAIL DARLING !!!!
> [1 Attachment]****
>  ****
>   ****
> *[Attachment(s) <#13f3be9ed4e24b3b_TopText> from Herrn Edward Mulindwa
> included below]* ****
> *From:* ugandanet-boun...@kym.net [mailto:ugandanet-boun...@kym.net] *On
> Behalf Of *Mitayo Potosi
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:12 PM
> *To:* The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
> *Cc:* paul mokwele; yolisa
> *Subject:* Re: [Ugnet] SUSAN RICE YOU GOT MAIL DARLING !!!!****
>  ****
> This article on Suzan Rice's assassination of our beloved Pan-Africanist,
> Moshod Abiola, is from a post I wish one could ask the following: ****
> "The Chief Justice Oputa Truth And Reconciliation Report"  that *officially
> details* this assassination of Pan-Africanist Moshod Abiola by Suzan
> Rice, was on the Computer Database for the Arch ives of the Nigerian
> Government.****
> About ten years ago the report was purged from these Computers.****
> I had looked for it to warn our own Anne Mugisha who was deliriously in
> infatuation with this Susan Rice assassin.****
> Since what the report is detailing are the facts, and in the open, one can
> see why the reach of  Suzan Rice had to purge all the incriminating
> testimony, especially damning ones from Former President Mustapha,s  Aide
> de Camp. ****
> Under what circumstances was it purged, I wonder?****
> At UN Obama has replaced Suzan Rice by Samantha Power, the  Zionist killer
> woman; the one who ‘put’ the knife in the ass of Gaddaffi; and one who
> claims to "passionately believes that the U.S. can do a lot more to stop
> mass atrocities around the world".****
> Those African leaders that truly stand for Africa, watch out****
> N.B. [ Spread the article far and wide, and keep a copy for your archives.
> Every day fascists are purging every copy out of the reach of our people.]
> ****
> Mitayo Potosi****
>  ****
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca>
> wrote:****
> *From:* mwanan...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:mwanan...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *James Chikonamombe
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:22 PM
> *To:* mwanan...@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* [Mwananchi] susan rice and motive for MKO's murder****
>  ****
>   ****
>  Until recently, an American powerful lady, Susan Rice was the United
> States Ambassador to the United Nations.
> The US President, Barak Obama has recently nominated her for the position
> of the National Security Advisor.
> I wish Rice well in her new assignment but I am constrained to ask the
> following questions: What did she put in the tea that she served to Chief
> M.K.O. Abiola on July 8, 1998 just before he died?
> She was one of the last people who saw Abiola alive. She was said to have
> served him some tea, after which he reportedly coughed violently and one
> hour later, dropped dead.
> What was in the tea? Was it Abuja ”green tea”, Darjeeling, Earl Grey,
> Lipton or some other more exotic brand?
> Can someone please ask Rice what her role was in the death of Abiola? Who
> sent her to do the job and who was she working for? As of that time, she
> was Assistant Secretary of State for America in President Bill Clinton’s
> government. Was she acting on his direct instructions or simply on the
> instructions of her boss and controller in Langley?
> Abiola was the winner of Nigeria’s freest and fairest election. That
> election took place on June 12, 1993. The election was annulled by Gen.
> Ibrahim Babangida.
> Shortly after that, as a consequence of the sheer outrage that was
> generated by the annulment, Babangida was compelle d to ”step aside” and
> hand over power to Chief Ernest Shonekan.
> In what was clearly a strategic maneuver, he left Gen. Sani Abacha (his
> own Chief of Army Staff) behind to be the Minister of Defence for the
> incoming administration.
> A few months later Abacha toppled the Interim National Government of Chief
> Ernest Shonekan which he had served and seized power for himself.
> Abiola was arrested and detained. He was never granted his freedom again.
> Four years later Abacha himself was murdered by forces that are yet to be
> identified and General Abdulsalami Abubakar took power. Exactly 30 days
> after Abacha was killed, those same forces that killed him murdered Abiola
> as well in an attempt to ”balance the equation.”
> These are the facts and sequence of events.
> One thing is self-evident and cannot be denied no matter which side of the
> divide one may have been on in the June 12 saga-certain questions must be
> answered.
> And some of those qu estions are as follows: Who killed Abiola? Who killed
> Sani Abacha? What role, if any, did officials of the Abubakar
> administration play in the murder of both men? What role did the CIA play
> and exactly what transpired in the room when Rice, Ambassador Thomas
> Pickering and two other faceless and nameless officials from the American
> Embassy met with Abiola on the very day that he was meant to have been
> “released.” Sadly, instead of being released on that day, he dropped dead
> in what can only be described as mysterious and questionable circumstances.
> This is all the more so because Abiola’s security officer and the man that
> was charged with looking after him and protecting him throughout the time
> that he was incarcerated (ASP Zadok) told the Oputa panel in 2002 that
> Abiola was ”hale and hearty” and in ”very high spirits” just before going
> into the meeting with the Americans.
> He went further by telling the panel that as he was abo ut to enter Aguda
> House (the premises where the meeting was scheduled to be held) with Abiola
> he was asked to leave his principal, to step out of the premises and to go
> and pick up another car from somewhere else by one of General Abdulsalami’s
> security officers.
> He promptly obeyed the order but half an hour later when he came back he
> found Abiola in a terrible condition, coughing violently, writhing all over
> the floor in pain and breathing his last breath. Thirty minutes later he
> gave up the ghost.
> Another question that needs to be answered is the one that the veteran
> journalist and respected columnist, Mr. Gbolabo Ogunsanwo, has dubbed as
> “the question of the missing one hour." Permit me to explain. According to
> the testimony that was given to the Oputa Panel by Major Hamza Al Mustapha,
> who was Abacha’s Chief Security Officer, from the first day that Abiola was
> arrested right up until the day that he was murdered, he (Al Mustapha) was
> in charg e of his (Abiola’s) security. Each time Abiola was moved from one
> safe house to another, he had to sign for it. Each time Abiola ate his food
> or drank anything, his men tasted and drank it before-hand. He went as far
> as to say that each time Abiola went to the toilet he was made aware of it
> and that nothing happened around Abiola or to him without his direct
> permission and the involvement of his most loyal men.
> After Abacha was murdered and Abdulsalami Abubakar became Head of State,
> Al Mustapha was still in charge of Abiola’s security and he still
> maintained direct responsibility for his life, his well-being and his
> welfare right up until the minute that he was murdered.
> When Mustapha appeared before the Oputa Panel, he exposed the fact that in
> the entire period of four years that he and his team watched over Abiola,
> it was only in the one hour that he was killed that they had no knowledge
> or control of what was happening to or around him.
> According to him, Abiola was removed from the guest house that he had been
> staying without his (Al Mustapha’s) signature or knowledge and without
> anyone seeking his permission.
> Simply put, he was kept in the dark about the whole thing. Secret orders
> were given to keep him out of the loop, to take Abiola to a destination
> which he knew nothing about and to ensure that none of the usual trusted
> food tasters and minders was with him. The only person that accompanied
> Abiola from the old guard of those that had watched over him for the
> previous four years was Zadok and when they arrived at Aguda House (the
> venue of the meeting), he was reportedly conveniently sent on a meaningless
> errand by Abubakar’s Chief Security Officer and told to leave.
> Hence, for the first time in four years, Abiola was left completely on his
> own and he was surrounded by a coterie of strange faces who had no genuine
> affection or empathy for him. He was with them for one hour and during that
> period, not one of those that had watched over him, that had secured his
> safety and that he had grown familiar with him over the entire four-year
> period of his incarceration, was with him.
> It was during that ”missing hour”, when he was all alone and very
> vulnerable, that he was poisoned.
> Given these circumstances I have no doubt that this was a case of
> premeditated murder but the question is whose call was it and why did it
> have to happen? What was the motive?
> Was it done just to ”balance the equation” as some said at the time or was
> it done in an attempt to pave the way for an Obasanjo Presidency one year
> later?
> Could Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo have been released from jail and elected
> President if Abiola had lived and if he had insisted on claiming his
> mandate? The Nigerian people have a right to know the truth and it is high
> time that those that have wielded power in this country for the last few
> decades told them.
> The powers that be must app reciate the fact that they cannot sweep things
> under the carpet forever and that one day, no matter how long it takes,
> they will be held accountable by God and the Nigerian people for the
> morbid, secret and oftentimes homicidal choices and decisions that they
> made.****
>  ****
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