The new Wild West

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Thursday, 04 July 2013 00:00

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[image: Description:]*Graham
Dancing to the tune of their corporate benefactors, governments of the
ruling G8 countries are enacting complex agriculture agreements delivering
large tracts of prime cut African soil into the portfolios of their
multinational bedmates.

Desperate for foreign investment, countries throughout Africa are at the
mercy of their new colonial masters - national and international
agrochemical corporations, fighting for land, water and control of the
world’s food supplies. Driven overwhelmingly by self-interest and profit,
the current crop of “investors” differs little from their colonial

The means may have changed, but the aim - to rape and pillage, no matter
the sincere sounding rhetoric, remains more or less the same.
Regarded by her northern guides as agriculturally under-performing,
Sub-Saharan Africa is seen The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) [i]
relate, as a “new frontier”, a place to “make profits, with an eye on land,
food and biofuels in particular”.

Africa, then, is the new Wild West; smallholder farmers and indigenous
people are the natives Indians, the multi nationals and their
democratically elected representatives - or salesmen - the settlers.

Various initiatives offering what is, indisputably much needed “support and
investment” are flowing north to south. Key among these is the New Alliance
for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa, designed by the governments of
the eight richest economies, for some of the poorest countries in the
world. The New Alliance was born out of the G8 summit in May 2012 at Camp
David and, according to, War on Want (WoW) [ii], “has been modelled on the
‘new vision’ of private investment in agriculture developed by management
consultants McKinsey in conjunction with the ABCD group of leading grain
traders (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) and other multinational
agribusiness companies.”

[ibid] It has been written in honourable terms to sit comfortably within
the Africa Union’s Comprehensive African Agricultural Development
Programme, bestowing an aura of international credibility.

*The New Alliance . . . in land and seed appropriation*

At first glance, The New Alliance, with its altruistically-gilded aims,
appears to be a worthy development. Who among us could argue with the
intention as reported by the United Nations [iii], to “achieve sustained
and inclusive agricultural growth and raise 50 million people out of
poverty over the next 10 years”.

The means to achieving this noble quest however, are skewed, ignoring the
rights and needs of small-holder farmers and the wishes of local people -
who are not consulted during the heady negotiations with government
officials local and national, and the multi zillion dollar corporations who
are swarming to buy their ancestral land.

Alliance contracts and deals-done favour wealthy investors, revealing the
underlying, unjust G8 initiatives objective, to “open up African
agriculture to multinational agribusiness companies by means of national
“co-operation frameworks” between African governments, donors and private
sector investors”, WoW report.

Poverty reduction (the principle stated aim of the Alliance), will be
achieved we are told, not by rational methods of sharing and
re-distribution, but Usaid [iv] 18/05/2012 reveal, by “aligning the
commitments of Africa’s leadership to drive effective country plans and
policies for food security”.

“Plans and policies”, drafted no doubt in the hallowed meeting rooms of
those driving the “New Alliance”: the G8 governments and their cohorts
including The World Bank and, pulling the policy strings, the agriculture
companies sitting behind them, nestling alongside the pharmaceutical giants
and the arms of industry magnates. With African governments anxious to eat
at the head table, or at least be invited into the cocktail chamber they
have little choice but to sign up to such unbalanced “plans and policies”.

To date, nine African countries (from a continent of 54 nation states),
have committed to The New Alliance. First to sign up were, Tanzania, Ghana
and the West’s favoured ally in the region Ethiopia - where wide ranging
human rights violations, including forced displacement and rapes have
reportedly accompanied land sales, and where over 250 000 people in
Gambella have been forced into the Orwellian sounding ‘Villagisation

Then came Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Cote d’Ivoire, followed by Benin,
Malawi, and Nigeria. It is an agreement dripping with strings that promise
to entangle the innocent and uninformed. After “wide-ranging consultations
on land and farming”, with officials from potential partner countries, the
results of which were “ignored in the agreements with the G8”, deals
“between African governments and private companies were facilitated by the
World Economic Forum”, behind, The Guardian report, firmly closed doors.

Conditional to investment promised by The New Alliance, African leaders,
Usaid tell us are “committed” - forced may be a better word - “to refine
[government] policies in order to improve investment opportunities”.

In plain English, African countries are required to, change their trade and
agriculture laws to include ending the free distribution of seeds, relax
the tax system and national export controls and open the doors for profit
repatriation (allowing the money as well as the crops to be exported). In
Mozambique, as elsewhere across the continent, local farmers have been
evicted from their land under land sales agreements, and The Guardian [v]
10/06/2013 report, “is now obliged to write new laws promoting what its
agreement calls ‘partnerships’ of this kind”.

A polluted term, disguising the real relationship between African
governments and the multinational ‘investors’, which is closer to master
and maid than equal collaborators.
The Alliance offers a combination of public and private money to African
countries willing to take the G8 plunge into international
political-economic duplicity, with, ACB relate “the large multinational
seed, fertiliser and agrochemical companies setting the agenda … and
philanthropic institutions (like Agra and others) establishing the
institutional and infrastructural mechanisms to realise this agenda”.

Britain has pledged £395 million of foreign aid whilst, according to the UN
“over 45 local and multinational companies have expressed their intent to
invest over US$3 billion across the agricultural value chain in Grow Africa
countries [a Programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development
established by the African Union in 2003.].” In order to get their hands on
some of the corporations billions however, African nations are required to
“change their seed laws, trade laws and land ownership in order to
prioritise corporate profits over local food needs”, Mozambique e.g. is

The Guardian tell us to “systematically cease distribution of free and
unimproved seeds”, and is drawing up new laws granting intellectual
property rights of seeds, that will “promote private sector investment”. In
other words, laws are being written that allow foreign companies -
“investors” (a word used to mislead and bestow legitimacy) - to grab the
land of their African “partners”, patent their seeds and monopolise their
food markets.

In Ghana, Tanzania and Cote d’Ivoire, similar regulations sit on the table
waiting to be rubber-stamped.
The re-writing of seed laws, along with the fact that these unbalanced
deals allow “big multinational seed, fertiliser and agrochemical companies
such as Yara, Monsanto, Syngenta and Cargill to set the agenda”, is a major
concern expressed by environmental NGOs and campaigners, Reuters [vi]
20/06/2013 report. These are concerns that the initiating G8 governments,
were they at all troubled by the impact of their meddling, should share.

The wide ownership, by a small number of huge agro-chemical companies of
the rights to seeds and fertilisers, is creating, the UN in their report on
the Right to Food [vii], state: “monopoly privileges to plant breeders and
patent-holders through the tools of intellectual property”.

This growing trend, facilitated through the support of the G8 governments
is placing more and more control of the worldwide food supply in their
hands, and is causing, “the poorest farmers [to] become increasingly
dependent on expensive inputs, creating the risk of indebtedness in the
face of unstable incomes.” India is a case in question where farmers
strangled by debt are committing suicide at a rate of two per hour.

*Investment Support Sharing*

African farmers, and civil society along with 25 British campaign groups
including War on Want, Friends of the Earth, The Gaia Foundation and the
World Development Movement, have declared their objections to the New
Alliance and asked that the government withhold the £395 million so
generously pledged by Prime Minister Cameron. The African civil society are
in no doubt that “opening markets and creating space for multinationals to
secure profits lie at the heart of the G8 intervention”, they “recognise the

New Alliance is a poisoned chalice, and they are right to reject it”,
asserts Kirtana Chandrasekaran of Friends of the Earth.
Having made a continental mess of their own countries’ economies, not to
mention the environmental mayhem caused by their neo-liberal economic
policies, it is with unabashed colonial arrogance that the G8 governments
deem to tell African countries what to do with their land and how best to
do it.

Not only do they have no genuine interest in Africa, save what can be
gained from it, but they have “no legitimacy to intervene in matters of
food, hunger and land tenure in Africa or any other part of the world”, as
WoW make clear. The New Alliance, according to David Cameron, is “a great
combination of promoting good governance and helping Africa to feed its

He and the rest of the G8 sitting comfortably club, are, FoE state,
“pretending to be tackling hunger and land grabbing in Africa while backing
a scheme that will ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands of small
farmers”. This new deal is “a pro-corporate assault on African nations”,
providing ‘investment and support‘ opportunities for greedy investors,
looking to further expand their corporate assets with the support of
participating governments obliged to provide a selection box of state

The ending of hunger in sub-Saharan Africa, India and elsewhere, will not
be brought about by allowing large tracts of land to be bought up by
corporations whose only interest is in maximising return on investment.

Far from providing investment and support for the people of Africa, The
Alliance is a mask for exploitation and profiteering: True investment in
Africa is investment in the people of Africa; the smallholder farmers, the
women and children, the communities across the continent. It involves
working collectively, consulting, encouraging participation and crucially

Sharing of knowledge, experience and technology, sharing the natural
resources - the land, food and water, the minerals and other resources
equitably amongst the people of Africa and indeed the wider world. Such
radical, common sense ideas would go a long way to creating not only food
security but harmony, trust and social justice which just might bring about
peace. - *Third World Network Features.*
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