Church rallies behind President

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Friday, 12 July 2013 00:00


*Chinhoyi Bureau*
PRESIDENT Mugabe’s last task is to finalise the distribution of the
country’s natural resources, including land and mineral wealth which is
still in the hands of the imperialist minority and he alone is ordained to
complete the task, Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe President Bishop
Johannes Ndanga has said.

Bishop Ndanga said the President was navigating the prophetic course
pronounced in 1934 by Johanne Masowe when he was 10 years old to lead the
country and marshal it towards reclaiming its heritage.

He said this while addressing a gathering of thousands of followers of the
apostolic faith in Muzvezve at the weekend.
“I would like to declare today that whatever is happening now including
land redistribution and the tenets of the indigenisation and economic
empowerment programme as championed by the President is in line with the
nation’s destiny,” he said.

Turning to the Bible, he said Joshua had to fulfil God’s mandate of taking
the remaining land towards reaching the Promised Land notwithstanding his
He took a swipe at MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai for seeking to subvert
the court ruling on election dates, saying the Constitutional Court of
Zimbabwe is the highest court of appeal and its ruling is final.

Mr Tsvangirai, he said, swore allegiance and agreed to serve loyally the
country under President Mugabe when he took oath in 2009 which bids him to
consult his “boss” before going outside.

“President Mugabe is abiding by the rule of law and ironically the same
quarters that talk about the rule of law are now at the forefront in asking
him (the President) to break it,” said Bishop Ndanga.

“Tsvangirai asked for an extension but he did not ask from his boss
(President Mugabe) for it.”
He said there would be further disintegration of the MDCs after the
elections from the current four using the MDC prefix after a Zanu-PF

Also addressing the same gathering, former Muzvezve constituency MP and
Zanu-PF candidate Mr Peter Haritatos said Zanu-PF was going to win
resoundingly and shame the country’s detractors because its policies were
people centred.

He took a swipe at US president Barack Obama saying the president of a
country cannot discuss the affairs of another country with a senior
“When you visit someone you don’t talk to the gardener when the owner is
around. The President runs the country and that does not change.

“President Mugabe is giving opportunities to all including the minority
groups that were marginalised under the banner of colonialism,” he said.
Cde Haritatos donated a submersible pump, two water storage tanks, 10 taps
and electricity to service the Pentecostal Apostolic Church’s Donain shrine
in Kadoma’s Muzvezve area.

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