The last line reads..........."the only way to get out of a bad dream is to
wake up!".......

*How true!!

or like m7 told us Ugandans....... "If you are stupid you deserve to be

Wise words indeed.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca>wrote:

> *Obama has Blacks Marching Backward*
> kyle August 14, 2013 Op-Ed 
> <http://www.blackpressusa.com/category/op-ed/>Comments Off
> ****
> [image: Description: Raynard Jackson]****
> By Raynard Jackson
> NNPA Columnist****
> As the country and the world begin to focus on the upcoming 50thanniversary 
> of the historic March on Washington, this is a good time to
> revisit the real goals of the March. Of course, it is most remembered for
> Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech. Official, it
> was the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.”****
> As a result of this march and the Selma-to-Montgomery March two years
> later, we now have 42 members the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and our
> first Black president. The march, without question, lead to the passage of
> the Civil Rights Act of 1963, Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair
> Housing Act of 1968.****
> But when you look at the congressional districts represented by these
> members of the CBC, you find the dreamed has turned into a nightmare.
> Examples of this pathology are: Los Angeles, Cleveland, New York City, and
> Detroit, to name a few. Unemployment rates in these cities are above the
> national average for Blacks (7.3), teenage pregnancy is off the charts,
> crime is up, high school dropout rates are climbing.****
> These issues have more to do with ideology more than race. These members
> of Congress are looking for the government to solve these problems, as
> opposed to realizing that it has more to do with a lack of opportunity
> (job, education, etc.).****
> On the national level, President Obama has done even worse. Early in his
> administration, he made it perfectly clear that, “I’m not the president of
> Black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.” With
> that statement, I knew we were in trouble.****
> Black unemployment was 12.7 percent in January 2009 when Obama took
> office. The rate peaked at 16.7 percent in August 2011. Although it fell to
> 12.6 percent in July, its lowest level since 2009, it was still double the
> White rate of 6.6 percent.****
> During George W. Bush’s presidency, Black unemployment peaked at 12.1
> percent in December 2008. No longer can Obama and Democrats blame all the
> negative pathologies facing the Black community on George W. Bush and the
> Republicans. Remember, the Democrats controlled the White House, Senate,
> and the House during Obama’s first two years in office.****
> In January of 2010, a Pew poll showed that the percentage of Blacks who
> thought they were better off than they were five years prior had almost
> doubled since 2007. This same poll showed that Blacks also believed that
> the standard of living gap between Whites and Blacks was shrinking.****
> The only problem with this assessment was that it was not true. Blacks are
> worse off under Obama than any time since WWII. The gap between White and
> Black wealth and income has widened under Obama.****
> Under Obama, White America has 22 times more wealth than Blacks and the
> education gap between White and Black has grown steadily.****
> The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom led to specific legislation
> that any objective observer can point to and measure tangible, positive
> results for the Black community. The march was emotional, but with tangible
> goals in mind.****
> We have the first Black president of the U.S., but yet the Black community
> is far worse off now than under the previous president. Yes, it feels good
> to have a Black president, but it would feel even better if that president
> addressed the unique issues affecting the Black community.****
> I find it really troublesome that the first Black president is presiding
> over the steepest decline in key Black economic indicators since World War
> II.****
> No one can argue against the notion that Blacks have been blinded by their
> emotions when it comes to the diminished quality of life for Blacks under
> Obama.****
> So, in two weeks, as the old line civil rights groups gather to
> commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and
> Freedom; please be mindful of what the speakers have to say. They will
> blame the current plight of Blacks on George W. Bush, Whites, and
> Republicans.****
> They will not blame the president who has presided over the worse economy
> for Blacks in a generation simply because he makes them feel good; and with
> liberalism, intent is always more important than fact. This year’s march
> will turn out to be more like a nightmare; and the only way to get out of a
> bad dream is to wake up!****
> *Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates,
> LLC., a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/government affairs firm. He
> can be reached through his Web site, www.raynardjackson.com. You can also
> follow him on Twitter at raynard1223*.****
> ** **
> ** **
>            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> ****
> ** **
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