Quest for African unity: Mugabe’s unfinished project
September 9, 2013 Opinion &
[image: SADC 

SADC leaders

*Lovemore Ranga Mataire*

The quest for unity has always been a universal sentiment that spurred
nationalistic thought and galvanised people in achieving greater heights.
Sun Yat-Sen is still regarded as the father of the Chinese nation because
of his unshakable belief in unity. Even the Pan-Arabism and
Ba’athistmovements were also ideologically premised on the idea of
unity of the Arab

Closer to our times, the European movement of the World War II period also
carried this view of unity as a central tenet in achieving greater goals.
It is, therefore, no surprise that nationalists like President Mugabe view
unity as the central and undying theme in ensuring that Africans
triumphantly achieve economic development and political autonomy.

Indeed, it is my observation that one of the key issues that have remained
an unfinished project on the conscience of President Mugabe is the
continued fragmentation of African states.

President Mugabe’s exasperation with the lack of African unity was aptly
captured in his speech at a luncheon soon after his inauguration August 23,

In that speech President Mugabe lamented the way people of Africa have lend
themselves to control by Western powers.
“We are no longer strong. We sit with Westerners in their forums to decide
on action against other African countries. We should never do that. But
that happened. When we had an attack on Libya, we had three (African)
countries in the Security Council, which agreed with Western countries that
there should be action taken against Libya under Chapter 7 of the Charter
of the United Nations, which allowed NATO to come and we know what
happened. The situation there is in turmoil.”

Among his audience were former Presidents Kenneth Kaunda, Thabo Mbeki and
Festus Mogae.
With a recognisable tone of frustration, President Mugabe evoked the spirit
of the founding fathers of African Unity whose ethos risked being
completely erased by Western dominion.

So what has gone wrong? What has impinged the dream of a united African
Why has the European Union, which borrowed a lot from the OAU has managed
to speak with one voice when it comes to issues concern security and their
survival and yet Africans have failed to agree even on mundane issues?

Indeed, what has led to the failure to institutionalise a firm, universal
and concrete African unity?
Many hoped that Nkrumah’s speech at the Old Polo Ground in Accra on March
6, 1957 where he announced that “the independence of Ghana is meaningless
unless it is linked with the total liberation of Africa” — was to set the
tone for real substantive unification of all African states but alas this
has remained just a mirage.

Although Nkrumah’s policy and pronouncement led to the creation of
facilities or various sorts for the prosecution of the anti-colonial
struggles with the Bureau of African Affairs in Accra becoming the focal
point of activity in support of the struggles led by people like Joshua
Nkomo (Rhodesia), Felix Moumie (Cameroon), Holden Roberto and Agostinho
Neto (Angola), Eduardo Mondhlane (Mozambique), Milton Obote (Uganda), Sekou
Toure of Guinea and Keita of Mali, the verve diminished following the rift
between the Monrovia and Casablanca groups.

In the words of Kwesi Kwa Prah in: The Wish to unite — The Historical and
Political Context of the Pan-Africanist Movement, “the split between the
Monrovia and the Casablanca groups in 1961 underscored the entrenchment of
divergent interests and different views to the way forward.”

It came as no surprise then that the birth of the Organisation of African
Unity on May 1963 was more of a continental (regional) association than a
federation of states as Nkrumah had envisaged.

In its Charter, the OAU simply expressed the wish to promote unity and
asserted the sovereign equality of all member states and upheld the
non-interference in the internal affairs of member-states.

In other words the genesis of the contradictions that have stalled real
tentative unity among member states must be contextualised within the
framework of notable speeches by two major protagonists of that era.

In his address to the Ghana National Assembly on August 8, 1960 against the
background of the crisis the background of a crisis in the Congo created by
the presence of Belgian troops and the secession of Katanga province,
Nkrumah argued that; “The African struggle for independence and unity must
begin with political union. A loose confederation of economic co-operation
is deceptively time delaying. It is only political union that will ensure
uniformity in our foreign policy protecting the African personality and
presenting Africa as a force important to be reckoned with.”

In that address Nkrumah pointedly highlighted that since the economic
resources of Africa were immense and staggering, it was only through unity
that those resources can be utilised for the progress of the continent and
the happiness of mankind.

On the other hand, speaking as the Prime Minister of the eastern region of
Nigeria and leader of the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroon,
Aziwe said he believed that economic and social integration will enable
Nigeria and its neighbours to bring to pass the United States of Africa.

He said: “It will be capital folly to assume that the hard-bargaining
politicians who passed through the ordeal of victimisation and the crucible
of persecution to win their political independence will easily surrender
their newly won political power in the interest of political leviathan
which is populated by people who are alien to one another in their social
economic relations.”

The differences between the two formed the crux of what has become the bane
of African unity.
While Nkrumah was prophetically correct in calling for an immediate
political union in order for Africans to have some form of “uniformity” in
the conduct of their foreign affairs, Aziwe called for merely economic
co-operation and rather exaggerated as insurmountable ethnic differences
among member states.

Realising that the OAU had become redundant after the Aziwe group had
triumphed as reflected by what later became of the organisation, the
post-liberation leadership led by the then Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi
sought to change the organisation into the African Union.
The aim was to revamp it and re-align it with its founding principles in
line with current dynamics.

While the involvement of South Africa in the initial stages of the AU was
celebrated as a way of curtailing Gaddafi’s mercurial politics, it later
became clear that its involvement was “fatuous,” as it diluted the stamina
of the organisation through the inclusion of such notions as the
“peer-review” of the democratic performance of member states, the nascent
conceptualisation of an African parliament and the back-pedalling on the
principle of non-interference in the affairs of member states.

All these “smuggled” notions though well meaning proved with time that the
parameters of the pursuit of the ideal of African unity had metamorphosed.

Resultantly, the African voice on the international scene has remained
incoherent, inconsistent and largely divided.
Although treated as sovereign states in the councils of the world, the
truth is that most African countries have become “Banana Republics” — only
free and sovereign in name, but effectively dependent on designs and
intentions of Western powers.

Should it then be obvious to every African that the lack of political unity
has been the major cause of economic stagnation in the post-colonial era?
Why then should Africans fail to understand Mugabe when he calls for a
united Africa which will be in a better position to negotiate with all
corners on the basis of equality?

If we are all serious about the need to rescue the unity project from
Afro-pessimists, then we must move away from the idea of African unity
based only on what is called continentalism — the geographical unity of the
whole continent with the colonial states as the building blocks.

Continentalism is fundamentally a geographical or regional unity of African
unity and not the unity of people with commonalities of history and culture.

We need to go back to what Thabo Mbeki said about unity based on our
historical and cultural experience and also include the Diaspora Africans.
Continentalism as a concept of African unity sees African unity in the same
sense as other regional bodies like the organization of the African States
such as the organisation of American States or the Association South East
Asian Nations which don’t see themselves as historical and cultural
entities in the first instances.

So as Africa struggles to confront and deal with myriad problems, it is
time that its leadership must as a matter of survival move away from the
“design of Africa imposed on us by old colonial powers.”
One does not need to be a rocket scientist to realise that a disunited
Africa has no chance of advancement.
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