‘Violent deaths of our people in the hands of various armed groups; arson
perpetrated on mass scale in our land; rape and defilement of our women and
girls; abduction of our young people; forced recruitment of our people into
rebel ranks; the prevalence of a general atmosphere of fear and
disenchantment amongst our people; mass displacement of our people; creation
of protected villages which have become breeding grounds for malnutrition
and deaths resulting from cholera, measles, and preventable diseases amongst
our people; and destruction of our infrastructures and continuous decline in
socio-economic growth.’


Rt. Rev. Macleod Baker Ochola II



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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