Acholi set to seek independence from Uganda


By Nkonge I Kaggwa


Kitgum District Woman MP Beatrice Anywar Atim: “We can no longer accept to
be second class citizens of the country.”


Just a year after celebrations to mark the country’s 50 years of
independence from Great Britain, legislators from the Acholi parliamentary
group have re-embarked on their mission to have Northern parts of the
country become independent from the main republic of Uganda on grounds of
being marginalized. “They should let us create our own country. We are fed
up. Some people think this country belongs to them only,” the legislators

Addressing a press conference in Kampala Tuesday, members of the Acholi
Parliamentary Group (APG) said they are fade up with being part of Uganda.
The members who included the Kitgum woman Member of Parliament (MP) Beatrice
Anywar Atim, Bernard Atiku and Kilak county MP Gilbert Olanya said: “We can
no longer accept to be second class citizens of the country. These people
talk and promise a lot but don’t deliver.”

The APG has often come out to demand for the creation of the Nile Republic
claiming that they have faced lots of problems, especially during the past
20 years of insurgency, saying they can no longer catch up with the rest of
the country. “Uganda needs to be divided. If you come to the northern parts
of the country, sincerely you will see for yourself that the northern part
of Uganda is another country, very poor and much marginalized”, Says Gilbert
Olanya MP.

The trio revealed that their dream to have the north as a separate country
is in progress as they have started collecting signatures. “If somebody
thinks the idea is gone, they are mistaken. We have got two (2) professors
from the United Kingdom making a study from the countries which have broken
away so that we move on the APG claimed. The three legislators were showing
their discontent over the delayed support by government to victims of the
popularly known nodding syndrome. Over 7000 people in the districts of
Kitgum, Gulu, Amoro and Pader are victims of this disease while over 200
have died in the Acholi sub region. Beatrice Anywar MP said the neglect of
the victims of the nodding syndrome is leaving them with no option but to
seek court redress. “We are going to go to court and seek for direction
because government has to answer why it is neglecting our people,” she said.
Anywar noted that the first victim of the nodding syndrome appeared in 1998
but government kept silence until recently when the disease generated into
an epidemic, saying since they came out in public, the Centre for Disease
Control based in Atlanta, Georgia, came out to investigate and gave a report
to government which she claimed the government had deliberately denied he
public to know. “As leaders in the sub-region, we are not happy with the way
government is behaving. We suspect the nodding disease could be effects of
war which was in our areas for so long,” Anyway said.

She went on to say that since they raised an alarm in the public for
assistance, they have received overwhelming support from scientists,
academia and funders who wish to come for their rescue. She appealed to the
government to declare the Acholi region a disaster area so that even other
countries take interest in what is happening in the region.  “This is a very
serious problem. I wonder what the World Health Organization is doing. This
area must be declared a disaster area,” the MP said. She added that if the
funders come, the funds must be given direct to the beneficiaries.

Anywar revealed that several doctors, especially from Canada and the United
Kingdom are set to jet into the country to investigate the real problem
because they keep on receiving conflicting information about the disease.
“Let also our sons of the land come and carry out research and rescue our
people from death so we don’t keep on wondering around. We have many in UK
who can do that work “she said.

The London Evening Post has reliably received information that at list 30
new cases have been reported in Kitgum in a place known as Timangol, an area
where isolation camps have been set up to carter specifically for the
victims. This area is now being shunned as there are no funds to maintain
them. Asked about the new cases, Anywar confirmed that the two cases were
from Kampala, 11 from sub-counties in Kitgum while eight were grandchildren
who were born after the victims of nodding disease were raped by ‘greedy


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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