John McCain WasThe Globalist Point Man In Efforts To Destroy Trump Campaign

Posted on
rts-to-destroy-trump-campaign/> July 13, 2017 by
<> DCWhispers



Evidence is now mounting that Senator John McCain was among the highest
ranking members of a globalist effort to dismantle the then-insurgent Donald
Trump presidential campaign. This evidence points to Mr. McCain’s direct
involvement with foreign agents to do so – the very kind of election
influencing he has repeatedly charged  against POTUS Trump and the Russian

Check out this excerpt from a
ier-ex-spy.html> now breaking report by the Daily Mail:

“…McCain dispatched a ‘trusted emissary’ who flew across the Atlantic to
meet the source of the documents at an airport that the Guardian did not

The aide was instructed to look for a man with a copy of the Financial Times
and that’s how the individuals met, with the source taking McCain’s emissary
back to his house and giving the American a copy of the documents. 

Within 24 hours, the dossier was in Washington, though the contents of the
file couldn’t be verified without an investigation. 

McCain, the Guardian said, was worried that his actions might be interpreted
as revenge for some of the controversial comments Trump made about him –
such as knocking the fact that the longtime senator had been a prisoner of

However, McCain decided to hand over the documents to FBI Director James
Comey on December 9.  

 ‘Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about
their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI,’
McCain said Wednesday in a statement about that matter.”

All of this anti-Trump cloak and dagger machinations were initiated around
the same time of the stunning Brexit vote that had Great Britain withdrawing
from the globalist EU organization – an outcome Donald Trump applauded and
globalists leaders seethed over. It is unlikely the timing is mere

Senator McCain is now claiming his apparent obsession in obtaining the
anti-Trump dossier was purely motivated by concern over American security.


Yeah. Right. Here are the senator’s words last year denouncing the Brexit

“The need for a strong and united Europe is greater than ever. The United
States has long benefited from British leadership in NATO and the EU – for
instance, leading sanctions against Russia, providing vital support to
Afghanistan and Ukraine, and grappling with the refugee crisis fueled by
Vladimir Putin.”

The British contact McCain used to secure the anti-Trump dossier (which has
since been dismissed as a mish-mash of speculative nonsense) was Sir Andrew
Wood, a former British ambassador to Russia during the Tony Blair
administration. Blair is another globalist leader who was dismayed by the
Brexit vote and a staunch anti-Trumper.

Then there is this interesting tidbit from the same Guardian report that
indicates a real dossier on Hillary Clinton was known to be available –
compiled over years by Russian operatives. Unlike Donald Trump, the Clintons
and their associates have benefited from many millions of dollars of support
over the years:

“…At one point the memo suggests Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov
‘controlled’ another dossier containing compromising material on Hillary
Clinton compiled over ‘many years’.”

So consider the fact that Senator McCain, upon hearing of a possible
anti-Trump dossier, immediately dispatched an operative to fly across the
Atlantic to meet with a British operative to obtain the information which he
then handed over to then FBI Director James Comey. (who then likely began
leaking its contents to the press.)



And yet, when Mr. McCain was told of a dossier on Hillary Clinton existed,
one that spanned many years, the senator did nothing. Nor did FBI Director
Comey. Or the media.

Take a big whiff. That’s the smell of a sinking ship overrun with rats.

It appears John McCain was working hand-in-hand with the Obama
administration, the Clinton campaign, media sources, and multiple foreign
operatives to try and destroy the Trump campaign. This same effort has been
ongoing since Donald Trump became POTUS.

That is the real story of the 2016 election. That is the real collusion of a
government that does not want the first true political outsider in
generations to have access to the keys of power in this country.

Donald Trump wasn’t supposed to win – but he did.

The Deep State globalists have been working to silence the voices of
millions of voters ever since.

Don’t let them succeed.

We are all at war.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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