Allan Barigye


Mulindwa.       For now , you and my fellow deplorable have health insurance.   
              ->Allan Barigye


And it is on that very sentence that we need to start a very serious discussion 
sir. It is a discussion that I already held with my daughter the day I bought 
my car. I walked home with a 2014 brand new and red, she screamed on top of her 
voice on how red is for girls and she wants the car. I looked in her face and I 
told her that I was going to drive it for one year, then give it to her if she 
loved it that much. I drove that car for one year, I paid it off and I handed 
her the keys getting a 2015, which I smashed in winter to getting now a 2016. 
She is crying for two things today, {a} The car is too old and I need to drive 
the one you have and you buy a 2017. I drove the car and it is fine only that 
it ate the wheel bearings, and we can replace them at about 1,000 dollars 
Canadian. The car is very fine. This story is very Important for this girl did 
not bother about the costs of running a car, she saw the car she can drive and 
she jumped on the band wagon of crying for it.


Yes it is very true my very dear fried Gook adores ObamaCare because it gets 
the deplorables insured, but what damage does it do to the rest of society? 
Don’t you wonder why Democrats are building their case only on 20 million 
Americans will not be covered? Because ObamaCare was never built as a national 
medical system, ObamaCare was built as a vehicle to go after working Americans, 
and yank as much money as you so can to treat the unemployed. If you have a  
job in United States, Democrats actually do not care how much money you pay to 
get treated, let alone what you are taxed to pay for those that are 
chronically/genetically unemployed. 


Republicans also have decided to protect only the employed people, but many un 
employed are left out. But let me say this too, ObamaCare can never be repaired 
for Obama carefully crafted it not as a single bill, but a collection of 
vehicles to amount to a bill called the ObamaCare. Within those vehicles, there 
are sectors you can never touch, and those you can fire and all whistles will 
blow. There is a Doctor’s side, a pharmaceutical side, the care service side, 
You try to go after all those entities your head will end up spinning. Don’t 
you wonder that Democrats even under Obama failed or refused to care about the 
premiums raising? Yet they knew it !!!!!!!!!! For the record Obamacare started 
to crumble when Democrats were in power, when they even expected Hillary to 
win, yet they could not save it for Obama built it as a collection of vehicles. 
 To put it the other way around, if Obama built the bill to only pay for the 
care of poor people it was never ever going to pass, so he threw in so many 
sweeteners and the Gooks only judge it by looking at one vehicle.


And I am repeating myself here, healthcare is a right, but in being a right it 
must be done in a fair way that working  class does not get murdered. To reach 
that point, you need to write a bill as Americans not as Democrats let alone as 
Republicans but as Americans. Democrats need to understand that all Americans 
need healthcare than only the poor, but Republicans need to realize that poor 
people need it too. President Obama wrote a very terrible bill that simply can 
never survive past 5 years ahead for it is sucking money out of every one, 
trust me in 5 years, the taxes to a working American is going to pass 50% of 
his/her income to pay for the unemployed. What about next ten years down the 
road? The fastest way to solve this problem, is to allow Obamacare travel its 
journey to extinction, for there is no way you will ever convince Gook that the 
plan was built on fallacy/faulty expectations. After it collapses, Americans 
are going to sit on a single table and structure out a plan that is not built 
by a very mad man.


For now raise the taxes again for the working class so that drug addicts get 



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 3:52 PM
To: UAH <>
Subject: RE: {UAH} Edward Mulindwa, happy Tuesday!!!!! This country deserves 
much better than Trump




For now , you and my fellow deplorables have health insurance.


On Jul 18, 2017 2:34 PM, "Herrn Mulindwa Edward" < 
<> > wrote:

Allan Barigye


You have not yet considered the larger problems to come out of this, you 
honestly have not considered them yet for they are going to affect way larger 
than Trump and his family. The price of today you seriously need to factor it 
in, as you continue with spending on wine and celebrations sir.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


<> ] On Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 8:15 AM
To: UAH < 
<> >
Subject: Re: {UAH} Edward Mulindwa, happy Tuesday!!!!! This country deserves 
much better than Trump


Ndugu Ocen.


The ship set sail with the Captain no idea how they are getting to where they 
had an idea that they were going. I even doubt they know where they are going.

Its easier to have your name on buildings, set up online fake universities, run 
a popular TV show than governing as they are learning the hard way.

Says Sen.  Graham to fellow senators : if you think TRUMP has your back, you 
must be naked!!!


On Jul 18, 2017 7:42 AM, < <> > 

President Trump in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington on June 9. 
(Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral 
bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly 
departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion 
— and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get 

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of 
the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is 
suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as 
“fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the 
truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of 
the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He 
dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day 
railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. 
His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its 

We have a president whose eldest son, son-in-law and campaign chairman met with 
emissaries purportedly sent by the Russian government to deliver dirt on 
Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton. Trump claimed on Twitter that “most 
politicians” would have gone to such a meeting, which is another lie. Try to 
find politicians who say they would have attended.

We have a president who fired the director of the FBI for continuing to 
investigate “this Russia thing” — a sophisticated effort by the Russian 
government, according to U.S. intelligence officials, to tip the election in 
Trump’s favor. Will he also try to fire special counsel Robert S. Mueller III? 
If he does, will Congress let him get away with it?

We have a president — was he made in Russia? — who has declared this to be 
“Made in America” week, despite the fact that so many of the retail products 
that bear his name or that of his daughter Ivanka are made in Mexico, China, 
Indonesia and Bangladesh. When asked about this irony by Politico, a White 
House spokeswoman responded, “We’ll get back to you on that.” They won’t.

Trump has broken his promise to help the struggling middle class. After 
pledging health insurance “for everybody,” he supported legislation that would 
strip more than 20 million people of coverage. His approval rating, according 
to a new Post-ABC News poll, has fallen to 36 percent — a historic low for a 
president at this point in his tenure. Yet Trump continues to enjoy strong 
support from self-identified Republicans, whose resentment against liberal 
“elites” he plays like a violin.

His administration is in shambles. Members of his inner circle snipe at one 
another via anonymous quotes to reporters. They compete for the president’s 
favor not by doing their jobs well but by showing a willingness to defend 
anything he says and does, no matter how ridiculous. In the space of a week, 
his surrogates went from “the campaign had no meetings with Russians” to “there 
was a meeting but no collusion” to “collusion is not actually a crime.” One 
wonders how they sleep at night.

Trump presents the world with something new: In place of American leadership, 
there is a vacuum. In keeping with the pattern set at the Group of 20 summit, 
adversaries will try to use Trump’s ignorance to their advantage while allies 
try to nudge him into doing the right thing. The “madman theory” of foreign 
relations can only be employed effectively by a leader who is actually 
steadfast and serious; Trump is neither.

There is no point in looking to Republicans for salvation. House Speaker Paul 
D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) still hope 
to get Trump to sign into law massive cuts in taxes and entitlements. Many 
rank-and-file members fear Trump’s loyal support among the base. The former 
“party of Lincoln” has adopted the moral code of the Oakland Raiders’ late 
owner Al Davis: “Just win, baby.”

So that is what Democrats and independents have to do — win. As long as there 
are pro-Trump majorities in the House and Senate, there will be no real 
congressional oversight and no brake on an out-of-control president’s excesses. 
Incumbency and gerrymandered districts mean that winning anti-Trump majorities 
in 2018 will be difficult. But not impossible.

The Democratic Party needs a plan, a message and a sense of urgency. Trump 
hopes to bully critics into submission, but the country is bigger than this one 
president. And much better.

Read more from Eugene Robinson’s archive, follow him on Twitter or subscribe to 
his updates on Facebook. You can also join him Tuesdays at 1 p.m. for a live 

This country deserves much better than Trump - The Washington Post


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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