

In just begging to be educated by you  minds. What is the danger do Ugandans 
see in extending the age limit of Uganda president? And again I asked this 
question when age became an issue so serious to be included into the Uganda 
constitution. And I ask this question for in honest I fail understanding why 
age is a crisis in Uganda governance. Political power in Uganda is decided 
through a vote, as in many other countries. So a candidate stands under his/her 
political party and gets elected or not elected. Why is it important for 
Ugandans to target the age of a candidate? Are Uganda old people dumn and 
stupid to be in politics? Has Uganda as state, through its magnificent 
educational institutions done a study and found out that old people  cannot 
lead?  Does Uganda political structure at its failure due to the age of the 
current leader?


I kindly need to be educated on this issue before I join a call that is very 
bounding to age discrimination.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Abbey Semuwemba
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2017 3:06 PM
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Subject: {UAH} A letter to USA ambassador in Uganda


July 29th, 2017

The Honorable Ms. Deborah Malac

Ambassador of USA

US Embassy Kampala

Ggaba Road

Kampala Uganda



Dear Honorable Ambassador 


My name is Nathan Span a Uganda-American citizen currently living in Boston 
Massachusetts. Like many concerned citizens of this country Uganda, I am 
writing to express my disappointment in the way, the government of United 
States and other donor partners kept on supporting the regime of president 
Yoweri Museveni, given it Human Rights Records that stands out as a sore thumb.


Honorable ambassador the government of Uganda is preparing to amend the 
constitution of Uganda to remove age limits the last safety valve left, to 
allow president Museveni rule Uganda for life. United States of America has 
been s champion in advocating for human rights and democracy but when it comes 
to Africa specifically Uganda, the United States of America has always stood 
with the oppressor instead of the oppressed.


The silence that is coming from our developmental partners regarding the 
constitutional amendments in Uganda is deafening. US law makers are getting 
ready to put more sanctions on the government of Venezuela if it elects a 
legislative body that creates dictatorship. Is this not a double standard when 
it comes to Uganda?


Recently the government of Uganda carried out an inhuman massacre in Kasese 
where women and children were massacred and our developmental partners looked 
the other way. In 2016, US Human Rights Report from the State Department issued 
a scathing indictment of president Museveni's Human Records.?


Honorable Ambassador, your government criticized the way Museveni's government 
conducted the 2016 elections saying that the elections fell short of 
international standards and were marred by allegations of disenfranchisement 
and voter intimidation, harassment of the opposition, closure of social media 
websites and lack of transparency and independence in the Electoral Commission. 
The State Department specifically mentioned three most serious human rights 
problems in the country which included lack of respect for individual 
integrity, unlawful killings, torture, arbitrary detention, and other abuse of 
suspects and detainees.


Recently a supporter of Honorable Kyagulanyi one Patrick Sande Byamukama had 
his testicles crashed by the police and according to his lawyer Mr. Ladislaus 
Rwakafuzi has taken the government of Uganda to court, for torturing his client.


Honorable Ambassador you gave Ugandans hope when your team did the right thing 
when you stood up and walked out during Museveni's inauguration and many 
Ugandans felt that for once you're on their side but only to be left wondering. 
Uganda-Americans in continental US are taking this opportunity to ask you to 
stand with the people of Uganda in condemning the proposed constitutional 
amendments to lift age limit. Uganda has never seen a peaceful transfer of 
power since its independence in 1962. As Ugandans cannot come to the embassy 
and present their grievances we have decided to do so in this letter. 


We have started collecting signatures in the United Ststes to be presented to 
the US congress in order to bring awareness to the American people concerning 
the pending life presidency in Uganda.




Nathan Span.


Federalist Alliance for Democracy and Development in Uganda (FADDU) <> 


"In tribute to the United Kingdom and the Republic of Uganda, two bastions of 
strength in a world filled with strife, discrimination and terrorism."

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