

This is where we have lost the value of press that has decided to turn its self 
into fake media. CNN decided to peach this issue as a sign of problem into the 
White House, and of course the usual suspects started straight away to swallow. 
Good governance becomes such because it has a critical media, it becomes such 
for it has a critical opposition, it becomes such for it has a smart 
population. When the media decides to become fake, when the opposition 
{Democrats in this case} becomes  an employee union, you end up with a White 
House that makes mistakes, which should have not happened to start with. And 
that is not only in United States but in all administrations and in all 
continents. Let me address two major issues here, the exit of the CEOs and the 
race wars.


Why did the administration bring CEOs to the White House? Can anyone tell me 
the justification of their being allowed to be a part of the White House? For 
you wonder what happened to the ethics here. Why is the president supposed to 
sell off all his interests in the Trump business to run the presidency but 
Kenneth Frazier works into the White House when he is still a CEO of Merck? Why 
should Kushner quit his company due to ethics but Brian Krzanich remains a CEO 
of Intel,  when both work in the same administration? And these questions go to 
that entire class that was brought in. These are leaders of major corporations 
which are on public trade. Did these appointments affect the market value of 
their companies? Did their appointments give their products an upper hand in 
the markets? How did these appointments affect their competitors that are also 
publicly traded? These are questions that should have been asked by CNN at the 
time of their appointment, but CNN failed to ask them for they were going after 
Putin and the investigation. These are questions that should have been asked by 
the Democrats, they failed to ask them for democrats today are a union of 
employees than a political party. The White House ended walking into a tunnel 
of mistakes, ethics breached and the appointments continued. Do you think 
Kenneth Frazier quit his White House appointments for he is pro-race? No he 
cares about his sales and he does not want his shares to drop as all CEOs 
think. I get so disturbed by this kwarakwara moral up right of Americans that 
preach we are clean when they manufacture the most guns in the world.


These appointments should have never happened to start with for the press 
should have gone after them to start with, and democrats should have gone after 
them but both entities lost the ball as they have lost so many of them lately.


There was a very terrible incidence in Charlottesville last weekend where three 
people lost their lives. As the above failure of both the press and the 
Democratic party, Charlottesville is being built as a result of White 
Supremacists. No the fact remains that there has been a massive built of race 
wars in United States, and the last 8 years have exacerbated those wars, for 
president Obama fueled them and because of un employment. Look closely at the 
people that have shot people or drove cars into rallies, they do not live in 
the area, they come from other places, and they are chronically un employed. 
You have so many people that have no jobs, and they have time on their hands, 
they are going to riot every day. How many rioters were abandoning their 
offices to go and attend black lives matter rallies? They were un employed. How 
many people were leaving their offices to sleep in city parks in protest 
against the 1%? They were unemployed. Did David Duke create the Charlottesville 
riots? No they were created by massively un employed people, that have the time 
to torch cars then go home to earn a welfare check.  We have spent months and 
months battling the riots of black lives matter yet I never saw David Duke in 
any of them.


Now what happened to black lives matter? Have blacks stopped to die?  No they 
are actually continuing to die, but the stupidity that Obama had planted 
against the police officers ended with the exit of Obama.  I double dare you to 
take a swing at a police officer today, you will be forced to watch and learn. 
Oh and if you attended a rally that was abusive to the president and torched 
government vehicles, let me whisper into your ear, the department of Justice, 
asked for search warrant and it sent it to all internet providers, they need to 
see the IPS of all that logged on the website that organized that rally, they 
are about 25,000 people, they are going use your IPS address and then get your 
address. They need your name, your social insurance number, your computer 
habits, bank accounts and so on. With time the goons that took over 
Charlottesville are going to be arrested as well, no matter you were white or 
black. They are revising the cameras and arrests are going to start. The press 
and the Democratic party should have not supported the removal of these 
statues, for every white in the history of United States had slaves. Should we 
remove all of them? United Kingdom has many historical statues, but did you 
know that many of those you see especially in London, were actually built in 
places where the King cut off the heads of those that opposed him? Should we 
remove all of them for why bring us bad memories? When you remove General 
Robert Lee’s statue out of a park, how will your grandchildren understand how 
bad he was?


But again is shows why blacks have failed in United States, they fight a 
million wars and win none. President Obama came to power and he found so many 
black in jails, he has left them there only that under his leadership many 
especially in Chicago have died of gun violence. That does not bother blacks 
today they rather go after General Robert Lee’s statue. At the end of the day 
all George Washington statues are going to go down, and United States entire 
history is going to be erased, by people that came as slaves in United States, 
they neither have the African history nor the American history.


What have we become for real  !!!!!!!


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Gook Akanga
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 12:05 AM
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Subject: {UAH} From CNN: From racism to climate change, CEOs keep turning on 


>From racism to climate change, CEOs keep turning on Trump

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