

The eye of Irma passed over Barbuda island yesterday and caused heart
wrenching damage. 90% of the buildings were destroyed. The prime minister
said that the island is simply un inhabitable. Our hearts go out to the
people in Barbuda and the other islands so far hit hard. The wildest thing
is there are three, yes right now three (3) active Atlantic hurricanes in
the same region hitting this week. Irma, Katia and Jose. So right behind
Irma there are two following and very closely. As by this posting, even
though we know that at its speed Irma is going to hit United States on
Saturday/Sunday night, we simply do not know what part of United States it
is going to hit. There is no model up to this posting that knows what part
is going to be attacked.


Because this storm has refused to give any indication where it is going to
hit, Irma remains aiming at Florida, Georgia and Carolina, thus massive
evacuations are underway all through. There are two nuclear reactors that
are in a possibility of danger and they have started to be shut down. There
are parts of Florida where Police is going to be pulled out, thus everyone
must leave, the gas stations are asked to remain open until the governor
instructs them to close, and police is going to escort all gas station
employees as the last evacuation. By Toronto Friday morning, every house in
the lower Florida is by law supposed to be empty for there is not  going to
be a 911 service. Even though we do not know where Irma is planning to hit,
she remains the most powerful hurricane since recording hurricanes started. 


Do not take this storm lightly for she has very bad intentions.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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